Vol. 2, No. 8/August 1985/J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 1273 Accommodation-dependent model of the human eye with aspherics R. Navarro, J.Santamaria, and J.Besc6s Instituto de Optica, Serrano 121, 28006 Madrid, Spain Received February 24, 1984; accepted February 28, 1985 We consider a schematic human eye with four centered aspheric surfaces. We show that by introducing recent experimental average measurements of cornea and lens into the Gullstrand-Le Grand model,the average spherical aberration of the actual eye ispredicted without any shape fitting. The chromatic dispersions are adjusted to fit the experimentally observed chromatic aberration of the eye. The polychromaticpoint-spread function and modulation transfer function are calculated for several pupil diameters and show good agreement with previous experimental results. Finally, from this schematic eye an accommodation-dependent model is proposedthat reproduces the increment of refractive power of the eye during accommodation. The variation of asphericity with accommodation is alsointroduced in the model and the resulting optical performance studied. INTRODUCTION Many experiments in physiological optics as well as in other fields, such as optical design, digital image processing, and robotics, must take into account the behavior and contribution of the optical system of the eye as a part of the whole system. In some cases a generalized behavior characterized by the optical transfer function (OTF) is sufficient, but a moredetailed model of the optical system is often needed. Since the beginning of this century, many modelshave been proposed, progressively developed, and improved. Among them we shall point out those of Helmholtz1 and Gullstrand.2 The latter, after being revised by Le Grand,3 has been widely used for first-order calculations, even though this model does not agree with the measured values of eye aberrations. To obtain better agreement, aspheric surfaces and a graded-index lens have been incorporated in theoretical eye models. In this way Lotmar4 introduced asphericitiesforthe corneaand the back surface of the lens in the Gullstrand-Le Grand model. He found a spherical aberration ofthe sameorder as that of the experimental findings, but the shell structure (or graded index) of the lens was required for off-axis aberrations to be predicted. El Hage and Berny 5 computed the aspheric shape of a two-surfacelens that fitted their experimental measurements of the spherical aberration of the eye. Nakao et al.6 showedthat the spherical aberration of the lens can be predicted by the actual shell structure and proposed a theoretical eye model in accordance with it. Other eye models7 '8 also take into account the shell structure of the lens. However, because of the increasing complexity of these models (a large number of parameters are involved), attempts to model the optics of the eye by using a schematic two-surface lens are still of great interest. In this way Kooijman9 has recently used a schematic model, similar to the one proposed in the present paper, to compute the retinal illumination corresponding to a Ganzfeld illuminance field. It is not expected that a schematic model could predict the aberrations corresponding to the actual eye if the shell structure of the lens is not considered. It is generally agreed that such a model cannot predict off-axis aberrations accurately, but whether it canpredict spherical abberation is not so clear. The research of Lotmar 4 and El Hage and Berny 5 indicatesthat, instead ofthe shellstructure (orgraded index) of the lens, an effective refractive index could be used to predict axial-spherical aberration. The resulting model,although not anatomical, isstrongly simplifiedwith respect to the shell of graded-index models, and the ray tracing becomes easier. In the present paper a simple schematic eye, to be used in on-axis calculations, is proposed and tested. (See Fig. 1.) The model considers an optical system formed by four centered quadric refracting surfaces with rotational symmetry; each surface is defined by two parameters, the radius and the asphericity., The variations of the refractive indices with wavelength havebeen computed to fit the chromatic aberration of the eye. The optical performance of the resulting model has beentested by computingspherical aberration and the polychromatic modulation transfer function (MTF) and the point-spread function (PSF), and it shows good agreement with experimental findings. This fact indicates that the onaxis optical performance of the eye can be modeled without considering the shell structure