PROCEEDINGS IN COURT OF I. INSTANCE CONTENTIOUS AND NON-CONTENTIOUS PROCEEDINGS uAnna Zemandlová u uDepartment of Civil Procedure uFaculty of Law uMasaryk University CONTENTS uLEGISLATION u uCONTENTIOUS PROCEEDINGS IN THE COURT OF I. INSTANCE vCOURSE OF THE PROCEEDINGS vCOMMENCEMENT vPROCEDURAL CONDITIONS vHEARING u uNON – CONTENTIOUS PROCEEDINGS vLEGISLATION vDISTINCTION AND FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES vTYPES u v LEGISLATION uCode of Civil Procedure (No. 99/1963 Coll.) – „CCP“ u uSpecial Proceedings Act (No. 292/2013 Coll.) „SPA“ u uAct on Courts and Judges (No. 6/2002 Coll.) u uAct on Procedure in District and County Courts (No. 90/1995 Coll.) CONTENTIOUS PROCEEDINGS IN THE COURT OF I. INSTANCE COURCE OF THE PROCEEDINGS, COMMENCEMENT, PROCEDURAL CONDITIONS COURSE OF THE PROCEEDINGS 1.ACTION (commencement of the proceedings) → 2.PROCEDURAL CONDITIONS → 3.CORRECTION of action → 4.COMMENT of defendant on action → 5.PREPARING OF HEARING → 6.HEARING → 7.EVIDENCE → 8.DECISION. u u u u u u PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF THE PROCEEDINGS u uSettlement proceedings (settlement of the conflict, agreement approval) - § 67 – 69 CCP uPreliminary measures (temporary regulation of relationships, examination of judgement is endangered) - § 74 – 77a CCP uSecuring of evidence (later cannot be carried out) - § 78 – 78g CCP u u u u COMMENCEMENT OF THE PROCEEDINGS ACTION, GENERAL AND SPECIAL REQUISITES COMMENCEMENT uAction (principle of autonomy/free disposition) u uEssentials v General - § 42 CCP v Special - § 79 (1) CCP u u u u u u u u u ESSENTIALS I uGENERAL u uForm (written: electronic, personally written, by fax) - § 42 (1 – 3) CCP u uContent (§ 42 /4/ CCP) vto which court vby whom vin what matter and for which purpose vdate, signature v • u u u u u ESSENTIALS II uSPECIAL (§ 79 /1/ CCP) vIdentification of the parties: •Name, surname/name/identification of the state body entitled to act on it´s behalf •residence (seat) •(identification number) v(Identification of the representatives) vExplanation of the decisive facts vIdentification of evidence ivoked by plaintiff (must be attached) vSpecification of claim (what is demanded) • u u u u u CORRECTION OF ACTION u Incomplete action (defects, vague) - § 43 CCP uCall for correction (including instructions) u Rejecting u PROCEDURAL CONDITIONS FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES, JUDICIAL SYSTÉM, COURTS HIERARCHY TERMINOLOGY uPROCEDURAL CONDITIONS – formal conditions that must be fulfilled before court considers and decides a case (§ 103 CCP) u uLack of the condition/s → cannot be/has not been removed → discontinuation of the proceedings u u CLASIFICATION I uRELATING TO COURT (§ 104 – 105 CCP) vJurisdiction (court/other authority) vMaterial competence (county/disrtict court, subject matter of the case) vLocal competence (particular court) u uRELATING TO PARTICIPANTS vCapacity •to be a participant (§ 19 CCP) → procedural sucsession • procedural capacity (to act within he proceedings; § 20 CCP) → representation (advocate, guardian) u CLASIFICATION II uNEGATIVE PROCEDURAL CONDITIONS v vPending case with same subject matter vRes iudicata (decision that came into force and that was issued in the same case) u u COURT FEE PREPARATION OF HEARING BASIC FACTS, ARRANGEMENT. BASIC FACTS uX discontinuation uX rejection of action u u→ PREPARATION OF HEARING v which facts are disputed v summary of evidence vshould lead to taking a decision within first (and the only) hearing ARRANGEMENTS uCall for written comment of the defendant (including designation of evidence; § 114a CCP) u uRuling - call for written commment of the defendant under sanction of loosing the case (presumption of admitting the claim; § 114b CCP) → judgement according to this admission u uPreliminary hearing (clarifing: procedural conditions, facts of the case; seeking settlement of a dispute; § 114c CCP) MEASURES FOR EXPEDITING THE PROCEEDINGS BASIC FACTS AND PURPOSE BASIC FACTS AND PURPOSE u Introduced by Act No. 7/2009 amending CCP u Purpose – expediting the proceedings, effectivity, procedural economy u u Limitation of: v Statement of the fundamental facts v Designation of evidence to profof the facts uUntill the end of the first hearing (preliminary hearing) - § 118b CCP HEARING BASIC FACTS THE BASIC FACTS u General rule - hearing takes place in every case (exemptions – agreement of the parties - § 115a CCP) u Hearing is public (exepmtions - § 116 CCP) u Basic rules for course of hearing - § 118 CCP u Clarification of the fundamental facts (matter of fact, matter of dispute) u Carrying out the evidence uAdvice concerning legal qualification of the case, limitations according to § 118a CCP (statement and evidence obligation) u NON - CONTENTIOUS PROCEEDINGS LEGISLATION, DISTINCTION BETWEEN CONTENTIOUS AND NON – CONTENTIOUS PROCEEDINGS, FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES, COMMENCEMENT LEGISLATION u uLex specialis - Act on Special Proceedings (No. 292/2013 Coll.) u uLex generalis (subsidiarity) – Code of Civil Procedure u u DISTINCTION AND FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES u u u uContentious Proceedings u uDispute between two parties vplaintiff vdefendant u uPrinciple of autonomy/ free disposition with action, suit, claim u uNon – Contentious Proceedings uProtection of rights and modification of legal relationships among participants uGroup of participants vapplicant vwho´s rights might be affected vwho is called by the law v DISTINCTION AND FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES u u u uContentious Proceedings u u uEvidence (duty and burden of proof) u uDecision (decalartory) uNon – Contentious Proceedings uCourt intervention (ex offo commencement, investigation of the basic facts, no burden of proof..) u uLimitation of participants´ autonomy u uDecision (termination/changes/establishiment of legal relations) TYPES u uListed in § 2 SPA: vSelected issues concerning legal persons vDetention proceedings vInheritance proceedungs vMarital and registered partnerhis cases vCases concerning minors vAdoptions vEstablishing parenthood vEtc. u u u THANK YOU uANNA.ZEMANDLOVA@LAW.MUNI.CZ