LEGAL REMEDIES, EXECUTION, INSOLVENCY uAnna Zemandlová u uDepartment of Civil Procedure uFaculty of Law uMasaryk University LEGAL REMEDIES LEGISLATION, TYPES OF REMEDIES, ORDINARY AND EXTRAORDINARY LEGAL REMEDIES LEGISLATION uCode on Civil Procedure (No. 99/1963 Coll.) – „CCP“ u uSpcial Proceedings Act (No. 292/2013 Coll.) – „SPA“ u TYPES OF LEGAL REMEDIES uOrdinary (x not final and conclusive decisions of the court of I. instance) vAppeal (§ 201 – 226 CCP) u uExtraordinary (x final and conclusive decisions of court oppeal) vExtraordinary appeal (§ 236 – 243g) vSuit for retrial (§ 228 – 235i CCP) vNullity suit (§ 228 – 235i CCP) u u u ADMISSIBILITY uPRINCIPLE OF UNIVERSALITY: u„The participant may appeal against a decision of the udistrict court or against a decision of the regional court uissued in the first instance proceedings unless it is uexcluded by law.“ uEXCEPTIONS: v§ 202 CCP (+ particular decisions according to SPA) u u EXECUTION LEGISLATION, CONSTITUTIONAL GROUNDS, ESSENTIAL ATTRIBUTES, SYSTEM LEGISLATION uCivil Procedure Act (No. 99/1963 Coll.) u uAct on Non-Contentious Proceedings (No. 292/2013 Coll.) u uExecutions/Enforcement Code (No, 120/2001 Coll.) u uAct No. 119/2001 Coll., on Rules for Simultaneous Executions BASIC FACTS uFair trial principle v„law finding“ (protection of breached/endangered right) venforcability of law (execution) uPetition of entitled person uState authority uDuality of exe proceedings uCourts uexecutors uFunctions vCompensation vSecurity vNot sanction u u ESSENTIAL PRINCIPLES uJudicial power = state power exercised by independents courts (protection of individual rights and interests) u uConsidering and legally binding decision-making in individual cases u uProcedure set by the law (criminal, civil and administrative judicial procedure) u u GROUNDS FOR EXECUTION u Execution title uCRIMINAL JUSTICE (guilt and punishment for criminal offences) uADMNISTRATIVE JUSTICE (protection against administrative decisions/inacion/unlawful interference) uCONSTITUIONAL JUSTICE (protection of constitutionality) u DUALISM OF EXECUTION PROCEEDINGS u Overload of courts u Free choice of creditor u Civil Procedure Code = lex generalis → Execution Act = lex specialis u EXECUTORS u persons of private law authorized to particular activities within execution proceedings u Ministry of Justice and heads of the county courts supervision u u INSOLVATION BASIC FACTS & FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES, LEGISLATION uCivil Procedure Act (No. 99/1963 Coll.) uInsolvency Act (No. 182/2006 Coll.) uAct on Executions/Enforcement Code (No, 120/2001 Coll.) uAct No. 119/2001 Coll., on rules for simultaneous executions uRules of Procedure for County and District Courts (Ministry of Justice Order No. 37/1992 Coll.) uMinisry of Justice Order No. 330/2001 Coll., on reward of executors BASIC FACTS uSpecial collective proceedings in cases of debtor´s inability to fulfill the obligations (bankrupcy) FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES u(lay judges) INDEPENDENCE AND IMPARTIALITY OF COURTS AND JUDGES uJudicial independence is not the private right of judges but the foundation of judicial impartiality and a consttutional right uIndependent judiciary (free from extraneous influence) vArt . 6 ECHR vArt. 81 s 82 of Constitution vArt. 36 of Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms v§ 1 and 79 of the Act No 6/2002 Coll., on Courts, Judges, Lay –judges and the State Administration of Courts u OBJECTIVE CONDITIONS AND GURANTEES uImpartiality ufundamental qualification of a judge and ucore attribute of the judiciary uPersonal qualities (ability to make impartial and independent decisions) uConditions of service and tenure (security of tenure, exclusion of removability/transfer to another court) uSecurity of remuneration uIncompatibility with other (public) functions/activities uAppointment of judges (by president, no time limit) uPublicity of court hearing uDisciplinary liaability u „STATUTORY JUDGE“ PRINCIPLE u„Nobody shall be denied his or her statutory judge. The jurisdiction of the court and the competence of the judge are set by law.