01 LOAN AGREEMENT No. 02 - 16/04/2019 concluded between: Mr Josef Čech, date of birth: 1.1.1967, residing at: Prague, Staroměstské nám. 1, Czech Republic, hereinafter referred to as the “Lender”, on the one hand, and ALPHA REAL s.r.o., a company organized and existing under the laws of the Czech Republic, having its principal office at Brno, Veveří 77, 602 00, Business ID: 290 55 130, represented by CFO Mr. Ferdinand Penízek, acting on the basis of the Proxy dated March 4, 2014, hereinafter referred to as the “Borrower”, on the other hand, hereinafter jointly referred to as the “Parties” and separately the “Party”, have entered into this agreement (hereinafter, the “Agreement”) as follows: 1. SUBJECT OF THE AGREEMENT 1.1. The Lender hereby agrees to provide the Borrower with monetary funds in the amount of CZK 15,000,000 (fifteen million Czech Crowns) (hereinafter, the “Loan”) to the Bank account of the Borrower. The Borrower shall return the received Loan and pay the interest for the use thereof in the amount, on the due date and according to the provisions of the Agreement. 1.2. The Borrower shall be entitled to use the Loan for the purposes of the reconstruction of its building – Prague Office Centre. 2. PROCEDURE OF REPAYING THE LOAN AND PAYING THE INTEREST 2.1. The Borrower is obliged to repay the received Loan amount at whichever is the earlier of the following times: (i) after 5 years from the date of the conclusion of this contract or (ii) within 1 week from the moment when the Lender requests in writing that the Borrower repays the Loan. The Borrower is obliged to repay the loan in cash. 3. AMOUNT AND PROCEDURE OF INTEREST ACCRUAL 3.1. The interest rate applicable for the calculation of the interest for using the Loan under this Agreement shall be: 8.1 % (eight point one per cent) per month. 4. MISCELLANEOUS 4.1. The Agreement shall come into force upon its signing the first Party hereto. All amendments hereto shall be valid only if made in writing and signed by at least one Party. SIGNATURES OF THE PARTIES: For and on behalf of ALPHA REAL s.r.o. Date: 16.4.2019, Place: Prague signature of Mr Halíř For and on behalf of Mr Josef Čech Date: 16.4.2019, Place: Prague signature of Mr Čech ATTACHMENT: Proxy dated 4 March 2019 issued by ALPHA REAL s.r.o. to Mr Ferdinand Penízek