Copyright Law I
Requirements [i.e. how to pass this course]
In order to pass this course you need to fulfil these two conditions:
- Jour Fixe reading session
- Topical Presentation
1. Jour Fixe
Attendance (virtual) at the Jour Fixe (dates given below in the "Content and Reading Materials" part of this Syllabus)
At the Jour Fixe the assigned reading will be discussed. Every student is required to read the essential reading for the Jour Fix. Your task is to answer the following questions:
- What was the reading about?
- What are the three main take-away ideas?
- What could be criticized?
- How is this reading applicable to your dissertation, i.e. what could you make use of?
2. Topical Presentation
The topical presentation will be in the exam period Fall 2024 (approx. last week of January).
During the exam period a presentation session will be held where the student has to present a topical presentation of a research and analysis of a particular chosen topic.
These topics include:
- Individual topic correlating with the thesis topic that fits within the subject matter of the course (preferred option)
The presentation shall include:
- General overview of the topic
- Overview of literature
- Overview of case law
- Critical Assessment thereof
- Plan on how the acquired knowledge will be implemented into the student's dissertation thesis