PF_PPT pruh+znak_PF_13_gray5+fialovy_RGB Zápatí prezentace Rights in rem RES - things JUDr. Pavel Salák jr., Ph.D. PF_PPT2 PF_PPT_nahled Zápatí prezentace 2 Rights in rem nRelationships to things, where is an obligation of other not to interfere nAbsolute rights – actions erga omnes nDirect rights nTypes nOwnership (dominium, proprietas) nPossession (possessio) nRights to a alien thing (iura in re aliena) n nSecond book of Institutions of Gaius n PF_PPT2 PF_PPT_nahled THINGS - RES nA part of an existing world nAn object of legal relationships nServes to people nNot a free person, not a part of a person, even in case of separation n nBasic distinguishing: nin commercio x extra commercium Zápatí prezentace 3 PF_PPT2 PF_PPT_nahled RES EXTRA COMMERCIUM I. nOwn legislation nPrivate persons can‘t dispose of them, can‘t be an object of a property right nRes divini iuris – things of the Gods‘ law nRes sacrae nCult of the gods - temples nCreation by law or senatusconsultum nRes religiosae nCreation by will of people (graves) nIura sepulchrum, iter ad sepulchrum nRes sanctae nNot belonging to gods, but under their protection – city walls, city gates Zápatí prezentace 4 PF_PPT2 PF_PPT_nahled RES EXTRA COMMERCIUM II. nRes humani iuris nMeant to satisfy people, not an individual person n nRes omnium communes (things belonging to all) nAir, water, sea nEveryone can use them, even gain ownership right to a selected part nRes publicae/populi nStreets, theatres, aquaducts, public buidings, public slaves nBelonging to the Roman people nRes universitatis nBelonging to municipalities, colonies Zápatí prezentace 5 PF_PPT2 PF_PPT_nahled RES IN COMMERCIO – RES IN NOSTRO PATRIMONIO nThings that can be disposed of in private relatioships n nDistinguishing as corporal/incorporal, tangible/intangible, generic/determined individually nA specific thing belongs to more categories nDistinguishing is mainly objective, may be subjective, individualized by the subjects of the relatioship Zápatí prezentace 6 PF_PPT2 PF_PPT_nahled RES CORPORALES X INCORPORALES nCORPORAL nCan be touched (Gai II.13) nLand, slave, gold, silver… nINCORPORAL nCan‘t be touched, rights that can be disposed of (not a property right) nHereditas (inheritance), usufructus, servitutes in rem, debt nInheritance – can be gained through possession within one year, even with land in it – Gai II.54 Zápatí prezentace 7 PF_PPT2 PF_PPT_nahled RES MANCIPI X NEC MANCIPI nThings with a substantial meaning for the Roman society nOwnership can be transferred by a special, formal act (mancipacio, in iure cessio) nStrict enumeration: nLands solo italico, nServitutes in rem to Italian land nBeasts of burden nSlaves nEverything else nOwnership could be transferred informally (traditio), mancipacio and in iure cessio were also possible n Zápatí prezentace 8 PF_PPT2 PF_PPT_nahled RES IMMOBILES X RES MOBILES nImmovables nLand and everything that is connected to it „SUPERFICIES SOLO CEDIT“ n n nMovables nThings that can be moved without damaging their essence n Zápatí prezentace 9 Lex XII Tabularum – fundus x cetera res Gaius – fundus x mobilia (Gai II.42) Justinian – immobilia x mobilia (I.J. II.6.1) PF_PPT2 PF_PPT_nahled RES NON COMPOSITAE X COMPOSITAE nSimple things nOne essence nSlave, statue, rock n nCompound things nMore things, mechanically joined, which make one things without losing their essence – building, ship nBulks – more things, that are still individual – in case of ownership dispute is necessary to prove ownership to all of them (from Iustinian times to half) nSame species (cattle herd) nDifferent things (peculium, hereditas, dos) n Zápatí prezentace 10 PF_PPT2 PF_PPT_nahled Separable X Not Separable nSeparable in reality nSEPARABLE nCan be separated in reality nNot a creation of joint ownership n„Nomina ipso iure sunt divisa“ (debts are divided) – joint liability nINSEPARABLE nLosing value in case of separation (slave, animal) nJoint ownership (joint liability, joint debt n n nSeparable in law nEven a things, which can‘t be separated in reality, can be separated ideally nIdeal share – according to this, participating persons divide yields and take costs nCan be separated in reality by exchange for separable thing(s) nLegally, both corporeal and incorporeal things can be separated, but not servitutes in rem n Zápatí prezentace 11 PF_PPT2 PF_PPT_nahled FUNGIBILES X NON FUNGIBILES (Middle-ages terminology) nSUBSTITUABLES nCan be substituted with another thing of the same quality nCattle, food, money, even new things from serial production n nNON-SUBSTITUABLES nCan‘t be substituted with another thing of the same quality nOriginal x copy of art nIndividualized thing Zápatí prezentace 12 The criteria is objective – usually is a thing given as substituable or as non-substituable, but parties can agree otherwise – in specific legal relatioship, a substituable things can be individualized and non-substituable thing can be seen as designated generically. PF_PPT2 PF_PPT_nahled GENUS X SPECIES (Roman terminology) nDESIGNATED GENERICALLY n„…things, that we measure, weigh, count, as money, vine, oil…“(Gai III.90) nObject of mutuum – returning of the thing of same type, not the same thing n„GENUS PERIRE NON CENSETUR“ - Obligation can‘t be resolved by impossibility to fulfill n nDESIGNATED INDIVIUALLY nThings that have more important individuality nObject of commodatum – returning of the same thing nObligation can be resolved by impossibility to fulfill Zápatí prezentace 13 PF_PPT2 PF_PPT_nahled Quae USU CONSUMUTUR X USU NON CONSUMUTUR nUSABLES nDetermined to be destroyed by using (change of their substance) nFood, money, corn n nUNUSABLES nNot being destroyed by using, their substance is unchanged nFurniture, buildings n nRes quae usu minuuntur (wearing down) nWearing down by using, their value is reduced nClothes, vehicles n Zápatí prezentace 14 PF_PPT2 PF_PPT_nahled FRUCTUS - fruits nFRUCTI NATURALES – natural n nRegularly given fruits of the thing nFruit, grain, youngs of animals, milk x minerals (sand, rock) nNot children of slaves nUntil separated, they‘re part of the main thing n nFRUCTI CIVILES – legal nNot „fruits“ in the strict sense – more like gain from a thing „loco fructuum“ nInterest, rent, work of a slave Zápatí prezentace 15 nIN FRUCTO NON ESSE – (today) benefit nChild of a slave, meat from a domesticated animal, wood from a fruit tree – always belong to the owner of main thing nIncrement – means of gaining property right to a thing belonging to another person, regardless of that persons‘ will, by uniting the thing with mine PF_PPT2 PF_PPT_nahled MAIN AND COLLATERAL THINGS, PARTS, ACCESSORIES nPERTINENTIA - accessories nIndependent thing, meant by the owner to be used with the main thing, can be subject of specific rights nPARS/PORTIO/MEMBRUM REI – close accessories nThings, without which the main thing wouldn‘t be perfect nIndependent things, that share fate with the main thing nEg. Keys, locks, roof tiles in case of a house, or parts of a ship nINSTRUMENTUM – freer accessories nCattle, vehicles, tools in case of a land nDoesn‘t automatically share fate with the main thing, this has to be explicitly announced nPART OF A THING nCant‘t be removed without damaging the main thing nIt‘s not independent and can‘t be an object of specific rights Zápatí prezentace 16 PF_PPT2 PF_PPT_nahled Literature nDostalík, P., Judikatura nejvyššího soudu z pohledu Digest císaře Justiniána na příkladu přírůstku, užitku a plodu. Dostupné z : n Dostalík, P., Několik poznámek o úloze příslušenství věci v soukromém právu. In Naděje právní vědy. Plzeň: 2008. s. 38-46. nHeyrovský, L., Dějiny a systém soukromého práva římského. 4. vydání. Praha, 1910. nKyncl, J., Gaius – učebnice práva ve čtyřech knihách. Plzeň, 2007. nSkřejpek, M., Římské právo soukromé. Systém a instituce. Plzeň, 2011. nSommer, O., Učebnice soukromého práva římského. Díl II. Právo majetkové. Praha, 1935. nVážný, J., Vlastnictví a práva věcná. Soustava práva římského II. díl. Brno, 1937. n Zápatí prezentace 17 pruh+znak_PF_13_gray5+fialovy_RGB PF_PPT P. Salák jr. THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION, HAVE A NICE DAY Zápatí prezentace 18