of the lens. Attempts to model the accommodationdependence of the eye have also been made by a small number of authors. Gullstrand 2 and Le Grand 3 give different lens parameters for the unaccommodated and forthe fully accommodated theoreticaleyebut not forthe moreinterestingintermediate states. A paraxial model that varies with accommodation wasproposed by Blaker.10 He considers the continuous variation of the shape and graded-index structure of the lens with accommodation. In the present paper an accommodationdependent model based on our unaccommodated schematic eye isalso proposed. Finally, a variation of the lens asphericity isalso introduced in the model and tested. SCHEMATIC EYE The optimized version of the schematic-eye model has been obtained by introducing some recent average experimental data about the cornea and the lens into the Gullstrand-Le 0740-3232/85/081273-09$02.00 © 1985 Optical Society of America Navarroet al. 1274 J. Opt. Soc. Am. A/Vol. 2, No. 8/August 1985 Navarro et al. difficult. First, there is a lack of experimental data about dispersions (or constringences) on human eyes,17 and second, the dispersion of the effective refractive index assumed for the lens cannot be compared with the dispersions of the actual graded-index lens.'8 On the other hand, the Herzberger formula,19 as a better description of optical media, has been applied here instead ofthe Cornu formula used by Le Grand tocompute the refractive indices.16 The Herzbergerformula is expressed as follows: n(X) = al(X)n** + a2(X)nF + a3 (X)n, + a4(X)n*, (2) where n** = n(0.365 ,m), nF = n(0.4861 Am), n, 1m), n* = n(1.014,um), and = (0.6563 Fig. 1. Schematic eye. Grand theoretical eyeand by computingrefractive indices to adjust the chromatic aberration ofthe eye. Here an aspheric surface is substituted for the spherical cornea of the Gullstrand-Le Grand eye. The radius and the asphericity correspond to an average human cornea obtained from measurements made in vivo by Kiely et al. "- Aspherics are also used for the crystalline-lens surface. The asphericity parameters have been taken from the average data obtained in vitro by Howcroftand Parker.'2 Here,the Gullstrand-Le Grand radii have been conserved for two main reasons. First, excised lenses show smaller radii than those measuired in vivo,-perhaps because they are in an intermediate accommodation state. Second, the Gullstrand-Le Grand model does predict refractive power of the lens' and hence there is no a priori reason to change its radii of curvature. The effective refractive index of the lens has been also kept because it implies a strong simplification of the complex internal structure of the lens, and, as we will see, it allows the on-axis optical performance of the eye to be represented within a good approximation. The schematic-eye parameters are. shown in Table 1. Those of Gullstrand-Le Grand3 and Kooijman9 are alsorepresented for comparisonpurposes. Note that our refractive index of the cornea is different. It has been taken from the original Gullstrand eye2 to compensate partially for the greater refracting power introduced by a smaller radius (our corneal radius is also closeto the original from Gullstrand). Compensationis not total, and the resulting refractive power isslightly greater than that of the Gullstrand-Le Grand eye. The image plane (retina) is then shifted 0.2mm backward with respect to the Gullstrand-Le Grand eye, and thus the vitreous thickness is assumed to be 16.4mm. The Kooijman model coincides with that of Gullstrand-Le Grand except for the asphericities. Our anterior lens surface asphericity differs slightly from that of Kooijman,although both of them have been taken from the same source.1 2 Each quadric surface of the model isrepresented by the formula x2 +y2 + (1+Q)z2-2Rz =0, (1) where R is the radius of curvature and Q the asphericity parameter; x, y, and z are spatial coordinates, the z axis being the optical axis. The refractive indicesof the ocularmedia forthe different wavelengths have been determined to fit the experimental chromatic aberration' 3 "14 taking as the departure point the constringences of Polack,15 cited by Le Grand.' 