Session 5: Protection of International Investments in the Energy Sector
Content of the session:
1) International Investment Law
2) Energy Charter Treaty: Part III. Investment Promotion and Protection
3) Investment disputes in the energy sector (Oxy v. Ecuador, Exxon and ConocoPhillips v. Venezuela, Charanne v. Spain)
Compulsory reading:
1) Jan Klabbers: International Law (Investment Protection, pp. 306 - 309)
2) Dolzer and Schreuer: Principles of International Investment Law
(International Investment Law as a Field of Study (pp. 1-3); The Business Nature of a Foreign Investment: A long term risk (pp. 3-7); Treaty Law: Evolution and Purpose (pp. 17-27); Expropriation (The right to expropriate pp. 89 - 90, The legality of the expropriation - pp. 90 - 92, Direct and Indirect Expropriation - pp. 92 - 96, Judicial and Arbitral Practice: Some Illustrative Cases - pp. 96 - 101); Fair and Equitable Treatment (History of the Concept pp. 119-121, Nature and Function - pp. 122 - 124, Attempts at Defining Fair and Equitable Treatment - pp. 130 - 133, Transparency, Stability and the Protection of the Investor’s Legitimate Expectations - pp. 133 - 140); National Treatment (pp. 178 - 186); MFN Treatment (pp. 186-191)).
3) Agreement between the Government of the Czech Republic and the Government of the State of Israel for the Reciprocal Promotion and Protection of Investments (BIT)
4) Mexican Expropriation of Foreign Oil, 1938
5) The Role of International Investment Agreements in Attracting Foreign Direct Investment to Developing Countries: Executive Summary and Introduction (pp. xi - xvi; 1-4)
6) How Venezuela Ruined Its Oil Industry
7) Venezuela seizes foreign oil fields
8) ICSID’s Largest Award in History: An Overview of Occidental Petroleum Corporation v the Republic of Ecuador
9) Occidental v Ecuador: Partial annulment decision upholds the State's liability - Kluwer Arbitration Blog
1O) Summary Charanne Case (Relevant Facts and Procedural History (pp. 3 - 4), The Tribunal’s Reasoning - The Substantive Claim (pp. 8 - 13)
Extra non-compulsory Reading:
(The purpose of the recommended reading is to broaden and deepen the understanding of the subjects addressed in the course.)
- A. Reinish: Standards of Investment Protection: Legality of Expropriations
- MAURER _The Empire Struck Back: Sanctions and Compensation in the Mexican Oil Expropriation of 1938
- UNCTAD Series on Issues in International Investment Agreements II: EXPROPRIATION (pp. 6-51)
- Charanne v. Spain; Final Award
- Charanne v. Spain; Dissenting Opinion
- Oxy v. Venezuela; Award - ICSID ARB 06/11