Práva na označení podnikatelů v praxi obchodních společností Propagace právníků Eva Tomášková Promotional mix I lAdvertising - Any paid presentation and promotion of ideas, goods, or services by an identified sponsor. lExamples: Radio, television, billboard, direct mail, brochures and catalogs, Web pages, banner ads etc. lYour experience? l lPersonal Selling - through the use of an oral presentation. lExamples: Sales presentations, sales meetings, samples, and telemarketing. Can be face-to-face or via telephone. lYour experience? l lSales promotion - marketing communication are employed for a pre-determined, limited time to increase demand of current customers and stimulate new customers. lExamples: Coupons, product samples, rebates, self-liquidating premiums, trade shows etc. lYour experience? l lPublic relations - Paid stimulation of supply for a product or a company by significant news about it or a favorable presentation of it in the media. lExamples: Newspaper and magazine articles/reports, TVs and radio presentations, speeches, issue advertising, seminars, facebook. lYour experience? l Promotional mix II lDirect Marketing - sends its message directly to consumers. lExample: catalogue distribution, promotional letters, and street advertising lYour experience? l lExhibitions - Let potential buyers try the product. Advantage is that businessmen know directly what people see in a product. Opposite, competitors can see exactly what a company is doing. lExample: trade fairs, trade shows or exposition lYour experience? l lCorporate image - The Image is a crucial point in marketing. If the reputation of a company is bad, consumers are not less willing to buy a product from this company as they would have been, if the company had a good image. lExample: Sponsorship - patronize of a social groups, sponsor hard sick children, patronize some plants or animals, etc. lYour experience? l Task lWhich kind of promotion can be used for lawyers? lAds lPersonal selling lSales promotion lDirect marketing lPublic relations lExhibitions lCorporate image l l Promotional mix at Lawyers in the Czech Republic lAllowed: lSelected types of Advertising lSelected types of Public Relations lExhibitions lCorporate image l lProhibited: lSales Promotion lDirect Marketing lPersonal Selling Trends in Advertising lSocial media, mobile and internet advertising grew in the last years l lOlder media advertising saw declines: the most at newspaper l lAnother significant trend regarding future of advertising is the growing importance of the niche market using niche or targeted ads. l l Promotion - spots l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l Websites of law firms lBasic information lLegal expertise (practice areas) lPrice lProfile lContact l lWidespread information lEmotional reason (The interests of our clients are our interests, providing a large portfolio of legal services) lInterests or News from the area of Law (useful links, firm's news) lCertificates (Awards) lPublications lRecent Major Assignments lLanguages lCustomer services (online advice, free parking for clients, unlimited calling, calling 24 hours etc.) lProjects sponsoring (eg. Medicine projects) l l l l l Task lMake analysis of websites of these law firms: l l l l l lWhat type of clients (segment) is expressed? lWhat are strengths of the websites? lWhat are weaknesses of the websites? lDo you have any recommendation for improving of websites? l Strengths of the websites l lCertifications, 18 fields of law l l16 field of law (services), a lot of news l lLanguages, a lot of other services l lKnowledge in a lot of industries l Weaknesses of the websites l lOnly 2 languages l lgray colour lColour is very important – see (table in the end of the article): l l l lOnly women, short CV l lGray colour l l l l Position analysis lPsychological model lBased on brand perception by customers l lMain presumption: lTo have differences recognizable by customers lCustomers have to place product of a company and products of competitors to the graph lTo know the best position for customers lTo measure differences between ideal position of customers and current position l l+ Clear perception and wishes of customers l- To realize a large research Brand Positioning Example l brand positioning graph Creation of position graph Price Design Individuality Technology Comfort Elementary transport Safety Environment People who searching the lowest prices People who like prestige People who like speeding Udělej si sám Critisc of impact on environment Car = transport People who like technology People who prefer safety People who like comfort People who like design Prestige Position analysis I. Price Design Individuality Prestige Comfort Technology Elementary transport Safety Environment People who searching the lowest prices People who like prestige People who like speeding Udělej si sám Critisc of impact on environment Car = transport People who like comfort People who prefer safety People who like technology People who like design FIAT HONDA OPEL SEAT PEUGEOT FORD MERCEDES VW NISSAN MAZDA ŠKODA AUDI BMW Brand Positioning Example perceptual map for auto industry positioning/ Brand Positioning Example positioning map SL rand-position/ Brand Positioning Example positioning/ Position analysis II. Price high low Specialization rate low high ORGANICS PANTENE EL. VITAL GLISS KUR SCHAUMA TIMOTEI NIVEA GUHL SANDRA ULTRA BEAUTY SCHAMTU GARD Brand I. Brand II. Brand III. Task lCreate position map at lawyers l