Kotulán: Introduction 1 Introduction to Preventive Medicine Jaroslav Kotulán Kotulán: Introduction 2 TWO BASIC ASPECTS OF MEDICINE l1. Biological and technological aspect ØBiology: studying the structure and function of tissues and organs in health and disease ØTechnology - of examination of body structure and functions - diagnosis l - of repairing defects and solving troubles - therapy Object of the study (care) - an individual Basic question: What are the health problems of Mr. ...... Methods: clinical Kotulán: Introduction 3 2. Social aspect Ø studying health as a mass phenomenon Object of the study (care) - group of people (population) e.g. population of the ČR, inhabitants of Brno, schoolchildren in Prague etc. Basic question: What are the health problems of the population of .... Methods of diagnostics: epidemiology, statistics etc. Methods of therapy: health programs Medical disciplines dealing with the second aspect: public health, preventive medicine, social medicine, community health, epidemiology etc. Distribuce Determinanty Populace – geograficky, dle povolání aj., obvykle i podle pohlaví a věku Kotulán: Introduction 4 EPIDEMIOLOGY –The term is derived from three Greek roots (epi meaning upon, demos meaning people, and logia meaning study). It was originally applied to the study of outbreaks of acute infection diseases and was defined as the science of epidemics. Definition: Epidemiology refers to the study of the distribution and determinants of diseases or conditions in a defined population. Epidemiology is based on two fundamental assumptions: Diseases do not occur by chance Ø Diseases are not distributed randomly in the population ØThus, their distribution indicates something about how and why that disease process occurred. Something from above coming to threaten (thre..) people Kotulán: Introduction 5 Historical notes Hippocrates (c. 460-370 BC): environmental factors can influence the occurrence of disease It was not until the 19th century that the distribution of disease in human population groups has been measured > onset of modern epidemiology Not much progress during the middle age Some correct measures: isolation of the sick, burning of contaminated objects No knowledge about causes of the spreading Hippokrates (460 – 377) před n.l. : „O vzduchu, vodách a místech“ – vztahu nemocí a životního prostředí odpozorováno Kotulán: Introduction 6 John Snow (1813-1858), a physician in London, in the time of severe epidemics of cholera (1848, 1853 etc.) Commonly accepted theory about the cause at that time: „miasma“ – something in the air („all smell is disease“) Kotulán: Introduction 7 On a map of London, he located the home of each person who died from cholera in 1848-49 and 1853-54 epidemics He found an apparent association between the source of drinking-water and the deaths (see the table) John Snow doubted about that miasma theory He noticed that the distribution of the disease in the town was not regular: different density of cases in different streets or localities He saw no associatons with polluted air, elevation above sea level, weather and season, social status etc. Kotulán: Introduction 8 CHOLERA MORTALITY IN LONDON IN THE 4 WEEKS ENDING AUGUST 5, 1854 Water Company Houses Supplied Deaths in 4 weeks Rate per 10 000 houses Southwark and Vauxhall 40 046 286 71 Lamberth 26 107 14 5 All others 287 345 277 9 He proposed the hypothesis about the communication of infectious diseases in general and > suggested that cholera was spread by contaminated water 30 years before Koch isolated and identified the cholera vibrio From Snow J: On the Mode of Transmission of Cholera, 2^nd ed., London, Churchill, 1855 John Snows „Natural Experiment“, Cholera in London, 1854. Snow visited houses where people had died of cholera and found out which company had supplied their drinking water. Competing companies often supplied different houses in the same street. The Southwark and Vauxhall Company drew its water from the river Thames downstream, where it was polluted; the Lamberth Company drew water upstream from London, where it was free of pollution Kotulán: Introduction 9 Ignaz Semmelweis (1818-1865), Hungarian physician, head of Obstetrical Clinic in Vienna (since 1847) Kotulán: Introduction 10 Puerperal sepsis („puerperal fever“, „childbed fever“) was common in mid-19th-century hospitals -mortality at 10% to 35%, -much more than with deliveries at home (or preterm in the street) -causes not known, believed to be non-preventable Semmelweis studied the occurrence of cases