^Integral calculus ^Integrální počet Robert Mařík Mendel University Brno 16. května 2005 Home Page Print « ►► Page 1 of 50 Go Back Full Screen Close Quit Ba • Write appropriate functions or numbers into blank fields and press Enter. • Use functions and mathematical notation as explained in the file instrukce.pdf. • The green boundary indicates correct answer, the red boundary indicates wrong answer. • If you cannot solve the problem, click Ans to see the correct answer. If there are more fields to be filled, click repeatedly. • Vepište do políček co tam patří a stiskněte Enter. • Zápis funkcí provádějte tak, jak je vysvětleno v nápovědě v souboru instrukce.pdf. • Zelený okraj obélníku znamená správnou odpověď, červený špatnou. • Kliknutím na Ans se zobrazí správný výsledek - s případě že problém nejste schopni vyřešit. Je-li v otázce více políček, klikněte na Ans opakovaně. 1. Testi ^Indefinite integrals by formulas Quiz 1. iexdx = 2. ie2xdx = 3. / rl + 3é>~x) dx = 4. (ex + l) dx = 5./i(^ + ^)dx = ,,,I±^)dx = 7. / -^dx = g-2x 8- / TT^dx = JUžití vzorců C hC C c c c c Home Page P/7/Jf Title Page « ►► Page 3 of 50 Go Back Full Screen Close Quit 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 3 • 2xdx = x2 + x + 4 x x+1 dx = 2x dx = x + 4) dx / \/x(l — Vx")dx = / (x + l)(x-l) 7 C x1 / X A -r,-----dx = x2+ 6 / ~ô----jdx = x2+ 6 / x2 + 2J -r.—-dx = x2 + l / x + 5 , -r.—-dx = x2+ 4 í 1 — cos2 x . ------^-----dx = dx = cos2 x C C C C C C C C C C Home Page P/7/Jf 77f/e Page « ►► Page 4 of 50 Go Back Full Screen Close Quit „„ f sin x n 20. / ------dx = J cos x 21. / 2 sin x cos xdx = 22. / sin í x — — J dx = 23. / sin(/r — x)dx = 24. /Vxdx = 25. íe3x+1dx = 26. Í2ex-2dx = 27. [e5-3xdx = 1 28. 29. 30. 3 +x2 1 \/3H -4 cos2(2x) dx = =dx = dx = C C C C C C C + C C c c Home Page Print Title Page « ►► Page 5 of 50 Go Back Full Screen Close Quit 31. 32. x I dx = x------F= I dx = x, 33. í(x + l)2dx = 34. 3x + 5 -dx = C C C Home Page Print Title Page « ►► Page 6 of 50 Go Back Full Screen Close Quit 35. SSWrite correct numbers inside the IWVepište správná čísla do malých small colored rectangles and then podbarvenych políček a potom na- write the primitive function (white lezněte primitivní funkci (bílé po- field). líčko). (a) (b) (c) (d) x3 + l 3x x2+ 4 x2-l x2 + l dx = dx = dx = 2x + l 2x + l dx = (x3 + iy x3 + l dx C (x2+ 4)' dx x2 + l C dx + C X + 2x + 2 '■ + 2x + 1 2x + l 2x + l -dx C x + 5 x2+ 4 1 dx = x2 + 2x + 5 x2 - 3x + 4 Vx2 + x + 1 dx = dx = dx = x + 1 x2 + 4x + 6 dx = 2x x2 + 4 x2 + 4 + C 1 dx C dx -dx C 1 + C 2x + 4 x2 + 4x + 6 dx -dx C Home Page Print Title Page « ►► Page 8 of 50 Go Back Full Screen Close Quit (j) / sinxcosxdx = / sin x I dx C Home Page Print Title Page « ►► Page 9 of 50 Go Back Full Screen Close Quit 2. Test2 ^Integration by parts iWIntegrace per-partés ^tiWhen integrating by parts we use IWPro integraci per-partés používáme the formula následující vzorec u(x)v' (x)dx = u{x)v(x) — / u(x)v' (x)dx (Eq:l) Home Page Print Title Page « ►► Go Back Full Screen Close Quit Quiz $äWe use the integration by parts IWTypicky používáme integraci per- especially for integrals of the type partes pro integrály typu p (x) f (ax + b)dx, (Eq:2) §B where p (x) is a polynomial and IWkde p (x) je polynom a f (x) E {ex,sinx,cosx,atanx,mrax} §8Here atan(x) is the usual arctangent functions. ^Question: Are the following integrals like (Eq:2)? Are the integral convenient for integration by parts? IWZde atan(x) je obvyklá funkce ar-kustangens. hdOtázka: Jsou následující integrály typu (Eq:2)? Je vhodné je integrovat metodou per-partés? 1. dx 2. / xex dx 3. / x2exdx 4. í(3x + l)e-x+1dx Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No 5. / (x+ 4) atan-dx 6. / xsinx2dx 7. / x2 In xdx 8. / atan xdx 9. / xlnxcosxdx 10. / x cos3 xdx 11. /(2 + x)cos(2x)dx 12. í(x3 - 1) sin í y - x") dx Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Home Page Print Title Page « ►► Page 12 of 50 Go Back Full Screen Close Quit Quiz ES Integrate 1=1 (x2+ x — 2)sinxdx. u = 1. v' = 2.1 = v = Prev. Page Jlntegrujte dx _ Next Page Home Page Print Title Page « ►► Go Back Full Screen Close Quit I = -{x2 + 2x + l) cos x §SNow we have an expression which can be written as above (check it yourself). We integrate by parts in I (x + l) cosxdx. 