MVV56K European Union Law Moot Court

Class 1: Introduction, Mooting Skills, Reading ECJ Case Law

Welcome on board, everyone!

This course aims to prepare you for moot courts in the area of European Union law. It will be a mixture of learning some EU law and discovering various mooting skills and techniques. It will be a combination of writing, talking and listening.

In order to gain your credits, you will have to:

  • attend at least 4 of 6 classes,
  • submit at least 4 of 6 written assignments (i.e. "do the homework"),
  • and participate in the "ČSESP Moot Court" organised by the Czech Society for European and Comparative Law.
    • the case has already been published, see link above;
    • the deadline for written submissions is on Tuesday 15 October;
    • and the national finals are scheduled for Friday 1 November.
This is the preliminary schedule for our six classes:
  • Class 1 (1 Oct): Introduction, mooting skills, reading ECJ case law. Data protection.
  • Class 2 (15 Oct): How to write a perfect submission? - practical workshop.
  • Class 3 (29 Oct): How to be a great pleader? - practical workshop with pleadings.
  • Class 4 (12 Nov): State liability: from Francovich to actually winning some money.
  • Class 5 (26 Nov): tbd
  • Class 6 (10 Dec): tbd

Assignment No.1 (due 30 September 2019, 8pm):

Please read a judgment of the European Court of Justice: C-101/01 Lindqvist. Never mind if you have never read any case law of the ECJ! I have tried to guide you through the judgment by various handwritten notes. Follow them and you'll find your way through :-) Also, if you are struggling with the language, you can compare the English version with the Czech version of the judgment.

After you have read the judgment, please read this letter written by Ms Bodil Lindqvist to her grandson. Imagine that you are this grandson (or granddaughter) and write a response to your grandma. No matter whether you type it or write it by hand, please upload it to our "Odevzdavarna" by the end of this month, i.e. by Monday 30 September, by 8pm at latest, please.

Should you have any questions, email me: .

Looking forward to seeing you all on 1 October! ZV