6 Here there are two problems that make comparison with experiments al(X) = 0.66147196 - 0.040352796\2 0.2804679 0.03385979 _~~ 2- Xd 2 (X 2 - X02)2 a2(X) - -4.20146383 + 2.73508956X2 1.50543784 0.11593235 X2 - X2 (X2 - Xo2 )2 a3W = 6.29834237 - 4.69409935X2 1.5750865 0.10293038 2 - X22 (X2- X02)2 a4(X) = 1.75835059 + 2.36253794X2 0.35011657 0.02085782 +\2- 2 (X2-X02)2 where Xo2 = 0.028 AM 2 . Table 1. Schematic Eye Parameters Comparedwith Those of Gullstrand-Le Grand and Kooijman Schematic GullstrandParameters Eye Le Grand Kooijmana Radius of curvature (mm) Anterior surface of 7.72 7.8 7.8 cornea Posterior surface of 6.5 6.5 6.5 cornea Anterior surface lens 10.2 10.2 10.2 Posterior surface lens -6 -6 -6 Asphericity. Cornea anterior -0.26 -0.25(+1) Cornea posterior 0 -0.25(+1) Lens antbrior -3.1316 -3.06(+1) Lens posterior -1 -1(+1) Thickness (mm) Cornea 0.55 0.55 0.55 Aqueous 3.05 3.05 3.05 Lens 4 4 4 Vitreous 16.4 16.6 16.6 Refractive index Cornea 1.367 1.3771 1.3771 Aqueous 1.3374 1.3374 1.3374 Lens 1.42 1.42 1.42 Vitreous 1.336 1.336 1.336 Resulting refractive 60.4 59.94 59.94 power (diopters) a Kooijman1 0 givesconicalparameters p instead of asphericity Q;p = 1+ Q. Vol. 2, No. 8/August 1985/J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 1275 Table 2. Refractive Indices of the Schematic Eye n** nF nc n* (X= (X= (X= (X= Ocular 0.365 0.4861 0.6563 1.014 Medium gm) Am) gim) ptm) Cornea 1.3975 1.3807 1.37405 1.3668 Aqueous 1.3593 1.3422 1.3354 1.3278 Lens 1.4492 1.42625 1.4175 1.4097 Vitreous 1.3565 1.3407 1.3341 1.3273 Table 3. Constringences of the Schematic Eye Comparedwith Data of Polack and Sivak and Mandelman Ocular Theoretical Medium Eye Polacka Sivak and Mandelmanb Cornea 56.5 56 54 (cow) 61 (cat) Aqueous 49.61 53.3 56 (water) 61 (cat) Lens 48 52 29 (periphery) 35 (core) Vitreous 50.9 53.3 56 (water) 60 (cat) a Ref. 15. bRef.17. Table 2showsthe refractive indices n**,nF, nc, and n* of the ocular media of the schematic eye that we finally obtained, and Table 3showsthe constringences,definedas (nD - 1)/(nF - nc ) compared with those of Polack15 and those of Sivak and Mandelman17 (from cat, cow,water, and the human lens). These indices agree only in their order of magnitude. As mentioned above, our refractive indices and constringences have been computed to fit chromaticaberration, and thus we have not tried to make them anatomical. SPHERICAL AND CHROMATIC ABERRATIONS In order to test the model, the on-axis aberrations of the schematic eye have been computed by ray tracing. The resulting longitudinal-spherical aberration (LSA)of the schematic eye as well as the contributions of the corneaand the lens are shown in Fig. 2. The parabolic adjustment made by Van Meeteren 20 from experimental data of several au- thors13 '2 1 -2 3 and the spherical aberration of the Gullstrand-Le Grand eye are also included in the figure for comparison purposes. A good agreement with the Van Meeteren adjustment isobtained, whereas the Gullstrand-Le Grand eye predicts larger aberration. With respect to the contribution of the cornea and the lens tothe spherical aberration, our results are in agreement with those of El Hage and Berny5 ; the lens has a spherical aberration of opposite sign from and smaller than the cornea, playing a compensatory role. There is agreement in average aberration values,but disagreement can be found in individuals' eyes because monochromatic aberrations show wide variations among subjects.'3 '2 1 - 2 4 Chromatic aberration, the most important in fovealvision, has moresimilar values for different eyes than monochromatic aberration. This is probably because the refractive indices and chromatic dispersions, which depend on the composition of the media, are practically the same for all subjects (only Millodot and Newton2 5 reported a possiblechange of refractive indices with age), whereas the shapes of the refracting surfaces have bigger variations. As has been pointed out above, the refractive indices of our schematic eye have been computed to fit the experimentally measured chromatic aberration, using the Herzberger formula. The chromatic aberration was computed by paraxial-ray tracing, and the refractive indices wereprogressively changed until the experimental aberration was obtained. Refractive indices are shown in Table 2,and the goodagreement of chromatic aberration with the experimental findings of Ivanoff'3 and Wald and Griffin' 4 can be seen in Fig. 3. On the other hand, night myopia also appears in this eye model. With an 8-mm pupil diameter, the best image was found in a plane shifted 0.77 D from the paraxial-focus plane. This value, added to 0.6-0.8 D, which corresponds to the state of accommodation in darkness,2 6 '27 givesthe mean valueestimated for night myopia (about 1.5D). HEIGHT (mm) -3 -2 - I LSA (dp) Fig. 2. LSAof the cornea (- - - -),'of the lens (- -), and of the wholetheoretical eye (-). The results corresponding to the Gullstrand-Le Grand eye (....) and to Van Meeteren's parabolic adjustment (-- - - -) are also represented. (dp, diopters.) C A. 2,- 0 -I -2 , P F, . 