Fluid, electrolyte and acide-base disturbances in surgery (not only) L.Dadak Dept. of Anesthesia and Intensive Care St. Ann's University Hospital Homeostasis ● ● ● ● ● tendency to keep stable isovolemia H+ = pH, pCO2, Glc, ions isohydria, isoionia, isoosmia Laboratory ● ● Never completely trust the laboratory ● errors with blood sample Will result change my decision? Never completely trust the laboratory Quick <0.10 ( 0.70 - 1.34 ) <-( ) repeated aPTT >150 s ( 20.0 - 40.0 ) <=( ) repeated Fibrinogen 4.50 g/l ( 1.80 - 4.00 ) ( )-> Antitrombin III 32 % ( 80 - 120 ) <-( ) - - - - - - - - - - - same patient, 30 min later - - - - - - - - - - - - Quick 0.55 ( 0.70 - 1.34 ) <-( ) aPTT 44.7 s ( 20.0 - 40.0 ) ( )-> Aptt ratio 1.49 Fibrinogen 5.40 g/l ( 1.80 - 4.00 ) ( )-> INR 1.59 ( 0.85 - 1.38 ) ( )-> Antitrombin III 61 % ( 80 - 120 ) <-( ) Blood for analysis ● ● ● arterial capillary venous ● ● ● peripheral central mixed venous (v.cava, a.pulmonalis) Body Fluid Compartments Total Body Water (TBW): 50-70% of total body wt. ● ● Avg. is greater for males. Decreases with age. Highest in newborn, 7580%. By first year of life TBW ~ 65%. ● Most in muscle, less in fat. ● TBW= ECF + ICF ● ICF ~ 2/3 & ECF ~ 1/3 ● ECF = Intravascular (1/3) + Interstitial (2/3) Water - compartments: ECF = IVF + ISF ICF 5% 15% 40% Na Na + - Na K K P P ++- K ICF (mEq/L) ECF (mEq/L) Cations K+ (150-154) Na+ (6-10) Mg+2 (40) Anions Organic PO4-3 (100-106) protein (40-60) SO4-2 (17) HCO3- (10-13) organic acids (4) Na+(142) Ca+2 (5) K+ (4-5) Mg+2 (3) Cl-(103-105) HCO3- (24-27) protein (15) PO4-3 (3-5), SO4-2 (4) Organic acids (2-5) Electrolyte Physiology ● ● ● ● Primary intravascular/ECF cation is Na+. Very small contribution of K+, Ca2+, and Mg2+. Primary intravascular/ECF anion is Cl-. Smaller contribution from HCO3-, SO42- & PO43-, organic acids, and protein. Primary ICF cation is K+. Smaller contribution from Mg2+ & Na+. Number of intravasc anions not routinely detected. Intra Vascular Fluid ● Treatable volume Provides: ● Nutrition ● Oxygenation ● Waste removal ● Temperature ● Alkalinity Priorities 1. fluid volume and perfusion deficits 2. 3. 4. correction of pH K, Ca, Mg Na, Cl IV Fluid/Electrolyte Therapy Three key concepts in consideration of fluid and electrolyte management: ● cell membrane permeability ● osmolarity ● electroneutrality Cell membrane permeability refers to the ability of a cell membrane to allow certain substances such as water and urea to pass freely, while charged ions such as sodium cannot cross the membrane and are trapped Osmolarity ● Osmolarity is a property of particles in solution. If a substance can dissociate in solution, it may contribute more than one equivalent to the osmolarity of the solution. For instance, NaCl will dissociate into two osmotically active ions: Na and Cl. One millimolar NaCl yields a 2 milliosmolar solution. Electroneutrality ● ● in every solution sum of [mval/l] cations is equal to sum of anions ● ● Na+, K+, Mg++, Ca++ ... Cl-, HCO3-, PO4--, proteins- Osmolarity, osmolality Each particle present in the water binds number molecules of water. Serum osmolarity is measured directly by determining the freezing point of serum. normal 275 .. 