5. LECTURE Domestic Violence, Child Protection
1) Moot court tryout
In your groups, prepare to deliver a speech for an applicant in front of the ECtHR Grand Chamber. Each party shall have up to 15 minutes to present their oral arguments. It is up to you to divide the workload, yet I recommend that every team member speak (e.g., one of you may present facts of your case, others arguments related to specific ECHR articles...)
You will plead in favour of the applicant based on the application you drafted for the previous lecture or against the applicant as a government representative.
I recommend the following steps for preparation:
a. Watch some Grand Chamber hearing webcasts (individually or in groups)
I recommend this one:
Consider and discuss:
- How is the oral argument structured?
- How does the speaker capture attention (figures of speech, voice tone, pauses, reading, etc.)?
b. Read some literature on oral argument in mooting (individually)
It is highly recommended if you have no or little experience with mooting. My recommendation is the following book chapter, but almost anything would help you:
c. Prepare your speech in writing
d. Practice your speech (individually or in group)
If preparing individually, I highly recommend standing in front of the mirror and recording yourself to send the record to your groupmates for feedback. Group practice would be much more beneficial, but it is up to you.
2) Read the following materials and be prepared to discuss and present to others: