Adobe Systems This paper is a part of a project Využití metod sociální reprezentace v analýze právních konceptů (GA20-10171S) funded by the Czech Grant Agency. 1 Legal concept of public order: A Case for Social Representations Approach Terezie Smejkalová, PhD Markéta Štěpáníková, PhD Adobe Systems Legal concept of public order 2 Overview ̶Case 2 As 199/2018 – 37 and use of public order ̶Restrictive approach to law and doctrine in light of normativism ̶Methodology & data ̶How did the participants thought about the model situation? ̶How do they believe the concept of public order should be interpreted? ̶Consequences of the restrictive approach ̶ ̶ ̶ Adobe Systems Legal concept of public order 3 Case 2 As 199/2018 - 37 Adobe Systems Legal concept of public order 4 Case 2 As 199/2018 – 37 and use of public order ̶ ̶Claims it makes a „minimalist“ argument, leaving possible changes in social values to the legislator ̶ BUT ̶Prevalent sentiments and attitudes of the society ̶Correspondence to reality argument – to say otherwise would be contrary to public order Adobe Systems Legal concept of public order 5 Normativism heritage and restrictive approach to law ̶ ̶Hans Kelsen and his purity thesis ̶ ̶František Weyr: ̶legal science as epistemology of norms ̶Legal theorists should study the form of law; content and values do not belong to law Adobe Systems Legal concept of public order 6 Methodology & research questions ̶13 participants, legal academics, chosen to span across all the major legal fields traditionally recongnized in Czech legal thinking ̶3 women, 10 men; aged between 26 and 48 ̶ 1.Model situation 2.Thoughts about the process of how the concept should be interpreted 3. Adobe Systems Legal concept of public order 7 Model situation “Do you think it would be contrary to public order for a transgender person who has not yet undergone gender reassignment surgery to have their preferred gender indicated in their identity card?” ̶ ̶ ̶ Adobe Systems Legal concept of public order 8 X ̶Public order as perceived fundamental core legal norms + this issue is a matter of public order ̶„Correspondence to reality“ argument ̶ ̶ ̶ ̶ ̶ ̶Public order does not extend that far ̶ ̶ ̶Reverse „correspondence to reality“ argument (we have no right to know) Adobe Systems Legal concept of public order 9 How should a judge go about interpreting public order? ̶ ̶Public order as a vague legal concept: ̶Laws – travaux preparatoires – commentaries – case-law – doctrine ̶ ̶What if this process does not yield an answer? General tradition Social values Political documents and memoranda ̶ Adobe Systems Legal concept of public order 10 But ̶„…the judge should not evaluate the mood in a society without any scientific data…“ ̶ Adobe Systems Legal concept of public order 11 What science, what doctrine? ̶Weyr’s normativistic tradition ̶ ̶Judge is not a sociologist Adobe Systems Legal concept of public order 12 Capacity of the concept of public order to veil the lack of argumentative evidence ̶ ̶Invitation to make uneducated guesses about the content of vague legal concepts ̶ Adobe Systems Legal concept of public order 13 A case for social representations approach? ̶Normativistic approach may be seen as arrogant and overlooking deeper understanding of law in society ̶ ̶Social representations are capable of helping in examining and exploring what are essentially folk meanings of concepts within law Adobe Systems Legal concept of public order 14 Thank you.