according to place and time: two obstetric clinics : mortality in I. Clinic 13,1%, II. Clinic 2,03% in the same hospital, the same techniques used Only difference: education of students in the I., of midwives in the II. Much less cases in summer, in the time of vacations Do you know the history of his discovery? Kotulán: Introduction 11 Semmelweis noticed in autopsies that pathological findings in puerperal sepsis were very similar to the findings in the sepsis after the injury in the dissecting room (1848) He immediately proposed a connection cadaveric contamination → puerperal fewer the students carried some „cadaveric material“ on their hands The discovery of pyogene streptococcus considerably later: Pasteur 1879, Rosenbach 1884 Semmelweis instituted a policy of using a solution of chlorinated lime for washing hands and later also instruments and bandage Incidence of puerperal fever: 12,24% → 1,25% NB: only exact observation, records and their analysis Kotulán: Introduction 12 Goals of epidemiology Ø Identify factors that cause disease or disease transmission Ø Prevent the spread of communicable and non-communicable diseases and conditions Kotulán: Introduction 13 Types of epidemiologic studies 1.Descriptive 2. Analytic Kotulán: Introduction 14 Descriptive studies l describe the distribution of cases by the variables of person, place, and time in order to study and describe acute outbreaks of disease, to follow secular trends of disease occurrence over time, and to develop hypotheses about disease transmission. Kotulán: Introduction 15 Mortokrmap Kotulán: Introduction 16 Strokerate Kotulán: Introduction 17 Analytic studies l such as the retrospective (case-control) studies and the prospective (cohort) studies, identify causal relationships or factors associated with disease. In most cases, analytic studies do not prove cause and effect, but there are used to generate hypotheses that can be tested. a) Observational b) Experimental Kotulán: Introduction 18 Kotulán: Introduction 19 Experimental studies Øe.g. vaccine field trials and clinical studies that evaluate therapy Placebo controlled double blind test are carefully designed to prove an association between a factor and disease outcome Ø giving vitamins, antioxidants etc. and studying the preventive effect Kotulán: Introduction 20 Tools for measuring health status of a population ØMortality §standardized mortality ratio (SMR), mortality in the productive age, years of potential life lost (YPLL) §life expectancy (at birth) ØMorbidity - prevalence - incidence Kotulán: Introduction 21 Life expectance at birth in Europe ØGreat differences amongst countries l levels l trends ØČR needs to improve its position amongst European countries - stress on prevention Kotulán: Introduction 22 Kotulán: Introduction 23 Kotulán: Introduction 24 Causes of the health differences amongst European countries l Nutrition? l Smoking? l Obesity? Hypokinesis? l Stress? l Polluted environment? l Health care quality? Kotulán: Introduction 25 LifespantrendCR Kotulán: Introduction 26 ØNecessity of better prevention is felt also in affluent countries l reason: rapidly growing expenses on health care l eg. USA: Program Healthy People 2000 Kotulán: Introduction 27 USAcosts Kotulán: Introduction 28 Determinants of National Health: Ølife style (nutrition, autoagression, stress, work and rest, health habits) Ø environment (regional, local, professional, individual) Øhealth care Neštovice: Program WHO zahájen v r. 1967, tehdy 10 – 15 mil. Nových případů ročně, 2 miliony zemřelých/rok Jódová prevence od r. 1915 Kotulán: Introduction 29 Health Programmes Ø„Postinfectious era“ ØFirst Health Programs: North Karelia etc. ØTypes of programmes - disease approach - factor approach - settings approach („Healthy City“, „Healthy School“ etc.) Kotulán: Introduction 30 Complex Programs Ø Health for All 2000, HFA 21 Ø Healthy People 2000 Healthy People 2020 Ø National Programs Kotulán: Introduction 31 PREVENTIVE MEDICINE l Preventive Medicine is the branch of medicine that concentrates on keeping people well. Kotulán: Introduction 32 Goals of Preventive medicine a. Disease prevention deals with techniques that prevent the occurrence of disease (physical, mental, or emotional) or lead to an early diagnosis where therapy may cure, prevent, or modify the progression of disease. b. Health promotion deals with techniques that foster physical and emotional well-being and increase the length and quality of life. It deals with the fact that many diseases are not caused by unknown or