9 I A 400 500 Goo X(nm) 700 Fig. 3. Longitudinal chromatic aberration (C.A., in diopters) of the theoretical eye (-). Experimental results ofWald and Griffin (A) and of Ivanoff (X ) are also represented. Navarro-et al. 1276 J. Opt. Soc. Am. A/Vol. 2, No. 8/August 1985 DIFFRACTION PATTERNS AND THE MODULATION TRANSFER FUNCTION The polychromatic PSF and the MTF corresponding to the schematic eyehave been computed inthe plane ofmaximum illuminance for several pupil diameters. The computing method is described in what follows: The pupil function for each wavelength is obtained by polynomialfitting of the LSA,the waveaberration being obtained by integration. The chromatic aberration (treated as a defocusing)and the Stiles-Crawford appodizing effect are also introduced, resulting in the pupil function P(r) = exp(-0.05Rp 2 r 2 In 10)[exp ike(6OW2 0 r 2 + W4or4 + W60r6 + W80r8 +...)], a 0 C (3) where 0 • r < 1 isthe normalizedpupilar radial coordinate; Rp is the pupil radius (in millimeters); BOW20 is a defocusing that accountsfor the chromaticaberration and eventuallyfor an additional shift of focus; and W4o,W60, W80, ... are the resulting coefficientsof the spherical-waveaberration. The first factor exp(-0.05Rp2 r2 In 10) is the effective transmittance produced by the Stiles-Crawford effect.2 0 The monochromatic PSF and MTF are computed by Fourier transform and autocorrelation of the pupil function, respectively. Then the polychromatic functions are computed by integration of the monochromatic ones along the visible spectrum sampled in 40 intervals. Integration is made for the D65 spectral distribution and for the spectral-sensitivity functions of the eyeto obtain the tristimulus values.2 8 The maximum-illuminance plane is found by progressive shifts of focus. The considerable influence of the Stiles-Crawford appodization is shown in Fig. 4. The figure represents the monochromatic MTF for a 4-mm pupil diameter with and withoutconsideringthe Stiles-Crawfordeffect. Theresulting distribution of illuminance and chromaticity along a radius of the polychromatic PSF and the polychromatic MTF are represented in Fig. 5 for several pupil diameters. C Z 1 0.5 Normalizedspatialfreauencv Fig. 4. Influence of Stiles-Crawford effect on the monochromatic MTF of a 4-mm pupil-diameter schematic eye: aberration-free system (--), eye model without apodization (-) and with apodi- zation(---). 0.6, y 04 0.21 a) 025 05 075 Normalizedspatial coordinate p sina' (jm) F~iI \ I / '// II /7' /I7 0.2 0.4 b) 06 X C) C 00.5 2 *0 Normalizedspatialfrequency Fig. 5. Distribution of a) illuminance and b) chromaticity coordinates (x,A)of the polychromaticPSF and c)the polychromaticMTF for the schematic eye with the following pupil diameters: 2mm (O), 3mm (0), 4mm (X),5mm (A),6mm (13),and8mm (A). v=1corresponds to the cutoff frequencyat A= 600nm, p is the radial coordinate onthe imageplane,and a' isthe semiaperture angle. Dashed curves correspondto the aberration-free system. Navarroet al. Vol. 2, No. 8/August 1985/J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 1277 Acomparisonwith experimental measurements ismade in Figs, 6 and 7. Figure 6 shows the theoretical MTF for a 4-mm pupil diameter compared with the experimental findings of Arnulf,29 who measured the MTF directly, and those of Campbelland Gubisch,3 0 who computed it by Fourier transform from their experimental line-spread function. The F U 0.5 -J ARNULF N N N. 0,5 NORMALIZEDSFATIALFRECUENCY Fig. 6. Polychromatic MTF of the schematic eye (theoretical) computed for 4-mm pupil diameter, compared with experimental curves from Arnulf (o)29 and Campbell and Gubisch (V). 3 0 (The last corresponds to 3.8-mmpupil diameter.) 0.8. 0,6. 7\0. 0.4 6 7 8 . PUPIL DIAMETER Fig. 7. Strehl ratio versus pupil diameter for the schematic eye (theoretical) compared with experimental findings from Gubisch (0).31 They differby an almost constant factor of the order of 0.7. theoretical MTF lies between the two experimental curves. The Strehl ratio, defined as the ratio of the maximum illuminancein the PSF formedby a real systemto the maximum illuminance in the PSF formed by an ideal optical system working at the same aperture and with the same spectral composition of light, is represented versuspupil diameter in Fig. 7. The figure shows the Strehl ratio for the schematic eye (theoretical) and for the experimental data of Gubisch.3 ' The theoretical Strehl ratio is higherthan the experimental one, and both of them are related by an almost constant factor (about 0.7). This discrepancy can be explained in the following way: The experiment was made by a double pass