295 mOsm/l Calculated osmolarity = 2 * Na + Glc + Urea [mOsm/l] ● 2* 140 + 5 + 3 Gap > 10 mOsm/l ... another solute (lactate, ethanol) Gap > 50 mOsm/l ... often fatal Osmolality [mmol/kg of water] Water ● 55% - 60%, new born 80% of body weight Basic Needs (Adult) ● ● Basic need Current losses ● ● ● 2 ml/kg/h 1°C fever = 500ml/d sweating diarrhea ... water with ions [mmol/l] Types of IV Fluid ● Crystalloid ● Colloid Crystalloid: ● ● ● Balanced salt/electrolyte solution; forms a true solution and is capable of passing through semipermeable membranes. May be isotonic, hypertonic, or hypotonic. Normal Saline (0.9% NaCl), Lactated Ringer’s, Hypertonic saline (3, 5, & 7.5%), Ringer’s solution. However, hypertonic solutions are considered plasma expanders as they act to increase the circulatory volume via movement of intracellular and interstitial water into the Colloid: ● Colloid: High-molecular-weight solutions, draw fluid into intravascular compartment via oncotic pressure (pressure exerted by plasma proteins not capable of passing through membranes on capillary walls). Plasma expanders, as they are composed of macromolecules, and are retained in the intravascular space. ● HAES, Gelatina (Dextran); ● Albumin, Plasma "Free H2O solutions:" ● ● Free H2O solutions: provide water that is not bound by macromolecules or organelles, free to pass through. D5W (5% dextrose in water), D10W, D20W, D50W, and Dextrose/crystalloid mixes. IVF can supply 3 things ● fluid, ● electrolytes, ● calories (150 ml/h D5W) The most common uses for IVF: ● Acutely expand intravascular volume in hypovolemic states ● Correct electrolyte imbalances ● Maintain basal hydration infusion: ● Ringer's lactate solution ● NS = Normal Saline = NaCl 0,9% Normal Saline (0.9% NaCl): ● ● ● ● ● Isotonic salt water. 154 mEq/L Na+; 154 mEq/L Cl-; 308mOsm/L. (Cheapest), commonly used crystalloid. High [Cl-] above the normal serum 103 mEq/L imposes on the kidneys an appreciable load of excess Cl- that cannot be rapidly excreted. A dilutional acidosis may develop by reducing base bicarb relative to carbonic acid. Thus exist the risk of hyperchloremic acidosis. Only solution that may be administered with blood products. Lactated Ringer's solution ● isotonic, beginning of volume resuscitation Ingredients: * 130 mEq of sodium ion. * 109 mEq of chloride ion. * 28 mEq of lactate. * 4 mEq of potassium ion. * 3 mEq of calcium ion. Lactate is converted readily to bicarb by the liver. Has minimal effects on normal body fluid composition and pH. More closely resembles Volume Volume deficits are best estimated by acute changes in weight. Less than 5% loss is very difficult to detect clinically and loss of 15+% will be associated with severe circulatory compromise. ● Mild deficit represents a loss of ~ 4% body wt. ● Moderate deficit --- a loss of ~ 6-8% body wt. ● Severe deficit --- a loss of ~ >10% body wt. Volume deficit may be a pure water deficit or combined water and electrolyte deficit. Resuscitative IV Fluids Principle of trauma & surgery: Crystalloids; isotonic balanced salt solutions (RingerLactate). Amount given based upon body wt, clinical picture, and vital signs = shock. Generally a bolus of 500-2000cc is given depending on the above, then rates are run at 1.5-2x maintenance or 10-20cc/kg/d on top of maintenance. Continuous clinical reassessment of vitals and response to fluids already given is required for ongoing IVF Monitoring endpoints for IVF therapy Endpoint should be maintenance or reestablishment of homeostasis. ● In order to reestablish homeostasis in a pt, IVF therapy