LANGUAGE EXERCISES - PRESENTATIONS Task 1 Choose the right expression printed in bold type. 1. If you have some / any questions, don’t hesitate to ask me. 2. She is in charge of the Department of Foreign Languages at Masaryk / the Masaryk University. 3. At first / First I’d like to speak about the project in general. 4. We’d like to suggest to change / changing the programme. 5. I’d like to know / knowing more about this issue. 6. If I understand you correctly / correct, you are saying / telling there is hardly any difference. 7. I’m afraid I can’t see / I’m not seeing the point of it. 8. Do you mean / Are you meaning to say the research will have to be stopped? 9. We can talk about it on other / another occasion? 10. I’m sure Mrs Dineen will answer on / answer / answer to your question. 11. I’m thinking / I think he has already answered that. 12. That’s a good point, but I prefer not answer / not to answer / not answering that today. 13. What is the key to being / to be a good speaker? 14. Saying / Telling jokes might not go down well with the audience. 15. Could you give us some advice / advices? Task 2 Translate the words in brackets into English. 1. What is the point of __________ (podávání) presentations? 2. I think I __________ (možná budu) need it in my future career. 3. You should __________ (zapsat si) all the important information. 4. I want to __________ (projít si) these notes first. 5. What do you __________ (čekáš) from a good presentation? 6. He __________ (pokročil dále) and showed us some very interesting figures. 7. The development __________ (za posledních pět let) has been enormous. 8. There was __________ (příliš mnoho) information for me to take in. 9. Let me __________ (abych Vám uvedl) a few more examples. 10. It was really __________ (velmi dobře) structured. Task 3 Try to match the phrases with their functions. FUNCTIONS: 1. Signal to end 2. Summarizing 3. Concluding 4. Recommending 5. Closing 6. Inviting questions PHRASES: a) So, I would suggest that we… b) Briefly… c) As you can see, there are some very good reasons… d) That completes my presentation. e) Thank you for your attention. f) Before I stop/finish, let me just say… g) I’d like to propose… (more formal) h)In conclusion… i) Let me just run over the key points again. j) So, let’s throw it open to questions. k) I hope you will have gained an insight into… l) If you have any questions, I’d be pleased to answer them. m) I’ll briefly summarize the main issues. n) Any questions? o) That brings me to the end of my presentation. p) I’d like to leave you with the following thought/idea. q) In my opinion, the only way forward is … r) Thank you for listening. s) I’d be glad to try and answer any questions. t) I’d be happy to answer any questions. u) That covers all I wanted to say today. v) I would welcome any comments/suggestions. w) To sum up