through the optical system ofthe eye30 '3 ' that includes a diffusereflection onthe retina, and thus the actual retinal image is expected to have a little better quality. Moreover, irregular aberrations32 '33 have not been considered in the model. According to Van Meeteren,2 0 their influence on the image is not greater than a defocusing of 0.15 D. We should remember that the PSF and the MTF have been obtained in the plane of maximum illuminance (maximum Strehl ratio), and the inclusion of a small defocusing of about 0.15 D in the computations would be enough to produce a better fitting. ACCOMMODATION-DEPENDENT MODEL As we have shown above, a model with four aspheric surfaces can predict the on-axis performance of the average eye. Thus, if a paraxial accommodation-dependent model with four surfaces is available, the shapes (asphericities) of both anterior and posterior lens surfaces could be adjusted to fit spherical aberration for each accommodation state in the samewayas wasdone by El Hage and Berny5 to fit the aberration of the unaccommodated lens. In what follows, a paraxial model that varies continuously with accommodation is proposed first. Then, instead of computing asphericities for each accommodation state, a functional variation of the asphericities with accommodation is introduced in the model and tested. It iswellknownthat the changeinthe anterior radius ofthe lens is the major factor in the increment of refracting power of the lens with accommodation,the posterior radius and the thickness having a secondaryrole. This continuous change of the anterior radius can be represented by a mathematical function expressed by Blaker,10 who used a linear function. Other authors have used a variation of the radius inversely proportional to the accommodation in theoretical computations.3 4 However, experimental measurements'3 ' 26 ' 35 '3 6 show wide variation of the form of the dependence. We looked for a simple mathematical function that would connect both unaccommodated and fully accommodated anterior radii of the Gullstrand-Le Grand schematic eye and would have a similar shape to the Ivanoff experimental average curve.13 The function finally adopted waslogarithmic. Comparison of Ivanoff's mean curve and the adopted function ismade in Fig.8,showingthe similarity of the shapes. The samefunctionhas alsobeenused forthe variationof the posteriorradius and the thickness of the lens by fitting averaged valuesfrom Brown.36 The aqueous thickness is decreased by half ofthe increase of the lens thickness. The resulting functions are given in Table 4. These changes during accommodation do not predict the total increment in refractive power of the lens, which is given by the change of the internal graded-index structure of the Navarro et al. 1278 J. Opt. Soc. Am. A/Vol. 2, No. 8/August 1985 Navarro et al. E \ I0 C,, z \ \ IVANOFF'SMEANCURVE JW8 z-. THEORETICALEz 6 2 4 6 8 10 ACCOMODATION (dp) Fig. 8. Variation of the anterior lens radius with accommodation. The figure shows the experimental mean curve from Ivanoff13 and that adopted for the schematic theoretical eye. They have similar shapes, but the theoretical eye curve differs somewhat from that of Ivanoff because our schematic eye starts from the Gullstrand-Le Grand eye,whoseanterior unaccommodatedradius differs fromthat of Ivanoff. (dp, diopters.) Table 4. Accommodation Dependence of the Lens Parameters on Accommodation A (in diopters) Accommodation Lens Parameter Dependence Anterior lens radius R3 (A) = 10.2 - 1.75 *ln(A + 1) Posterior lens radius R4 (A) = -6 + 0.2294 *ln(A + 1) Aqueous thickness D2 (A) = 3.05 - 0.05 *ln(A + 1) Lens thickness D3 (A) = 4 + 0.1 - ln(A + 1) Lens refractive index n3(A) = 1.42 + 9 X 10-5 - (10 - A + A 2 ) lens with accommodation. However,an effective refractive index instead of the graded-index structure has been used in the model. In order to account forthe additional necessary increment in refractive power, the intracapsular mechanism of accommodation (postulated by Gullstrand 2 ), by which the effective refractive index of the lens also changes with accommodation, has been introduced in the model. This mechanism isfictitious and must be considered not as an actual fact but as a mathematical artifice that permits a strong simplification of the modeling. As a first approximation, a parabolic adjustment has been made to fit the refractive powers for 5 and 10 D of accommodation. The resulting expression is also shown in Table 4. Figure 9 shows the resulting refractive power of the eye, computed by paraxial-ray tracing, versus accommodation. Starting from this paraxial model and