unpredictable factors, but by personal, modifiable lifestyle habits. Modifying a few lifestyle habits, such as poor diet, infrequent exercise, unprotected sexual intercourse, lack of prenatal care, failure to use seat belts, and the use of tobacco, alcohol, and drugs, could reduce one-third of all cases of acute disability, two-thirds of all cases of chronic disability, and 40% - 70% of premature death. Kotulán: Introduction 33 Levels of prevention a) primary, b) secondary, c) tertiary l a. Primary prevention is the prevention of disease or injury. Primary prevention activities can be directed at individuals or at the environment. (1) Health education: encouraging people to develop good health habits (nutrition, exercise), to avoid harmful substances (alcohol, tobacco, drug abuse) and harmful circumstances (driving while intoxicated) and to use specific protective measures (e.g., immunizations, condom use). (2) Environmental modification can decrease injuries from falls, fires, or automobile accidents. Environmental sanitation is used to provide an adequate sewage system, safe drinking water, clean air, and environment free of toxic substances. Kotulán: Introduction 34 b. Secondary prevention l is the early detection and prompt treatment of disease. (1) Screening programs are used to detect diseases in early preclinical stages, when effective therapy may either cure the disease or limit its progression (e.g., neonatal detection of phenylketonuria, the Pap test to detect in situ carcinoma of the cervix, glaucoma testing). (2) Primary medical care is the predominant form of secondary prevention. Most health expenses are spent on, and most health care personnel are employed in, primary care. c. Tertiary prevention is the limitation of disability and the rehabilitation from disease. It emphasizes a person’s remaining abilities and attempts to restore the person to as normal a life as possible. Kotulán: Introduction 35 Epidemiology and prevention of infectious diseases Ø Elimination of disease-causing agent: desinfection, sterilization, chlorination, pasteurization etc. Ø Control of the reservoir: isolation, quarantine, chemotherapy, animals (wild animals, pets), mosquitoes etc. Ø Control of the transmission: direct transmission (hand washing, individual towels, condom use etc.), indirect transmission (air, water, food, arthropod vectors - mosquitoes, mites, ticks), Ø Protection of the susceptible host: (immunization, chemoprophylaxis, good health habits etc.) Roztoč, klíště, bodnout – sting, stang, stung, ničit bakterie – to control germs Kotulán: Introduction 36 Epidemiology and prevention of chronic illnesses l Heart disease, Cerebrovascular disease Cancer Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Cirrhosis Diabetes Renal Disease Anaemia Peptic ulcer Osteoporosis etc. Most important: Kotulán: Introduction 37 Mortpříč II. Neoplasms IX. Circulatory system X. Respiratory system XI. Digestive system XIV. Genitourinary system XX. External causes (injury, poisonings) Kotulán: Introduction 38 DiabetestrendCR PAD … Peroral antidiabetics (derivatives of sulphonilurea, biguanides etc.) Kotulán: Introduction 39 Branches of preventive medicine l Environmental health Basic problems: ¨ Air pollution (ambient air, indoor air) ¨ Water pollution, water supply, drinking water ¨ Food contaminants ¨ Noise ¨ Radiation ¨ Wastage, sewage In continental Europe: Hygiene Kotulán: Introduction 40 NEW ISSUES – SOME INSTANCES Endocrine disruptors = exogenous substances that interfere with the endocrine system and disrupt the physiologic function of hormones Some of them block the cell receptors, others stimulate or inhibit the endocrine system They have adverse biological effects in animals - adverse developmental and reproductive effects on fish and wildlife Ø Modulation of reproductive endocrinology, adrenal, thyroid, and growth hormone function Rising concerns that low-level exposure might cause similar effects in human beings Xenoestrogens mimic the hormone action of estrogens (xenos = foreign) :endekrin dis:rapt int r:fie Kotulán: Introduction 41 Diethylstilbestrol (DES), a drug that for years had been prescribed to women to prevent miscarriage In the 1970s, its hormonal toxicity was discovered - later causing cancer and infertility in some of the children of these mothers Other endocrine disruptors phtalates – chemicals used in plastics > mouthing toys for children, plastic tubing in medical devices bisphenol A (BPA) used in manufacture of plastics and epoxy resins (rezin) food can liners, food