Introduction into Investment Law and Arbitration

Investor and Investment

1 . What is an asset-based definition of investment?

2. What are the so-called Salini criteria? Are they useful? Are the Salini criteria applicable both in ICSID and non-ICSID arbitrations? (Salini, para 52, AAA Ltd. para 150)

3. What is the role of the requirement of territory? Please focus specifically on tangible and intagible assets on the one hand and financial instruments on the other hand. (Territory)

4. When a company meets the definition of investor under the Czech-Swiss BIT? (Czech-Swiss BIT, Alps Finance, paras 213-228)

5. When a transaction meets the definition of investment under the Czech-Swiss BIT? (Czech-Swiss BIT)

6. Does dual nationality prevent an investor from claiming violation of an investment treaty?   (Principles 1)

7. May a shareholder in a company whose assets were expropriated by the host state have an investment claim against the latter? (Shareholders)

8. Should the concept of investor be construed autonomously on the home state's legal order? (Wirtgen, PAGES 48-64)

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AAA Ltd.
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