· What is a exam answer form? The teachers can use e-learning generated exam test question lists and answer forms for the preparation of the written exam test. They can randomly generate and print different test types in a way that each student receives unique test (different questions could be included, both question and answer order could be mixed). Your task is to fill in the exam test answer form according to specific rules, so the forms can be scanned and read and rated in automated way. On the exam day you will receive the exam test question list and the exam test answer form. The exam test answer form looks approximately as follows: · How do I fill in the exam answer form? Use pen or pencil. Gaps with names, date, subject are not recognized by the scanner.and could be filled in using your hand writing. Carefully fill in the number showing the version of your exam test and your university personal identification number. – shape of the numbers is shown in the sample pattern above. Number of your exam test version should be copied from your exam test question list. You can´t rewrite anything in the exam test answer form, only gentle rubbing is permitted. The header which is correctly filled in could be seen below: The most often encountered mistakes during filling in the header. Don´t fill in the numbers using contures only, the numbers should be in bold. Don´t fill in using your usual hand writing, pay attention to number example pattern panel and resemble the numbers as well as you can. Don´t introduce gaps in the number line. What the position of the numbers in the given space. The dots will lead you, the numbers should exactly fit in the space as shown in the example pattern panel.(Both numbers ´1´ are filled in incorrectly, they should fit in the left dots). Your answers should be marked by horizontal line with the same intensity in the whole exam test answer form. The teachers won´t reflect to any post-test explained problems in recognition of the marked answers and such attempts will be considered to be fraud. So make sure you mark your answer clearly. Examples of correctly filled answers: The most often encountered mistakes: Don’t fill in the whole square space in the corresponding answer line, fill in the corresponding bottom line only in between the dots. Don’t use just the contures of the line, the line should be in bold. The answer should be filled in visibly. The answers should have the same intensity for all the questions. · I made a formal mistake in filling the in the exam test answer form! Pencil could be gently rubbed. Always contact the person in charge of the test and consult if the rubbing is acceptable. You could be asked to fill in a new and empty exam test answer form if the rubbing is unacceptable. Once you complete refilling of the new form, destroy the old exam test answer form by tearing, so the forms can’t be swopped. · The only relevant document for the evaluation of examination tests is the Answer sheet and not the notes written in the Exam papers (in the list of questions). · Where can I see the example of the scanned and recognized exam test answer forms? Using the following links Personal administrative --> Student --> Věci vztahující se k celému studiu --> Naskenované odpovědní listy In this location there is a graphic file showing the scanned exam test answer form (found problems with recognition of the answer are shown in red) and the text file containing the data about the recognized and accepted answers. It looks approximately as follows: 1. null *0 2. null *0 3. c nok *-1 4. null *0 5. null *0 6. null *0 7. null *0 8. null *0 9. a nok *-1 10. null *0 11. null *0 The word 'null' means, that in the corresponding line of the exam test answer form no answer was recognized. Letters a-f mean that corresponding answer was filled in by the student. The statements 'ok' a 'nok' show, if the answer filled in by the student was correct of not. The numbers, e.g.:-1, show the rating. The previously shown example shows that the software found the answer for question no. 3, recognized that student filled in ´c‘, and found another answer for question no. 9, which was recognized as ´a‘. Both answers are incorrect and were rated as -1 points contributing to the final score.