Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition Preoperative Nutritional Assessment ● weight loss over 1 month ● decreased appetite ● functional status (activities) ● related medical history, (chronic illness) ● prescribed medication, and vitamin and herbal supplements. ● nausea, vomiting, dysphagia, constipation, diarrhea and related gastrointestinal complaints. ● dentition ● daily use of alcohol ● usual foods, meal patterns, and reported intake over 24 hours? Food preferences, avoidances, and ● food allergies should be determined. malnutrition ● Up to 50% of hospitalized patients are malnourished in some form ● increased risk of postoperative complications ● impaired wound healing and infection ● longer hospital stays, ● higher health costs, ● increased morbidity and mortality Marasmus ● protein-energy malnutrition most common among the elderly ● prominent weight loss, ● generalized wasting, ● normal serum proteins ● It develops slowly over time and carries a low mortality as long as the patient is not acutely stressed. Kwashiorkor ● acute malnutrition ● deficient protein intake in the setting of adequate caloric intake. ● It develops rapidly in the setting of stress combined with low intake (e.g. trauma, sepsis) and is frequently superimposed upon marasmus. It is characterized by: ● hypoalbuminemia ● generalized edema ● The patient may appear well-nourished; no weight loss. ● increased basal metabolic rate, hyperglycemia, skeletal muscle and fat catabolism, decreased protein synthesis, and sodium and water retention. ● Once kwashiorkor develops, it carries a high mortality. Physical inspection ● inspection of the hair, integument, eyes, oral cavity, and overall body habitus can provide valuable clues to underlying nutritional deficiency. ● Possible indicators of malnutrition include: ● general weakness, ● edema, pallor, ● decubitus ulcers, petechiae, ecchymoses, ● scaly skin, dry or greasy skin, hyperpigmented skin, poor skin turgor, fissured tongue, inflamed or bleeding gums, fissured or inflammation lips, ulceration of lips or oral mucosa, brittle hair, ● and a variety of nail abnormalities. ● height, weight, skinfold thickness, and muscle circumference Biochemical Indices ● albumin – 21D halftime; marker of chronic ● transferrin, and prealbumin (* liver) ● Nitrogen balance [protein intake (g)/6.25 g] - [24 h U nitrogen + (2 to 4g)] 6.25 g protein = 1 g nitrogen ● total lymphocyte count (TLC) < 2000 Enteral Feeding - Indications ● Inadequate oral intake ● Significant malnutrition ● Functional GI tract ● Intubated/ventilator dependent ● AIDS/HIV with concurrent malnutrition ● Cardiac or cancer cachexia ● Decreased mental status/coma ● Dysphagia/esophageal obstruction ● Head and neck surgery/cancer ● Hypermetabolism (burns, trauma, HIV) ● Inflammatory bowel disease ● Pancreatitis Enteral Feeding - Contraindications for ● Those not requiring aggressive nutritional support ● Intractable vomiting ● Bowel obstruction/ileus ● Profuse diarrhea ● Severe enterocolitis ● Severe, active GI bleeding ● High-output fistulas (>500cc/d) ● Initially in short bowel syndrome Parenteral Nutrition – Indications ● Severe malnutrition and prolonged NPO status (>5 days) ● Significant catabolism and prolonged NPO status ● Bowel obstruction/ileus" ● Chronic vomiting ● Use of GI tract contraindicated ● Bowel rest (severe pancreatitis) ● Malabsorption ● Initially in short bowel syndrome Parenteral Nutrition - Contraindications ● Functioning GI tract ● No safe venous access ● Hemodynamically unstable ● Patient not desiring aggressive support ● Anticipated treatment with TPN <5 days in patients without severe malnutrition Before anesthesia ● NO Smoking 24 h ● NPO 6-8h ● clear wather/tea 2 h Postoperative nutrition ● Oral intake should be commenced as SOON as possible after surgery. ● if GIT works - Start liguid, then give solid ● Anastomosis of upper GIT – solid food delayed for sevedal days ● Colorectal anastopmosis – solid food after first day ● liguid suplements are easy Examples from ICU: Coma, 1 day after Neurosurgery ● Nasogastric tube / Jejunostomy ● i.v. Glc 10% 500ml ● start NG 10ml/h .. 60ml/h ● check Gastric residual volume Trauma – brain, chest, abdomen, ● hemodynamicly unstable – wait ● hemodynamicly stable – parenteral nutr. 1 day intake All In One ARK Stand = 2400ml ● fixed amount of energy 1800-2400kcals ● 10-14 g nitrogen Enteral nutrition ● up to 60ml/h Caloric Requirements Harris-Benedict equation Males: BEE = 66 + (13.7 x wgt in kg) + (5 x height in cm) - (6.7 x age in years) Females: BEE = 665 + (9.6 x wgt in kg) + (1.8 x height in cm) - (4.7 x age in years) ● basal energy expenditure (BEE) in kilocalories ● easy - BEE = 25 x weight in kg Total energy expenditure = BEE x activity factor x stress factor Requirements Energy: 25 to 35 kcal/kg/day Protein: 1.5 to 2 g/kg/day Wather: 2ml/kg/h Sodium: 1.0-1.4 mmol/kg/D Potasium: 0.7-0.9 mmol/kg/D Type of Diet Kcal/day Grams protein/day Regular 2600 100 Clear liquid 1300 27 1200ml NovaSource 2400 80 Do not overfeed ● more than 35 kcal/kg/day has been shown to cause increased septic and metabolic complications