The Manual for our First Session This is the manual for our first seminar. You will receive such manual for most of our sessions. Your task is to read the texts uploaded in your study materials, and think about possible answers to the questions below. Our aim is not to find some unshakable truths, but get a deeper insight into subjects of international law and be able to discuss about them. This will help us to understand further topics dealt with in our following sessions. Secondly, as there is quite a lot to read, please try to be efficient in your reading and identify the main points, ideas etc. that are of central importance to answer the questions below. Questions: 1. Does a nasciturus enjoy right to life under international law? If so, under what conditions or restrictions? Sources: Vo v. France (ECtHR), pp 1-44; and article 4 Inter-American Convention on Human Rights 2. Does an international investment tribunal have jurisdiction to hear a claim belonging to a partnership (GmbH & Co KG)? What would be decisive factor (s) in considering this issue? Sources: The Wirtgen et al v Czech Republic arbitration award, p. 48-64; D P O’Connell, International Law, p. 1049; Andenas and Wooldridge, Comparative Contract Law, pp 154-167. 3. May non-governmental organizations participate in international judicial proceedings? If so, what is the (non?)sense of their participation therein? Source. The paper by Dinah Sheldon, pp 611-642. The overall number of pages to be read for the seminar: 104. Truly yours, Zdeněk Nový