fromthe asphericities ofthe unaccommodatedschematic eye, the case in which the asphericities also have a logarithmic dependence on accommodation, with an amount of change of the same order of magnitude than experimental findings,36 has been considered. The adopted functions are inTable 5. With these functions the spherical aberration has been computed for several accommodations, and the results are represented in Fig. 10. Agreement with published experimental results has been found in an individual eye37 (0 D and 3.4D of accommodation). The effective refractive indices have been computed in order to keep the chromatic aberration for each accommodation state (in longitudinal units) equal to that ofthe unaccommodatedeye. This impliesthat the chromaticaberration, expressed in diopters, increases slightly with accommodation, a7 0 2i68 Uj 66 - 64- 62 60 0 2 4 6 8 IO ACCOMODATION (dp) Fig. 9. Refractive power of the schematic eye versus accommodation (@). The straight line corresponds to the ideal fitting. (dp, diop- ters.) Table 5. Test Parameters Used in Optical Performance Computations Asphericities Anterior lens asphericity Q3(A) = -3.1316 - 0.34 - ln(A + 1) Posterior lens asphericity Q4 (A) = -1 - 0.125 - ln(A + 1) Refractive Indices of the Lens Accommodation (diopters) n** nF nc n* 3 1.4511 1.4298 1.421 1.4134 5 1.4533 1.43313 1.42423 1.4162 HEIGHT (mm) ....-r4 -3 -2 - I LSA (dp) Fig. 10. LSA obtained for several accommodation states: unaccommodated (-), 3D (----), 5 D (--), and 10D (...). (dp, diopters.) Vol. 2, No. 8/August 1985/J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 1279 ,0 .2 0.5 0.61 y 0.4 .a 0 C 0 0 a) 025 05 Normalized spatialcoordinate p sin Oa(/AM) F I I I I I I I 0.75 b) 0.2 0.4 0.6 X C) 0 0.5 Normalized spatialfrequency Fig. 11. Distribution of a) illuminance and b) chromaticity coordinates (x, y) of the polychiomatic PSF and the c) polychromatic MTF obtained for the 3 D accommodated eye with the following pupil diameters: 2mm (@),3mm (O),4 mm (X),5mm (A),6 mm (o), and 8mm (A). v = 1corresponds to the cutoff frequency at X = 500 nm, p is the radial coordinate on the image plane, and a' is the semiaperture angle. Dashed curves correspond to the aberration-free system. in accordance (in a first approximation) with the effect observed experimentally. 38 The resulting refractive indices for 3 and 5 D are shown in Table 5. Finally, the polychromatic PSF and MTF have also been computed forseveral pupil diameters and accommodations, and the results for.the 3-D accommodated eye are shown in Fig. 11 (the results for 4 and 5 D are very similar). This simple model, although it does not accurately predict average spherical aberration, does predict the small improvement in optical performance for intermediate accommodation states (near vision)that isusually ob- served. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS Unaccommodated Schematic Eye A schematic eye with four aspheric surfaces is proposed in this paper. It is shown that, by introducing recent average experimental measurements about the corneaand the lens into the Gullstrand-Le Grand eye, the experimentally observed average spherical aberration is predicted. The main difference between our model and the previous work of El Hage and Berny5 is that they computed the shape of the lens surfaces to fit the experimental spherical aberration, whereas the asphericities introduced in our schematic eye have been taken from anatomical measurements.12 The resulting modeldoes predict averagesphericalaberrationwithoutany shapefitting. This fact seems to be in disagreement with previous findings 6 that show that the graded-index structure of the lens, not considered in our schematic eye, has an important role on the state of spherical correction of the lens. In this waya schematic eyethat does not include the graded-index lens is not expected to reproduce the spherical aberration of the actual eye. 'However, Lotmar4 pointed out that not only the graded-index structure of the lens but the asphericities (shapes) have an important role in the spherical aberration of the eye. In fact, he found order-of-magnitude agreement in spherical aberration just by introducing asphericities In the cornea and in the back surface of the lens. He also pointed out that, on the contrary, off-axisaberrations cannot be predicted without consideringthe graded-indexlens. Therefore it appears that asphericities play the major rolein spherical aberration, whereas off-axis behavior is managed by the graded-indexstructure ofthe lens. Onthe otherhand, itmust be taken into account that the asphericities of the lens surfaces