1 H b structure, function © Department of Biochemistry (V.P.), Faculty of Medicine, MU Brno 2009 2 Hb dospělých / adult Hb = HbA = a2 p2 Hb fetální / fetal Hb = HbF = a2 y2 AA 14b AA Mr = 64-.00O (ntyoalobin 450AÁ) High-spin Fe(II) (larger radius, lose 02) ^vysokosp'moyy stay* ovy stay faucet spim je yysoky} vet si'oojem Fe Low-spin Fe(II) (smaller radius, gain 02) M wzkospinovy stay Iron in hem - remark Iron is bonded to the cyclic tetrapyrrole so, that formal two pyrrole nuclei lost H+ from their nitrogens. This way free electrone pair was formed on every from two nitrogens. The pair of electrons creates dative covalent bond with Fe2+ (on every from two nuclei). Fe2+ brings in the molecule of heme 2 positive charges, „lost" as 2 H+. Heme in hemoglobin is now electric neutral and bonds also electric neutral moleculs (O2, CO) too. The oxidation of iron on Fe3+ (® hemiglobin, methemoglobin) leads to gain of one positive charge in molecule of heme. Then heme is a cation and bonds anionts (e.g. CN-, however it is not able to bond electric neutral molecules - so it cannot transfer oxygen). The facts are important among others for toxicology. 8 Bohrův efekt: snížení afinity kyslíku k Hb při nízkém pH Bohr effect : decrease of affinity of oxygen to Hb at low pH BPG = 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate model: neúplně nafouknutý míč / model: not fully blow up ball 9 T-forma Hb (BPG) a R-forma Hb (O.) : 4 Oj*T Deo hemoglobin BPG stabilizes T-torm C it 1 % v OH* BŤBC10TS Hemoglobin; allosterfc effects *" R (O^ + H1^ -h BPG WÉHI Iff _ J - -i 1 [BPGJ+ tense [tens] napjatý release [ri'liis] uvolnění 10 Vazba kyslíku na hemoglobin / saturační křivka (esovitá !) Oxygen binding to hemoglobin / saturation curve (sigmoidal!) 100 o 75 03 3 * Si ď 50 25 0 I 1 1 1 1 4 i X AJ 1 1 1 1 po. kooperativní vazebná kinetika cooperative binding kinetics li saturace yfOO% - • í smíšená venózní krev mixed venous blood jen 1 O2 z tetrameru ! / 1 O2 from tetramer only ! 12 Conditions affecting the shift of dissociation curve : Increased quantity of released oxygen by shift of the saturation curve to the right : s02 // / / _. / 1 / / / / // As -p02 In the original position the curve allowes to release the quantum of oxygen comlaying with the blue line segment at the given pO2 . By the shift of the curve to the right is the quantum of accesible 14 oxygen increased to the value given the red line segment. The expression of position of saturation curve : s02 I i ' ! 1 " P02(a) - """"""""""" ~t P02(v) Jm p50 - - / I I / 20 j A < • i 1 1 • I i 1 > i% —y, , . . I ,', , 1', . ,'. , ,1 t r. I.11 0 60 80 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 M II 1 1 M 1 1 1 mmHg -11111111 ' 'I 'I I ' ' I I I ' ' ' Ifl ■ I I ' I I I I I I I II I I 11 I I I II I I I II I I 1 I I I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 kPa The position/shift of saturation curve is expressed parcial pressure of oxygen by 50 % saturation of Hb („the value p50"), it is the position of inflex point of the curve. [ The normal value of p50 is ~ 3,25 kPa (2,9 - 3,6 kPa) ] sO PO; saturační křivka saturation curve cO2 (mmol / l) PO absorpční křivka absoption curve 16 17 Transport of CO2 in blood : 1/ 85 % HCO3- 2/ 10 % carbamate (carbamino compouds) 3/ 5 % physically dissolved (chemically not affected CO2) Hb - NH2 + CO2 ® Hb - NH - COOH carbamic acid = aminoformic acid - COOH 18 Transfer of CK, and CCK, CO, alveolar arterial blood venous blood Erc IICO -CO: 19 karbonatdehydratasa (karboanhydratasa) ( carbonic anhydrase, carbonate hydro-lyase EC ) 20 p02 of arterial blood (aB-p02}_: age average range 20 - 29 12,66 kPa 10,66 -14,66 30 - 39 12 kPa 10,4 -14,4 40 -49 11,46 kPa 10 -13,86 50 -59 10,93 kPa 9,46 -13,33 60 - 69 10,4 kPa 8,66 -12,66 21 pO2 of arterial blood (aB-pO2)_: aB-pO2 is decreased with increasing age cB-pO2 values are approximately by 10-20 % lower aB-pO2 values in lying patients are lower about 1,33 kPa in comparison with described symbolic: a = arterial [ai'tiarial] B = blood [blad] c = capillary [ks'pilsri] p = partial pressure [pa:sl press] v = venous [vi:nss] 22 Representation of constituent forms of Hb : So called oxymeters measure at wavelength which are absoption maxima: ( - see next ) H Hb = reduced hemoglobin O2 Hb = oxyhemoglobin CO Hb = carbonylhemoglobin Met Hb = methemoglobin Sulf Hb= sulfhemoglobin From the concentration of the whole Hb are subtracted all forms of Hb, which are not able to transfer oxygen ( CO Hb + Met Hb + Sulf Hb ). The sum ( O2Hb + H Hb ) is then Hb utilizable for transfer of oxygen = „active (effective) Hb" 23 Molar Absorpivity (Extinction Coefficient) (mmol/L) 1 cm 1 c 535 560 577 622 636 670 0 ' — HHb Wavelength Hb dospělých / adult Hb = HbA = a2 p2 Hbfetální / fetal Hb = HbF = a2y2 100 r 80 ■ 60 40 20 " 0 a • chain 0 3 6 Gestation in months Birth 3 6 Age in months E.R. Huehns et al 25 Air composition (1) : volume % O2 20,9 CO2 0,03 N2 78,1 inert gases 0,9 26 Air composition (2) : inspired expired pO2 21 kPa 15,33 kPa pCO2 0,03 kPa 4,4 kPa p(N2 + inert gases) 79,4 kPa 75,33 kPa pH2O 0,76 kPa 6,27 kPa The sum of partial pressures is 101,3 kPa in both cases. Expired air is fully saturated with water vapour (data pH2O for alveoli and 37°C). 27 28