storage containers, baby bottles, water supply pipes, dental resins. The alone United States produces 700 000 kg BPA annually, nowadays is found in stream water, in adult´ s blood, in amniotic fluid, and placental and fetal tissues –lifelong exposure may be hard to avoid Dioxins (polychlorinated dibenzodioxins), PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls), PAHs (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) furans, phenols, several pesticides (also DDT dichloro- diphanyl trichloroethane) 17- beta ethynilestradiol (the contraceptive pill) genistein –phytoestrogen found in soy etc. - a long list. plastics (plastik) manufacture (menju:fäkčr (fyto:esttr dž n) gene – džín genome – dži:noum Kotulán: Introduction 42 Nanotoxicology Nanotechnology = using engineered materials with diameters of < 100 nm (size of molecules and atoms) For comparison, typical carbon-carbon bond length, or a spacing between these atoms in a molecule, are in the range 12 – 15 nm and DNA double-helix has a diameter around 2 nm. The smallest bacteria of the genus Mycoplasma are around 200 nm in length. 2g of 100 nm diameter nanoparticles contains enough material to provide every human worldwide with 300 000 particles each. Materials reduced to the nanoscale can suddenly show very different properties compared to what they exhibit on a macroscale, enabling unique applications. For instance: Ø opaque substances become transparent (copper) Ø inert materials become catalysts (platinum) Ø stable materials turn combustible (aluminium) Ø solids turn into liquids at room temperature (gold) Ø insulators become conductors (silicon) Widespread applications in medicine, plastics, energy, electronics (molecule sized transistors, chips, PCs), aerospace etc. „The biggest engineering innovation since the Industrial Revolution“ opaque ou:pejk Platinum :pla combustible ) k n:ba silicon :silik n Kotulán: Introduction 43 In medicine: in vivo biomedical imaging, disease diagnoses, drug targeting, cancer treatment “Quantum dots” (QD) – semiconductor nanocrystals (2 – 100 nm) with unique optical and electrical properties. Their fluorence spectrum renders them optimal fluorophores for biological imaging. Fluorescent QDs can be conjugated with bioactive moieties (e.g. antibodies, receptor ligands) to target specific biologic events and cellular structures, such as labeling neoplastic cells. They are being explored as tools for site-specific gene and drug delivery. Combination of their crystalline metalloid core structure and a “cap” or “shell” that shields the core and renders the QD biovailable Kotulán: Introduction 44 QuantumDot Kotulán: Introduction 45 The worldwide market for production using nanotechnology is estimated to reach US$ 1 trillion by 2012. Nanoproducts are sold by more than 200 companies globally (electronic, cosmetic, suntan lotions, protective coatings, stain resistant clothing). These materials in society will be increasing, as will the likelihood of exposures. Exposure through inhalation, ingestion, skin uptake and injection. Potential adverse human effects New discipline – nanotoxicology. Studies of absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion and toxicity of nanoparticles. Kotulán: Introduction 46 Occupational health (1) lPossible impacts: ldeath ldisease limpairment (the objective description of the loss of function of the human body) ldisability (the effect of an impairment on the ability of an individual to function in the society) Kotulán: Introduction 47 Occupational health (2) lPotential hazards l¨ Metals (arsenic, cadmium, chromium, lead, mercury etc.) l¨ Solvents (aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons, alcohols, glycols, esters, halogenated hydrocarbons etc.) l¨ Dusts (asbestos, coal, silica, organic dusts etc.) l¨ Pesticides: Insecticides (organophosphorous compounds, organochlorine compounds - e.g. DDT, etc), fungicides (organic mercury compounds), herbicides etc. l¨ Asphixiant gases (carbon monoxide, hydrogen cyanide etc.) l¨ Physical stressors (noise, vibration, heat, cold, injury) l¨ Radiation (ionizing, ultraviolet) l¨ Biologic hazards (brucellosis, tularaemia, leptospirosis, hepatitis, fungal diseases etc.) Kotulán: Introduction 48 lCommunity health Epidemiolody and prevention of injuries Mental health etc. Kotulán: Introduction 49 l l l SO01862_ Thank you for your attention Zopakovat: populační šetření se zdají snadná ale naopak – mnoho úskalí, možností chyb a nesprávných závěrů =>> nestačí „selský rozum“ nutno hodně číst a studovat.