used in our model were measured from excised lenses,1 2 the corresponding radii of curvature being smaller than those measured in vivo. Perhaps both radii and asphericities should correspond to an intermediate state of accommodation, and consequently the actual asphericities of the unaccommodated eye could differ somewhat from those used in the model. Such a difference (expected to be small) could explain the apparent contradiction of predicted spherical aberration with anatomically determined asphericities and without considering the graded-index lens. The schematic eyeproposed in this paper is similar to the one described by Kooijman in Ref. 9, which was published when our workwas almost finished, and therefore a similar monochromatic optical performance must also be expected. He used his model as a wide-angle eyeto compute retinal illumination produced by uniform field but not to reproduce the optical performance of the eye. Nevertheless he found Navarro et al. I 1280 J. Opt. Soc. Am. A/Vol. 2, No. 8/August 1985 better results with his aspheric model than with the Gullstrand-Le Grand model. It must be pointed out that the refractive indices proposed (Table 2) differ from those of Le Grand16 and are not anatomical. They have been computed to fit the chromatic aberration of the whole eye, and so the model could fail to predict chromatic aberration ofthe different components of the eye. The contribution of each ocular medium to the chromatic aberration has been calculated by Millodot and Newton25 using Le Grand's model. The model predicts the on-axis optical performance of an average eye. Disagreements could be found if it is compared with individual eyes because of the wide variation in the spherical aberration from different eyes. Somemultilayered or graded-index models can fit individual spherical aberra- tion,7 but they need a large number of parameters (a greater number if the polychromatic performance also has to be modeled). In spite of their complexity they do not predict irregular aberrations or intraocular scattering. Therefore simplified eye models are still useful, mainly in those cases in which on-axis performance is required. Irregular aberrations are caused by the lack of rotational symmetry, decentering of the surfaces, etc., and they have an influence on the image no greater than a defocusingof 0.15D,according to Van Meet- eren.20 However, more recent work on monochromatic aberrations of the eye33 attributes a more important roleto the irregular aberrations, even more important than the spherical aberration. This seems reasonable for individual subjects, because the eye is not a rotationally symmetric system and, on the other hand, the fovea is placed off the optical axis of the eye. However, when an average eye is modeled, the average aberration is then composed mainly of a rotationally symmetric aberration (spherical) and a residual aberration (irregular). Also,the Stiles-Crawford effectand the chromatic aberration soften the relative influence of the monochromatic irregular aberrations. Accommodation-Dependent Model Based on the unaccommodated eye model, a schematic eye that varies continuously with accommodation is also proposed. A logarithmic variation for the radius and the thickness of the lens has been adopted instead of the linear variation proposed by Blaker.10 Both kinds of variation are approaches to the actual changes during accommodation. Linear variation has been found in a few individual cases, while logarithmic variation appears to be a better approach to average variation. The intracapsular mechanism of accommodation has been introduced in the model to account for the increment of refractive power produced by the change in the graded-index structure of the lens during accommodation. The results obtained inthe accommodation-dependent case showthat it is a better approach than previous paraxial models. In fact, although spherical aberration ofthe accommodatedeyeisnot accurately predicted, the resulting polychromatic optical performance seems reasonable. Further improvements on the accommodation-dependent model can be made by computing more adequate asphericities and constringences, although more experimental data are needed to permit effective modeling. Navarro et al. REFERENCES 1. H. von Helmholtz, Physiologische Optik, 3rd ed. (Voss, Hamburg, 1909). 2. A. Gullstrand, appendix in H. von Helmholtz, Physiologische Optic, 3rd ed. (Voss, Hamburg, 1909), Bd. 1, p. 299. 3. Y. Le Grand and S. G. El Hage, Physiological Optics (SpringerVerlag, Berlin, 1980). 4. 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Navarro et al.