4. Find the words bellow in the text and match them with their definitions 1. evacuation a. the fact that a part of the body is unable to do something fully 2. tracheostomy b. changing position 3. contusion c. the process of getting rid of solid or liquid material from e.g. the brain 4. dural d. to understand 5. laceration e. relating to or affecting the tough membrane forming the outermost of the three coverings of the brain and spinal cord 6. reposition f. tearing or a deep cut in one’s flesh or organ 7. to ambulate g. to care for the appearance, getting dressed etc. 8. grooming h. intestines 9. bowel i. mentally perceptive and responsive 10. retrieval j. the cognitive operation of accessing information in memory 11. alert k. walk from place to place 12. to sustain l. surgical opening in the neck for the insertion of a catheter or tube to facilitate breathing 13. to comprehend m. to maintain, to keep 14. impairment n. traumatic injury of the brain, bruise of the brain tissue