PRESENTATION TOPIC SUGGESTIONS (topics used by students in previous years Use of Animals in Medicine Influence of Kissing on Human Body Doctors Without Borders Euthanasia Plastic Surgery Blood Donation / Organ Donation / Oocyte Donation Transplantations Contraception, Abortion Humans and Sex / Orgasm The way we are born / The way we die Eternity of Life First Aid Drugs, Smoking Eating Disorders Cancer Alternative Medicine Sleep Hypnosis Civilization Diseases HIV Palliative Care Blindness/Deafness in Human Life Pain / Pain Management Phobias Diets Obesity Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) Diseases of Famous People Diseases of the 21^st Century Medicinal Plants History of Medicine Progress in Medicine Becoming a Medical Doctor – a good idea? / The way we study What happens when we graduate? Studying abroad / broadening horizons Medical Career in the Czech Republic or elsewhere? My student job in hospital Old Peoples´ Homes – student insight and experience Very good topics leading to discussions: * Death / Birth / Religious Beliefs * Human cloning * Sale of human organs * AIDS * Abortion * Cosmetic surgery * Legalising drugs * Addictions * Euthanasia * Stem cell research * Prolonging life * Drug testing on animals vs. humans