International Trade Law

Seminar No. 2 – Conditions of application of the CISG. Conclusion of a sales contract with an international element, terms and conditions and their incorporation, battle of forms. Arbitration agreement.

Objectives of the second seminar:

  • to revise the application test of the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG)
  • to understand the importance of the autonomous will of the parties
  • to be able to describe the process of concluding a sales contract with an international element
  • how to deal with commercial terms and conditions and their incorporation into a sales contract
  • to learn what a battle of forms is and how it can be resolved
  • arbitration agreements, clauses and contracts
  • how to deal with "pathological" arbitration clauses


  • read carefully Articles 1 to 24 of the CISG
  • bring 
    • Rome I Regulation
    • Czech Private International Law Act (PILA)
    • Czech Arbitration Act
    • the (New York) Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards
  • to assist you in preparation you may find the PMO cast on the application of the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (available via the link and on arbitrability (available via the link
  • Have the assignment for the 1st seminar with you, if there is anything that has not been covered


The text of the CISG and other useful links, including CISG contracting states, can be found in the common PMO casts folder. Useful links to the CISG. Clauses to practice. Publications Clauses. VIS MOOT.

Please, see below.

Legal Acts

Also keep a list of CISG contracting states and their respective reservations. 

Important Notice:

Parties to the Convention may make several reservations to the Convention to the effect that the Convention will not apply to them in certain respects. In the past, the Czech Republic has made a reservation to the Convention under Article 95 CISG - it was not bound by the wording of Article 1(1)(b) CISG (i.e. the Convention cannot be applied if one party to the contract is from a Contracting State to the Convention and the other party to the contract of sale is not from a Contracting State to the Convention).

With effect from 1 June 2018, this reservation has been withdrawn by the Czech Republic and will not apply. The Convention is thus applicable in the Czech Republic to the full extent of Article 1. 




acceptance: přijetí

to be bound: být vázán

counter-offer: protinabídka

irrevocable: neodvolatelný

limitation: omezení

modification: změna

offer: nabídka

offeree: adresát (nabídky)

offeror: navrhovatel

proposal: návrh

to revoke: odvolat

rejection: odmítnutí

to withdraw: zrušit


action to set aside = plea in nulity: žaloba na zrušení rozhodčího nálezu

ad hoc arbitration: rozhodčí řízení ad hoc

arbitral award = award: rozhodčí nález, (=> additional award: doplňující rozhodčí nález)

arbitration clause: rozhodčí doložka

arbitration agreement: rozhodčí smlouva

amount in dispute = sum in dispute: částka, o kterou je veden spor, sporná částka

assessment of costs: určení výše nákladů rozhodčího řízení, (=> arbitration costs: náklady rozhodčího řízení)

certificate of enforceability: doložka (o) vykonatelnosti

conciliation: smírčí řízení

enforcement of award: výkon rozhodčího nálezu

estoppel: překážka uplatnění žalobního nároku

fast track arbitration: urychlené rozhodčí řízení

impartiality of arbitrators: nestrannost rozhodců v subjektivním smyslu, opak (objektivní) nezávislost => independence

plea of lack jurisdiction: námitka nedostatku pravomoci

recognition and enforcement: uznání a výkon

separability: oddělitelnost (= nezávistost rozhodčí smlouvy)

taking of evidence: dokazování, (=> assessment of evidence: hodnocení důkazů)