EXTRA USEFUL VOCABULARY UNIT 9 THE ENDOCRINE SYSTEM Adrenal cortex Adrenal glands Adrenal medulla Adrenocorticotropic hormone Antidiuretic hormone Hormone produced by the hypothalamus and stored in the posterior pituitary that increases the absorption of water by the kidneys. Cortisol Hormone secreted by the adrenal cortex that promotes the body's efficient use of nutrients during stressful situations. Epinephrine Also called adrenaline, a hormone secreted by the adrenal medulla that stimulates the body to react to stressful situations. Estrogens Female steroid hormones secreted by the ovaries that bring about the secondary sex characteristics and regulate the female reproductive cycle. Gland Any organ that secretes substances for further use in the body or for elimination. Glucagon Hormone secreted by the islets of Langerhans that raises the level of sugar in the blood. Gonad Gonadotropic hormones Hormones secreted by the anterior pituitary that affect or stimulate the growth or activity of the gonads. Homeostasis Ability of the body or a cell to maintain the internal balance of its functions, such as steady temperature, regardless of outside conditions. Hypothalamus Region of the brain containing many control centers for body functions and emotions; also regulates the pituitary gland's secretions. Insulin Hormone secreted by the islets of Langerhans that regulates the amount of sugar in the blood. Islets of Langerhans Endocrine cells of the pancreas that secrete insulin and glucagon. Metabolism sum of all the physiological processes by which an organism maintains life. Norepinephrine Also called noradrenaline, a hormone secreted by the adrenal medulla that raises blood pressure during stressful situations. Ovaries Parathyroid glands Four small glands located on the posterior surface of the thyroid gland that regulate calcium levels in the blood. Pineal gland Gland located deep in the rear portion of the brain that helps establish the body's day-night cycle. Pituitary gland Gland located below the hypothalamus that controls and coordinates the secretions of other endocrine glands. Progesterone Female steroid hormone secreted by the ovaries that makes the uterus more ready to receive a fertilized ovum or egg. Testes Testosterone Hormone secreted by the testes that encourages the growth of the male reproductive organs and secondary sex characteristics. Thymus Glandular organ consisting of lymphoid tissue located behind the top of the breastbone that produces specialized lymphocytes; reaches maximum development in early childhood and is almost absent in adults. Thyroid gland Gland wrapped around the front and sides of the trachea at the base of the throat just below the larynx that affects growth and metabolism. Thyroxine Hormone secreted by the thyroid gland that regulates the rate of metabolism and, in children, affects growth. to stimulate to excrete/secrete/release/produce/eliminate masculine/feminine features moustache/beard breasts overweight male/female hormone to regulate/maintain/balance to normalise insulin pump/inhaler/syringe/pen hypoglycaemia hyperglycaemia obesity virilism