2 (x + l)cosxdx. IWNyni máme něco, co se dá přepsat do výše uvedeného tvaru (zkontrolujte si) do tvaru. Integrujeme výraz I (x + l) cos xdx. Použijeme opět metodu per-partés. u = u = I = — (x2 + 2x + 1) cos x + 2Í dx Prev. Page Next Page I = —(x2 + 2x + l)cosx + 2Í (x + 1) sinx = — (x2+ 2x +l)cosx+ 2( (x +1) sinx sinx Prev. Page sinxdx cos x + C I Next Page Home Page Print Title Page « ►► Page 15 of 50 Go Back Full Screen Close Quit Quiz Ě8 Integrate I = atanxdx. u = 1. v1 = 2.1 = v = Prev. Page Jlntegrujte dx _ Next Page Home Page Print Title Page « ►► Go Back Full Screen Close Quit 3. íSäNow we have an expression which can be written in the form (check it yourself). Find out the number which has to be in the first colored field. When you find out this number, the integration is easy. I = x atan x — = x atan x — ŕ = x atan x — IWNyní máme něco, co se dá přepsat (zkontrolujte si) do tvaru. Zjistíte-li, jaké číslo je potřeba zapsat do prvního podbarveného obdélníčku, je integrace snadná. X A x^Tídx )Jx^Tídx Prev. Page Next Page 4. fläThe result is atan xdx = x atan x — - ln( 1 + x2 ^Výsledek je C Home Page Print Title Page « ►► Page 18 of 50 Go Back Full Screen Close Quit Quiz ^Integrate I = i(x2 - l)exdx Jmtegrujte 1. §8We integrate by parts with u (x) = NIntegrujeme per-partés při volbě (x2 — 1). With this notation we have u(x) = x2 — 1 (use zero constant of integration in responses) u = x v' = u = V = 2. ^Integration by parts gives I = hUPo použití vzorce pro integraci per-partés máme ... dx 3. ÜÖWe integrate once more by parts hdBudeme integrovat ještě jednou per-partés u = 2x u' = v' = v = 4. SSThe second integration by parts gi- ^Opětovné použití vzorce per-ves ... partes dává ... I = dx 5. fSThe result after the last integration IWPo poslední integraci a po snadné and simplifications is ... úpravě obdržíme ... 1= +C Quiz ^Integrate IWIntegrujte I = xln(x + l)dx 1. lääWe integrate by parts with u(x) = h»JBudeme integrovat per-partés při ln(x + l). volbě u (x) = ln(x + 1). u = ln(x + 1) u' = v' = v = 2. ^Integration by parts gives ... hJAplice vzorce per-partés dává ... 1= -f dx Prev. Page Next Page 3. ÜÖThe expression denoted by A is a rational function which is not proper. I Divide the numerator by the denominator and write this functionas a sum of polynomial and proper function. Write the polynomial into the first field and the proper function into the second one. A= + N-------------„-------------' V-------------«------------ polynomial remainder 4. sJSThe integration and simplification h*JFinální integrací a úpravou získá-give ... váme ... 1 = +C hdVýraz označený jako A je racionální funkce a je nutno ji intgerovat tak, že nejprve vydělíme čitatel jmenovatelem. Napište do prvního políčka podíl a do druhého zbytek po dělení. Quiz Find the following integral: I = / (x + l)e xdx 1. We integrate by parts with u (x) = (x + 1). With this notation we have (use zero constant of integration in responses): u'(x) = v'{x) = v(x) = 2. Integration by parts gives 1= - f dx 3. Integration gives the indefinite integral 1= "' " +C Quiz Find the following integral: I = / (x2 — 1) sinxdx 1. We integrate by parts with u(x) = (x2 — 1). With this notation we have (use zero constant of integration in responses): u'(x) = v'(x) = v(x) = 2. Integration by parts gives I = - í dx Go to the next page. 3. Now you have I = — (x2 — 1) cos(x) + 2 / xcos(x)dx. We integrate by parts with u (x) = x. With this notation we have (use zero constant of integration in responses): u'(x) = v'{x) = v(x) = 4. Integration by parts gives I = — (x2 — l)cosx + + 2 5. Integration gives the indefinite integral I = dx C Quiz Find the following integral: I = / In xdx 1. We integrate by parts with u(x) = lnx. With this notation we have (use zero constant of integration in responses): u'(x) = v'(x) = v(x) = 2. Integration by parts gives 1= - í dx 3. Integration gives the indefinite integral 1= ° +C Quiz Find the following integral: I = / x2 atan xdx (we use "atan(x)" for the usual arctangent function). 1. We integrate by parts with u{x) = atanx. With this notation we have (use zero constant of integration in responses): u'(x) = v'(x) = v(x) = 2. Integration by parts gives 1= - í dx 3. Integration gives the indefinite integral /= ' +C Quiz Find the following integral: I = / (x + 3)e2xdx 1. We integrate by parts with u (x) = (x + 3). With this notation we have (use zero constant of integration in responses): u'(x) = v'{x) = v(x) = 2. Integration by parts gives 1= - f dx 3. Integration gives the indefinite integral 1= "' " +C 3. Test3 ^Integration by substitution IWIntegrace substitucí §8 When integrating by substitution we use the formula í f{(p{x))