Questions: Can you name the main parts of urinary system? What does a kidney consist of and what is its function? What is the role of the pituitary gland in urine production? Look at the text for reading and find synonyms for the following words or explain them: micturition, offspring, ovum, womb, gestation, gametes, suckling, labour, urination, children, egg, uterus, pregnancy, germ cells, breastfeeding, delivery/parturition/childbirth Listening Watch the video and complete the missing words. The kidneys lie outside the peritoneal cavity, they function as the main excretory organs and eliminate the body’s metabolic waste products which are then expelled through the urethra. The kidneys adjust blood composition and so maintain blood volume and pressure. In the place called hilus, blood vessels, nerves and ureter connect to the kidney. They consist of up to 18 lobes (each lobe is divided into lobules) which are composed of nephrons. The nephron is made of glomerulus and a system of tubules. Plasma like fluid which is filtered through a membrane in kidneys is called filtrate and forms the primary urine. The filtrate then enters the tubule system of the nephron where some substances are added to it and some substances are reabsorbed into the blood. The nephron tubule is divided into four segments: proximal convoluted tubule, loop of Henle, distal convoluted tubule and collecting tubule One renal artery supplies blood to each kidney. The artery is divided into segmental arteries which then branches into several lobular arteries within the kidney. The afferent and efferent arterioles regulate glomerular capillary pressure by selectively dilating or constricting. Blood from the kidney empties into the inferior vena cava. By reabsorption the constancy of the internal environment is maintained. After filtration and reabsorption, the filtrate concentrates in collecting tubules and then goes to renal pelvis from where it passes to the ureter, bladder and urethra. The kidneys perform an excretory function: the blood is filtered and some materials are selectively reabsorbed into the blood so that a stable internal environment is maintained. The nephron is made up of glomerulus, which filters the blood and the tubular component where substances are either reabsorbed or secreted into the tubular filtrate for elimination. a 22, b 34, c 3, d 7, e 12, f 18 G-AMNIOTIC FLUID, B-CELL DIVISION, A-EMBRYO, D-FERTILIZATION, I-FOETUS, E-OVUM, F-AMNIOTIC SAC, C-SPERM, H-UMBILICAL CORD, J-CERVIX Verbs for pregnancy 1) It was a breech birth (the baby was positioned with the legs down) 2) trying for, get, had, expecting, had, went into, did, giving, made, push out, gave, was born, handed From pregnancy to birth 1) a 2, b 1, c 3, d 1, e 2 2) 1. waters, contractions, 2. dilated, induce, 3. birth plan, gas and air, 4. an epidural, 5. forceps, 6. a miscarriage, 7. presentation HW b) had stolen, c) lives, d) told, e) had gone, f) noticed, g) were disassembling, h) assumed, i) had asked, j) drove off, k) is/are investigating, l) has/have issued