Exam instructions n You can sit for an exam in Biology only if you have got credit points for the practicals. n You should have your student’s record book with you. n You must know your personal identification number (PIN). n Before the exam, you will leave your belongings in the designated place; you need only a pencil that will be provided. n It is not allowed to use any calculators, mobile phones, study materials or to talk to each other. Exam instructions n The only language allowed in the examination room is English!!!! n If you ignore these instructions, you may be excluded from the class and thus fail the exam. n You will receive an exam form with questions and an empty answer sheet. n Read the questions and think about them (it is allowed to make notes on the exam sheet, but not on the answer sheet) and fill in your answer sheet at the end of the exam, when you are sure of your answers. For this use your pencil! n If you make a mistake in your answer sheet, rub it gently off or ask for a blank answer sheet. Exam instructions n The only relevant document for the evaluation of examination tests is the answer sheet and not the notes written in the Exam papers (in the list of questions). n Time for the exam is 2 hours; if you finish earlier, you can hand in your exam form and answer sheet and leave. n Results will be known in 3days and will be displayed at IS MUNI--> Personal administrative --> Student --> Note book (Poznámkový blok) designated Exam Paper. n The result will be included in your record book by the Secretary to the Department of Biology, Kamenice 5, building A6, at the time that will be stated at IS MUNI. The answer sheet looks as follows: Correct header must look as follows: The most frequently encountered mistakes: Correctly filled-in answer sheet: Most frequently encountered mistakes: Evaluation for the academic year 2006/2007 General medicine (99 questions) n A 91 – 99 points n B 85 – 90 points n C 79 – 84 points n D 73 – 78 points n E 65 – 72 points n F less than 65 (failed)