“ (Art. 38 /1/ of Charter) uPrevention of external influence uStatutory (transparetnt) rules regarding court and judge selection (composition of panel) uWork time - schedule – method of assignment of cases to judges (each court) JUDICIAL SYSTEM u Supreme Court/Supreme Administrative Court (Brno) u High Courts (Praha, Olomouc) u District Courts (8) u Regional Courts (63) u u Constitutional Court (Brno) CONSTITUTIONAL COURT uJudicial protection of constitutionality (special court system) u15 judges appointed for period of 10 years uStructure - plenum (all judges), four three-member panels uScope of juisdriction - § 87 of Constitution vannulment of statutes/provisions contrary to the constitutional order vannulment of other legal acts/individual provisions contrary to constitutional order or a statute vconstitutional complaints • individuals/legal persons against final decisions /interference of public authorities • representative body of a self-governing region against an unlawful interferebce of the state vjurisdictional disputes between state bodies, state bodies and bodies of self-governing regions, and between bodies of self-governing regions vconstitutional charge brought by the Senate against the president vetc. u SUPREME ADMINISTRATIVE COURT uThe highest judicial authority in matters falling within the competence of administrative courts uChambers (three member, seven/nine member extended chamber, special chamber) uUnity and legality of the case-law of regional courts and administrative authorities ucassation complaint (challenging final decisions of regional courts in matters of administrative justice, against the decisions of regional courts on the measures of a general nature, issues of local and regional referendum) uprotection against inaction uprotection against unlawful interference uelectoral matters (incl. presidential election) uregistration and dissolution of political parties and movements upositive /negative conflicts of competence (administrative authorities and/or territorial or professional self-governing bodies) udisciplinary court (judges, state prosecutors and enforcement agents) COURT HIERARCHY uTwo-instance (three tier) system u uCourt of first instance vRegional court vDistrict court uCourt of appeal vHigh Court vRegional court u SUPREME COURT uThe highest judicial authority in civil and criminal matters (except matters decided by Constitutional and Supreme Administrative Court) uConsistency and legality of decisions uComposition and Structure: vPanels (chairman and two judges) - extraordinary appeal, complaints for the violation of law (criminal cases), recognition and enforcement of decisions issued by foreign courts (if required by a special legal regulation/international agreement) vGrand Panels (min. nine judges of the same division) – legal opinion of a panel is different than expressed in the prior case-law vDivisions (Civil Law and Commercial Division and the Criminal Division) – ensure legality and consistency of decision-making of the courts by adoptiing standopints , selection of judgements and decide on their publication vPlenum (President, Vice-President, Heads of the Divisions, Chairmen of the Panels and other judges of the Supreme Court) – the most important body - adoption of standpoints in the matters of particular kind, issues pertaining to both Divisions , issues disputable between the Divisions HIGH COURTS u2 high courts seated in Brno and Olomouc u uThree-member panels u ucourts of second instance in cases decided at first instance by the regional courts belonging to their areas u u REGIONAL COURTS u7 regional courts and Municipal Court in Prague (three-member panels/single judge) u ucourts of second instance in cases decided at first instance by the district courts belonging to their areas u ucourts of first instance - § 9 (2) of the Civil Procedure Act ( u ucourts of administrative justice (Code of Administration Justice) u u Povinnost mlčenlivosti nemá vůči osobě, kterou pověřuje provedením jednotlivých úkonů, jestliže tato má povinnost sama mlčenlivost zachovávat Zaměstnanci advokáta/společnosti DISTRICT COURTS uArea courts in Prague, Municipal Court in Brno u ucourts of first instance - § 9 (1) of the Civil Procedure Act - general rule u u u COURT ADMINISTRATION uMinistry of Justice of the Czech Republic - central state administrative body for the courts u uAdministratitive activity – directly/by presidents of the courts u uProper function of the judicial system CIVIL PROCEDURE CHARACTERISTIC, TYPES FUNDAMENTAL ATTRIBUTES uthe procedure of court and participants in civil judicial proceedings to assure protection of private rights and lawful interests of the participants u ucourt = independent and impartial decision-making body u uLegally binding (enforcable) decision u u TYPES uContenious proceedings (litigation, adversary) uNon-contentious proceedings (prevention, protection) u uInitial proceedings (court trial) uExecution proceedings u u CIVIL PROCEDURE LAW DEFINITION AND SOURCES DEFINITION uset of rules regulating civil procedure (rights and duties of the participating subjects) u uparticipating subjects – court, parties and other bodies/persons u SOURCES OF CIVIL PROCEDURE LAW u uCivil Procedure Act (No. 99/1963 Coll.) uAct on Non-Contentious Proceedings (No. 292/2013 Coll.) u THANK YOU uANNA.ZEMANDLOVA@LAW.MUNI.CZ