Communication with patients, their friends and relatives TASK: Look at the following questions concerning the paramedical team and its arriving and leaving the scene of the emergency event. For each point, please, write down as many phrases as possible (at least 4) that are typically used in these situations. Arriving on the scene → What are the typical phrases you use when you arrive on the scene? → What are the typical phrases for getting the medical history from friends, relatives or bystanders? → What are the typical phrases for explaining the next step to patients? e.g. taking the patient to hospital? e.g. patient who is not seriously ill and does not require immediate transport but should still go to hospital for further checks and treatment? e.g. patient refuses treatment / to go to hospital Leaving the scene → What information should you give the relatives or friends of a patient? → What information should you give the relatives or friends of a patient in case of death? → What question/s do you ask to get information on the insurance of the patient? Extra question: Are there any other relevant contexts which have not been mentioned in the page?