Marketing for Lawyers Promotion, building image •Eva Tomášková • Promotion lis one of the 4Ps of marketing mix linvolves the process of making a product available for use by a consumer linvolves promotional mix linfluence building of a company image Promotional mix I lAdvertising - Any paid presentation and promotion of ideas, goods, or services by an identified sponsor. lExamples: Radio, television, billboard, direct mail, brochures and catalogs, Web pages, banner ads etc. lYour experiences? l lPersonal Selling - through the use of an oral presentation. lExamples: Sales presentations, sales meetings, samples, and telemarketing. Can be face-to-face or via telephone. lYour experiences? l lSales promotion - marketing communication are employed for a pre-determined, limited time to increase demand of current customers and stimulate new customers. lExamples: Coupons, product samples, rebates, self-liquidating premiums, trade shows etc. lYour experiences? l lPublic relations - Paid stimulation of supply for a product or a company by significant news about it or a favorable presentation of it in the media. lExamples: Newspaper and magazine articles/reports, TVs and radio presentations, speeches, issue advertising, seminars, facebook. lYour experiences? l Promotional mix II lDirect Marketing - sends its message directly to consumers. lExample: catalogue distribution, promotional letters, and street advertising lYour experiences? l lExhibitions - Let potential buyers try the product. Advantage is that businessmen know directly what people see in a product. Opposite, competitors can see exactly what a company is doing. lExample: trade fairs, trade shows or exposition lYour experiences? l lCorporate image - The Image is a crucial point in marketing. If the reputation of a company is bad, consumers are not less willing to buy a product from this company as they would have been, if the company had a good image. lExample: Sponsorship - patronize of a social groups, sponsor hard sick children, patronize some plants or animals, etc. lYour experiences? l Task lWhich kind of promotion can be used for lawyers? lAds lPersonal selling lSales promotion lDirect marketing lPublic relations lExhibitions lCorporate image l l Promotional mix at Lawyers lAllowed: lSelected types of Advertising lSelected types of Public Relations lExhibitions lCorporate image l lProhibited: lSales Promotion lDirect Marketing lPersonal Selling d6205 Advertising I lIncludes: lthe name of a product or service lhow that product or service could benefit the consumer lto persuade potential customers to purchase or lto consume that particular brand. l lGoal: lrepetition of an image or product name in an effort to associate related qualities with the brand in the minds of consumers Instruments of Advertising lTelevision lwith special computer graphics and with a song that listeners soon relate to the product lthe most effective mass-market advertising format with high prices TV advertisements l lRadio advertising lWhile radio has the obvious limitation of being restricted to sound, proponents of radio advertising often cite this as an advantage. l lPress advertising lallows private individuals or companies to purchase a small, narrowly targeted ad for a low fee advertising a product or service. l lOnline advertising lExamples of online advertising include contextual ads that appear on search engine results pages, banner ads l lBillboard advertising llocated in public places which display advertisements to passing pedestrians and motorists l lCelebrities lfocuses upon using celebrity power, fame, money, popularity to gain recognition for their products and promote specific stores or products l Evaluation of advertising lIs the message clear at the first view? lIs advantage of the product (service) clear at the first view? lIs the product (service) ease to identify? lIs the brand (company) ease to identify? Advertising lthe best one for lman lwoman lkid l Advertising and children lKids are among the most sophisticated observers of ads. l lThey can sing the jingles and identify the logos, and they often have strong feelings about products. l lMass media are used not only to sell goods but also ideas l lTypical products with aimed promotion at children and adolescents: lthe makers of toys, sweets, ice cream, breakfast food and sport articles lAdvertising for other products preferably uses media with which they can also reach the next generation of consumers. For example – Cigarettes are used as a fashion accessory and appeal to young women or spots include sporting heroes and smoking through sports sponsorship l lBusiness is interested in children and adolescents because of their buying power and because of their influence on the shopping habits of their parents l Advertising and children lThere are some attempts to restrict advertising directed at children. In Europe, debate is on whether (or how much) advertising to children should be regulated. This debate was appear by a report released by the Kaiser Family Foundation in February 2004 which suggested fast food advertising that targets children was an important factor in the epidemic of childhood obesity in the US. l Task lHow is perceive advertising for children in your country? l lDo you have prohibited advertising for children? Trends in Advertising lmobile and internet advertising grew in the last years l lOlder media advertising saw declines: the most at newspaper and magazines l lAnother significant trend regarding future of advertising is the growing importance of the niche market using niche or targeted ads. l l Sales promotion lincludes: lPrice deal, rebates: lThe price of a popular product is temporarily reduced in order to stimulate other profitable sales lA temporary reduction in the price, such as happy hour lThe packaging offers a consumer a certain percentage more of the product for the same price lOffers a brand at a lower price lConsumers are offered money back if the receipt and barcode are mailed to the producer. l lLoyal Reward Program: lConsumers collect points, or credits for purchases redeem them for rewards lConsumers play an interactive game associated with the promoted product. l lCoupons: lA coupon booklet is inserted into the local newspaper for delivery. lOn checkout the customer is given a coupon based on products purchased. l lGet some presents or products free lE.g. offers a discount on the total dining bill by offering 1 free kids meal with each regular meal purchased. l Direct marketing lDirect marketing is used by small to medium enterprises with limited advertising budgets which do not have a well recognized brand message. l lThe most common form of direct marketing is: ldirect mail - used by advertisers who send paper mail to all postal customers in an area or to all customers on a list ltelemarketing - in which marketers contact consumers by phone le-mail marketing – called as SPAM l l Public relations lPR can be used to build rapport with employees, customers, investors, voters, or the general public. l lTraditional tools include: lpress releases and media kits which are sent out to generate positive press on behalf of the organization lbrochures, newsletters and annual reports lseminars l lNew tools include: linteractive social media, such as blogs or Facebook l lIf a politician or organization can use an apt phrase in relation to an issue in interviews or news releases, the news media will often repeat it verbatim, e.g. culture of life l lPR technique have been documented in many industries, e. g. Coal mining corporations have created environmental groups that contend that increased CO2 emissions and global warming will contribute to plant growth and will be beneficial or tobacco companies have created and funded citizens' groups to advocate for tort reform Task lMake analysis of websites of these law firms: l l l l l l lWhat type of clients (segment) is expressed? lWhat are strengths of the websites? lWhat are weaknesses of the websites? lDo you have any recommendation for improving of websites? l Advantages l lCertifications, 18 fields of law l lDesign, photos, our principles l l16 field of law (services), a lot of news l lLanguages, a lot of other services l lKnowledge in a lot of industries l Weaknesses l lOnly 2 languages, a lot of information – could be unnoticed l l26th floor (AKCCS IN NUMBERS) on websites l lgray colour l l l l lOnly women, short CV l lUnitary long text (profile, key facts) l l l l Websites of law firms lBasic information lLegal expertise (practice areas) lPrice lProfile lContact l lWidespread information lEmotional reason (The interests of our clients are our interests, providing a large portfolio of legal services) lInterests or News from the area of Law (useful links, firm's news) lCertificates (Awards) lPublications lRecent Major Assignments lLanguages lCustomer services (online advice, free parking for clients, unlimited calling, calling 24 hours etc.) lProjects sponsoring (eg. Medicine projects) l l l l l Corporate image I lrefers to how a corporation is perceived lA corporation's image is created by: lcompany lcustomers lcompetitors lmass media ljournalists llabor unions lenvironmental organizations lgovernments lcharitable organizations lcriminal organizations lreligious organizations lpolitical organizations leducational organization l lAn organization needs to talk the same message to all of its stakeholders, in order to transmit coherence, credibility and ethic. If one of these points is broken, the whole community can make this organization disappear. l lCorporate image of a company is creating with its message, combining its vision, values and activities. Corporate image II lCorporate communications is all about managing perceptions and ensuring: lEffective and timely dissemination of information lPositive corporate image lGood relationship with all stakeholders l lHow to improve corporate image: lParticipate on external events (supplier meets, channel partner meetings, etc.) lEnsuring that the company spokesperson is in the public well-known and considered as an authority lPreparation of a company profile: lManaging content of corporate websites lManaging corporate publications - for the external world lManaging print media lEmployee communication (sharing information with employees, building employer pride, managing employee issues, organizing internal events for staff etc.) Task for the next lesson lChoose two websites of law firms in your country and analyze that. l