must not only provide a balance of water and electrolytes, but must ensure adequate oxygen delivery to all organs and renal perfusion as evidenced by urine output. ● Endpoints: normalization of VS, UO>0.5ml/kg/hr (1ml/kg/hr for a child) and restoration of normal mental status and lack of Hypovolemia ● ● deficit of water estimated from ● ● ● weight loss thirst physical signs (soft eyes, tachycardia, hypotension, oliguria, organ dysfunction – brain ) ● hypo, iso, hypertonic ● Treatment: add water (crystaloid, coloid) Hypervolemia ● ● ● hypotonic – excess of water (no ions e.g. 5% Glc) isotonic – anuria + intake crystaloids hypertonic – intake of concentrated solutions, loss of hypoosmolar fluid. / rare/ Ions in the body ● ● ● ● ● Sodium Na+ Potassium K+ Calcium Ca++ Magnesium Mg++ Phosphorus PO4- Chloride Cl---------● Glucose Glc ● Sodium Na+ ● ● ● ● extracellular fluid intracellular fluid Hyponatremia Hypernatremia 140 mmol/l 10 mmol/l Hyponatremia ● ● ● Na+ in serum < 120 mmol/l usually due to hemodilution by too much water sodium loss ● vomiting ● diarrhea ● sweating, ● renal / CNS disorders, diuretics ● third space sequestration (burns, pancreatitis, peritonitis) factitous (hyperglycemia, hyperlipidemia, manitol) osmolality normal / increased Hyponatremia - symptoms ● ● ● ● ● ● Fatique Apathy, coma, change in mental status Headache Muscle cramps, weakness Anorexia, nausea, vomiting, Mild to moderate hyponatremia is usually asymptomatic. Treatment of hyponatremia ● ● ● ● stable pat. - water restriction (less 1l/d) severe, acute hyponatremia (duration < 48 h) , symptomatic pt. with brain edema 3% NaCl i.v. Rate of correction should not exceed 0.5-1 mEq/L/h, with a total increase not to exceed 12 mEq/L/d Risk of rapid treatment - demyelinisation Hypernatremia inadequate water intake ● excessive loss of water ● diarrhea ● vomiting ● hyperpyrexia ● excessive sweating ● diabetes insipidus (ADH) = loss of hypotonic urine ● increased intake of salt ● coma, no responce to thirst Therapy: Glc 5% i.v. ● Potassium K+ ● ● ● ● ● Major intracellular cation serum (2% of total) 3.8 .. 5.6 mmol/l electric potential on membrane (Na+/K+ ATPasa) arytmias extremly responsive to changes of pH!! Acidosis in cell (H+) banish K+ out of cell. delta pH 0,1 ..... 0,5..0,6 mmol/l (i.v.) Hypokalemia K < 4 mmol/l ● ● ● ● ● losses in urine diurettics, diarrhea, vomiting reduced intake Alcalosis CAVE severe muscle weakness, asystolia Treatment: ● ● KCl p.os; max KCl 40 mmol/h i.v. ECG monitoring !!!! Hyperkalemia ● ● ● ● ● hemolysis muscle damage anuria, renal failure Acidosis CAVE intracardiac block (diastolic arest) or fibrilation muscle weakness – ventilatory failure therapy: ● ● ● ● ● ● stop intake Glc + HMR i.v., loop diuretic (furosemide) Calcium i.v., bicarbonate i.v resonium p.os dialysis Calcium Ca++ ● ● most abundant mineral in the body 2kg Parathormone PTH ● ● ● ● Calcitonin ● ● stimulate osteoklast stimulate intestine resorption in kidney inhibites osteoklast Vitamine D ● potens saving Ca++ Ionised Ca = 1.1 mmol/l // efect of all Calcium bound by proteins =ineffective to receptors Calcium Ca++ ● Hypocalcemia ● ● ● ● Respiratory Alcalosis, hypoPTH, shock, sepsis, pancreatitis together hypomagnesemia Hypercalcemia ● ● muscle damage malignancy Chloride Cl● ● Major anion in Extracellular fluid see ABR Glucose ● ● ● hyperglycemia hypoglycemia / insulin