Práce se zdroji a zásady publikování
18. 12. od 9,00-12,00 Rešerše jako vědomý (a systematický) proces, Organizace kreativity (Harašta a Myška) - v seminární místnosti v knihovně
Zdroje zmiňované na výuce:
Derclaye, Estelle, The multifaceted influence of the
Advocates-General on the Court of Justice's copyright case law: legal
secretaries, literature and language in E. Rosati (ed.), Routledge Handbook of European Copyright Law, Routledge, 2021, p. 443-471. (October 01, 2020). in Rosati (ed), Routledge Handbook of European Copyright Law, Routledge 2021, p 443-471
, Available at SSRN: or
, Available at SSRN: or
[Over the years, the Court of Justice of the European Union has had an
enormous influence on shaping EU copyright law. In turn, research has
shown that Advocates-General strongly influence the Court. The influence
of the legal secretaries on Advocates-General is less known. There is
no research on what literature in what languages the Advocates-General
rely on in their opinions and therefore which literature and languages
influence the Court when it follows their opinions. This chapter fills
these gaps in EU copyright law. First, it examines the cases where the
Court followed in full or in part or has not followed the
Advocates-General to determine trends in terms of Advocates-General,
gender, topic, type of chamber. Second, it counts the references to the
literature relied by the Advocates-General to determine how many of them
cite and rely on literature in their opinions. Finally, the chapter
shows that some languages are more relied on by Advocates-General and
thus are more influential than others.]