Immunochemical assays Seminar No. 7 - Chapter 23 - Immunochemical assays are based on antibody-antigen in vitro interaction Q. What is antibody? Antibody * a defense protein synthesized by the immune system * immunoglobulins are plasma proteins produced by lymphocytes in response to some external molecules * they are capable to bound specifically to antigen The scheme of immunoglobulin molecule Q. How many chains are there in immunoglubulin molecule? Immunoglobulin molecule * Y-shaped molecule * two heavy chains (H) + two light chains (L) * the chains are composed from series of domains * each chain contains variable (V) and constant (C) domains * each domain is closed by a single -S-S- bridge Q. What is antigen? Antigen = antibody generating * a foreign macromolecule that provokes the formation of antibodies * proteins, glycoproteins, lipoproteins, polysaccharides ... * may be bound on the surface of cells or particles (viruses, bacteria, pollens, tissues from another individual) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * hapten (= incomplete antigen), small molecule * can become antigen when bound to protein Interaction of antigen (Ag) with antibody (Ab) * highly specific * based on non-covalent interactions (mainly hydrophobic) * Ag + Ab (r) immune complex (r) other changes (in vivo, in vitro) * in vivo: phagocytosis * in vitro: precipitate (insoluble in water) Immunochemical assays exhibit high specifity and sensitivity Immunoturbidimetry (p. 10) * turbid = not transparent * absorbance of light in colloid solution is measured * A ~ c (of immune complex) Immunonephelometry (p. 10) * nepheloid = turbid * intensity of scattered light is measured * I ~ c (of immune complex) Single radial immunodiffusion * only one reactant diffuses * Ag is applied into a hole in gel medium * gel is impregnated with antibody * Ag diffuses in all directions (360°) * a circular immunoprecipitate is produced Double immunodiffusion both reactants (Ag, Ab) diffuse in all directions The proof of Ag identity * central well contains Ab, six Ag samples are places around * if the same antigens are in opposite wells TH precipitation lines fuse (identity) * if antigens are completely different TH precipitation lines cross each other (non-identity) * if two antigens are related but not identical TH partially crossed lines (partial identity) Immunoelectrophoresis of Ag mixture * scheme on p. 139 * Ag mixture is applied into a hole in agarose gel * simple electrophoretic separation afforded 5 fractions * then antiserum (= mixture of antibodies) is applied into side troughs * antibodies and separated antigens diffuse * the result is a typical pattern of several precipitation lines Rocket immunoelpho * samples of Ag move through the gel with antibody * precipitations are of rocket shapes (bec. of acceleration by electric field) * for a given Ab concentration there is a linear relationship between the height of rocket and the Ag concentration Crossed immunoelpho * a more sensitive modification * produces higher resolution * 1^st separation: elpho * 2^nd separatation: elpho at 90° angle to the 1^st run through gel containing polyvalent antibody Enzyme immunoassays * Ab or Ag/hapten is labelled with covalently attached enzyme * peroxidase (isolated from horseradish) catalyzes reduction of H[2]O[2] or organic peroxides * ALP (alkaline phosphatase, isolated from Escherichia coli) catalyzes the hydrolysis of synthetic alkyl phosphates Homogenous EIA * free hapten and enzyme-labelled hapten compete for binding sites in antibody * enzyme in immunocomplex is not active, access to active site is blocked * activity of free enzyme-hapten conjugate (= quantity of product) is determined * the amount of product is directly proportional to the amount of hapten in sample ELISA methods Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay Competitive ELISA * antibody is bound to solid phase (sorbent) * antigen to be analyzed (Ag) and Ag-E conjugate compete for binding sites in antibody * enzyme in immunocomplex is active and catalyzes the conversion of substrate to product * the amount of product is indirectly proportional to the amount of Ag in sample