Democracy is the government of the people, by the people, for the people. Liberal democracy, however, also honours some values which are "not up for discussion", such as protection of minorities, guarantees of individual rights and liberties, plurality of opinions, or the rule of law. Why are these values imposed on the people, without any chance to discuss them? In other words, why is it impossible to change these fundamental values in case the majority requires such a change?
Theory of State
Seminar 2: Liberal and Illiberal Democracy
For our second seminar, please read the famous article by Fareed Zakaria: The Rise of Illiberal Democracy. If you struggle to understand it in English, feel free to compare the original with the Czech translation. Both are available below:
For some background on the topic, you may read the following textbook chapter:
If you wish to write a short essay on this topic, you may do so - I will gladly read it and give you feedback.
Essay question: