Session 3: System and Structure of International and EU Energy Law
Content of the session:
1. Antarctica and Antarctic Mineral Resources
2. Law of the Sea:
- Customary International Law
- Territorial waters
- Continental shelf
- Exclusive Economic Zone
- High Seas
- Deep-sea mining
3. Maritime Delimitation
Jan Klabbers: INTERNATIONAL LAW - Outline of the Maritime Regime (pp. 256-259) - Internal Waters (p. 259) - Territorial Sea (pp. 259-261) - Exclusive Economic Zone (pp. 261-262) - Continental Shelf (pp. 262 – 263) - High Seas (pp. 263-264) - The Deep Seabed (pp. 265-266) - Maritime Delimitation (pp. 266 – 269)
Relevant provisions of the Antarctic Treaty (discussed during the session)
Relevant provisions of the Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty (discussed during the session)
Relevant provisions of the UNCLOS (discussed during the session)
Bourrel: Common of heritage of mankind deep sea mining
EXTRA NON-COMPULSORY READING (The purpose of the recommended reading is to broaden and deepen the understanding of the subjects addressed in the course.)
Joanna Dingwall: Commercial Mining Activities in the Deep Seabed beyond National Jurisdiction: the International Legal Framework
Beck: The Convention on the Regulation of Antarctic Mineral a major addition to the ATS
Constantinos Yiallourides: Part I: Some Observations on the Agreement between Greece and Egypt on the Delimitation of the Exclusive Economic Zone
Andrew Norris: Troubled Waters in the Eastern Mediterranean
Turkey’s East Med policy: Victory at home, isolation abroad
Turkey′s maritime claims in the Mediterranean Sea raise thorny legal questions (Deutsche Welle)