overdose/ next week Acide-base arterial blood: pH pCO2 pO2 HCO3BE SpO2 7,35-7,45 4,6-6 kPa 10-13 kPa 22-26mmol/L -2 .. +2 mmol/L 95-98% Steward's principle 160 Mg++,Ca++ CO3-- 140 mEq/L 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 SIDa HCO3A- SIG SIDe laktát Na++ Cl- Kationty Anionty My 4 Steps to figure out the Patients ABGs ● ● ● If I were to start on the top step going down, I would decide if my patient has acidosis or alkalosis by looking at his pH level. If it is normal but the PCO2 or HCO3- is off, I would keep looking knowing that compensation may have happened. If the PCO2 has an indirect relationship to the pH (if pH is high, but PCO2 is low or if pH is low and PCO2 is high) then I will know the patients condition is Respiratory. (involving the lungs) Either Respiratory Alkalosis or Respiratory Acidosis depending on the pH. If the HCO3- has a direct relationship or is normal (if pH is high, and HCO3- is high, or if pH is low and HCO3- is low), then I know the problem is Metabolic (involving the kidneys). Either Metabolic Acidosis or Alkalosis – dependent upon the abnormal value of the pH. Lastly I would use my bottom step to decide the compensation. Has there been compensation? If the pH is normal, then the body has been working to get it’s pH values back to normal. If it isn’t normal, I would look at the HCO3- for Respiratory (we didn’t look at this one early on for Respiratory), or I would look at PCO2 for Metabolic ( we didn’t look at this one for Metabolic). – Generally, if all values are off: you have partial compensation (the body is still trying to compensate). CO2 Glc + O2 → CO2 + H2O CO2 + H2O → H2CO3 → ∆pH 0.1 Η+ + Η CO3- ∆ p CO2 1,6 kPa = 12 mmHg Genesis of Acid ● ● ● ● = donor of H+ lactate - shock strong acids intake (HCl, H2SO4) acetylsalicilic acid (drug overdose) ... ∆pH 0.1 ∆ BE 6mmol/l Basic laws pH = - log [H+] [H+] ... mol/l pH = pK + log (H+ acceptor /H+ donor) [H+] = 24 x paCO2 / [HCO3-] Henderson equation ● acidosis pH < 7.36 ● alcalosis pH > 7.44 Place of error: ● Respiratory (lung) ... pCO2 ● Metabolic (kidney,...) ... BE BE = number of acid needed to correct sample to pH 7.4 Easy equation ∆pH 0.1 BE 6mmol/l ∆ p CO2 1,6 kPa = 12 mmHg Easy equation ∆pH 0.1 BE 6mmol/l ∆ p CO2 1,6 kPa = 12 mmHg Kilopascals for PCO2. ● ● ● Many texts and papers express the PCO2 in kilopascals (kPa). It is useful to remember that this value is almost the same as the percentage of atmospheric pressure. For example, the normal arterial PCO2 of 40 mmHg is 5.33 kPa or 5.61 %. To convert pressure in mmHg to kPa, it is necessary to divide the value in mmHg by 7.5 [40mmHg /7,5 = 5,33kPa] Respiratory Acidosis (RAc) ● ● ● The decision to ventilate a patient to reduce the PCO2 is a clinical decision and is based on exhaustion, prognosis, prospect of improvement from concurrent therapy, and in part on the PCO2 level. Once the decision is made, the PCO 2 helps to calculate the appropriate correction. The PCO2 reflects a balance between the carbon dioxide production and its elimination. Unless the metabolic rate changes, the amount of carbon dioxide to be eliminated remains constant. It directly determines the amount of ventilation required and the level of PCO2. Where VT equals tidal volume and f equals respiratory rate: PCO2 x Ventilation = Constant, i.e., PCO2 x VT x f = k MAc •kidney unable to eliminate H+ •big production of