SMOKING EPIDEMY SMOKING IS THE MOST IMPORTANT SINGLE PREVENTABLE RISK FACTOR OF PREMATURE DEATH TYPES OF TOBACCO USE • MANUFACTURED CIGARETTES • ROLL-YOUR-OWN CIGARETTES • PIPES • MOIST SNUFF, DRY SNUFF, CHEWING TOB. • CIGARS, BIDIS, KRETEKS, STICKS • WATER PIPES IMPORTANT WARNING • THERE IS NO SAFE WAY OF USING TOBACCO – WHETHER IT IS INHALED, SNIFFED, SUCKED, CHEWED OR MIXED WITH OTHER INGREDIENTS „Yes, we agree that smoking cigarettes causes lung cancer and other serious diseases“ Philip Morris, Australia, 2002 SMOKING EPIDEMY • ALMOST 1 BILLION MEN SMOKE: • 35% IN DEVELOPED COUNTRIES • 50% IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES • ABOUT 250 MILLION WOMEN SMOKE: • 22% IN DEVELOPED COUNTRIES • 9% IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES • In Sweeden and some parts of South Asia women smoke more than men MALE SMOKING EPIDEMY • BELOW 20%: Australia, Sweeden, Saudi Arabia • 20%-30%: USA, Canada, Skandinavia,Switzerl., UK, Brazil • 30%-40%: former EU + Czech Rep. + Romania • 40%-50%: new EU (former socialist countries) • 60% and above: Russian federation, China, Yemen FEMALE SMOKING EPIDEMY • BELOW 20%: Russian federatin, Australia, Finland, Sweeden, Italy, Portugal, Romania, USA, Canada, Asia, Africa, South America • 20%-30%: EU • 30%-40%: Serbia, Chile HEALTH PROFESSIONALS • BELOW 10%: Scandinavia, UK,Austria, Switzerl., USA, Australia • 10%-20%: Poland, Hungary, Canada • 20%-30%: Germany, France, Italy, Czech Rep. • ABOVE 40%: Croatia, Albania, Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey CHILDREN SMOKING EPIDEMY • 30% AND ABOVE: Germany, Czech Rep., Slovakia, Austria, Bulgaria, Greenland, Spain • 20%-30%: EU, Russian federation, USA, Australia • In parts of Europe and South America girls are smoking more than boys. WHOSE BENEFIT? • „ Among younger adult smokers in particular, female smokers are now as large a smoker share opportunity as are male smokers“ RJ Reynolds Tobacco Co, 1986 CIGARETTE CONSUMPTION • In 1881 – first cigarette-rolling machine (James Bonsack) • Now, tobacco companies are producing 5,6 trillion cigarettes per year = • Nearly 900 cigarettes for every man, woman and child on the planet • Widespread use of chewing tobacco and bidis are also escalating (South Asia) COST OF TOBACCO • „ … reflecting 5.23 years of life lost for the average smoker, • Indirect possitive effects (are that) public finance benefits from smoking, • via savings on the healthcare costs – in pensions, and public housing costs savings“ Report on the Czech Rep., commissioned by Philip Morris, 2001 TOBACCO Cos´ ARGUMENTS: • TOBACCO CONTROL: • REDUCES TAX REVENUES, • INCREASE UNEMPLOYMENT • NON-SMOKERS LIVE LONGER AND ARE HARDSHIPS FOR ECONOMY WHAT IS TRUE? • SMOKING INCREASES HEALTHCARE COSTS • RGOWING TOBACCO OCCUPIES AGRICULTURAL LAND • LARGE DEFORESTATION, USING OF PESTICIDES AND FERTILIZERS • COST OF FIRES • EMPLOEE ABSENTEEISM • DECREASED WORKER PRODUCTIVITY COSTS OF CIGARETTES • A pack of Marlboro: • 5 and more USD: Western EU, Scandinavia, Canada, Australia • 4-5 USD: Italy, USA • 3-4 USD: Spain, Portugal,Hungaria, Greece • 2-3 USD: Poland, Czech Rep. • 1-2 USD: Russian federation, China, Africa COSTS TO THE SMOKERS • Amount of money for the tobacco may be used for food, education, clothes, free-time activities • Significant loss of money due to illness • Smoking may produce of extreme poverty of family • Increased wear and tear on smokers´homes