Reading Group
JUDr. Bc. Zuzana Vikarská, MJur, MPhil, Ph.D.
Reading Group
Autumn 2022

Welcome to our Reading Group!

In autumn 2022, we will be reading an evergreen of European Constitutional Law, Joseph Weiler’s “The Constitution of Europe: Do the new clothes have an emperor? and other essays on European integration”. As a student of MUNI, you can find a scanned version of this book in e-loan (e-prezenčka):

Here comes the preliminary syllabus:

19/9     Introduction: “We will do, and hearken”

26/9     The transformation of Europe, parts 1+2

3/10     The transformation of Europe, parts 3+4

10/10   Fundamental rights and fundamental boundaries

17/10   The external legal relations of non-unitary actors

24/10   The least dangerous branch (ECJ)

31/10   Part I: wrap-up and more sources

7/11     The reformation of European constitutionalism

14/11   Fin-de-siecle Europe: do the new clothes have an emperor?

21/11   European democracy and its critics: polity and system

28/11   The autonomy of the Community legal order

5/12     To be a European citizen: Eros and civilization

12/12   Part II: wrap-up and more sources

It is also very likely we will have an online meeting with the author around mid-December to ask him questions and to discuss the book, after we have read it. Details will follow in due time.

Looking forward to reading together!