acides. = anuria •The treatment for a metabolic acidosis is, again, judged largely on clinical grounds. Bicarbonate therapy is justified when metabolic acidosis accompanies difficulty in resuscitating an individual or in maintaining cardiovascular stability. •A typical dose of bicarbonate might be 1 mEq per kilogram of body weight followed by repeat blood gas analysis. •Calculation is based on BE and the size of the treatable space (0.3 x weight, e.g., 21 liters): Dose (mEq) = 0.3 x Wt (kg) x BE (mEq/L). Metabolic Acidosis ● ● ● Unmeasured Anions {organic acids - lactate, …} Clloss of HCO3, Na,K,Cl {diarrheal fluid, wrong ratio} RAl ● ● hyperventilation lost of ionized Calcium / hypocalcemia / tetania MAl ● ● ● increased loss of NH4 to urine saving HCO3- by kidney loss of Cl- (vomiting) ● ● ● ● ● BE > O pH > 7.44 Th: i.v. FR (NaCl) How to 1. what is wrong 2. what the body do 3. what to do OR / AAA, 5 000ml lost, haemorh. shock, NA i.v., general anesthesia, VCV pH akt. ) pCO2 )-> pO2 )=> BE ) BB ) HCO3 akt. ) 7.083 6.36 kPa 30.78 kPa ( 7.350 - 7.450 ) <-( ( 4.80 - 5.90 ) ( ( 10.66 - 13.30 ) ( -15.8 mmol/l ( -2.6 - 2.6 ) <=( 32.1 mmol/l ( 40.0 - 44.0 ) <=( 13.9 mmol/l ( 22.0 - 26.0 ) <=( OR / AAA, 6 500ml loost, haemorh. shock, NA i.v. pH akt. pCO2 * ) 7.1 ( 7.350 - 7.450 ) <=( 5.0 kPa ( 4.80 - 5.90 ) BE ) -18 lactate => mmol/l 13 mmol/l ( -2.6 - 2.6 ) ( 1 – 2.5 ) ) ( <=( ( )= Try it yourself pH = 7,2 pCO2 = 14 kPa BE = 20 mmol/l pH 7,35-7,45 pCO2 4,6-6 kPa pO2 10-13 kPa HCO3 22-26mmol/L BE -2 .. +2 mmol/L SpO2 95-98% • polytrauma + sepsis + ARDS Measured Calculated Na 131 ↓ HCO3- 21 ↓ K 4,2 = BE -4 ↓ Mg 3,6 ↑ Ca 2,2 = Cl 86 ↓ Pi 2,3 ↑ Alb 8 pH 7,31 PaCO2 5,4 ↓ ↓ ↓ = • polytrauma + sepsis + ARDS Measured Calculated Na ↓ HCO3- 21 ↓ K Henderson-Hasselbach: • metabolic acidosis 131 4,2 = BE -4 ↓ Mg 3,6 ↑ Ca 2,2 = Cl 86 ↓ Pi 2,3 ↑ Alb 8 pH 7,31 ↓ PaCO2 5,4 = ↓ ↓ • polytrauma, sepse s ARDS Measured Calculated Na • hypoalbuminemic alkalisis HCO3- 21 ↓ 4,2 = BE -4 ↓ Mg • dilution acidosis • hypochloremic alkalosis ↓ K Stewart-Fencl: • lactic acidosis 131 3,6 ↑ Ca 2,2 = Cl 86 ↓ Pi 2,3 ↑ Alb 8 pH 7,31 ↓ PaCO2 5,4 = ↓ ↓ SUMARY ● ● ● Biologic system react primary to rate of change and not to absolute concentrations. Abnormalities should be treated at proximately the rate at which they developed. DO NOT rapid correction of a chronic asymptomatic abnormality. When order electrolytes exam: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● poor oral intake vomiting chronic hypertension diuretic use recent seizure muscle weakness age over 65 alcoholism history of electrolyte abnormality When order blood gasses: ● ● ● acid-base problems artificial ventilation acute CNS change immediately look for ● hypoxemia ● hypoglycemia ● hyponatremia ● sepsis Priorities 1. fluid volume and perfusion deficits 2. 3. 4. correction of pH K, Ca, Mg Na, Cl Bleeding – transfusion strategy Indication: Transfuse to Maintain: ● Transfuse any symptomatic patient ● Until no longer (e.g., tachycardia, hypotension, CHF, symptomatic angina) ● Asymptomatic, presurgical, stable ● Hb 7-8 g/dl patient ● Hemodynamically stable postsurgical ● Hb 8 g/dl stable patient ● Hb 10 g/dl ● Postsurgical patient at risk for ischemic disease (e.g., cardiac, bowel) ● Hemodynamically stable, nonpregnant, ● Transfuse at 7 g/dl to maintain Hb at 7ICU patients >age 16 without ongoing 9 g/dl blood loss