JUDr. Mgr. Radek Černoch, Ph.D., Department of the History of the State and Law 1 Roman State and Sources of Law 2 Roman State §Monarchy §Rex, senatus, comitia curiata §Republic §Magistratus cum imperio/potestate •Consul, praetor, questor, censor, aedilis, dictator, tribunus plebis,… §Senatus §Comitia curiata, calata, centuriata, tributa, plebis tributa §Principate+Dominate §Emperor, imperial officers/offices 3 Sources of Law §Formal § §Material § §Cognitive 4 § http://cil.bbaw.de/test06/bilder/datenbank/PH0003944.jpg (only for illustration) 5 Sources of law - overview §Lex duodecim tabularum §Lex x ius §See Gai Inst. 1, 2: acts, plebeian statutes, resolutions of the Senate, imperial enactments, edicts, answers by jurists §Edictum perpetuum Hadriani §Leges §Codex Theodosianus (CTh) §Lex citationis §CIC §Digesta seu Πανδέκται §Codex §Institutiones §Byzantine: Ἐκλογή, βασιλικά § Note: Byzantine Law is mentioned only for illustration, it will not be required for exam. Are There Any Questions? § § § § §… if not, thank You for Your attention 6