1. Replace the underlined words with a synonym. alleviate, subside, wash out, stiffness, squeeze, impairment, determine, bring on, cause 1. Symptoms of Parkinson’s disease are tremors, slow movement and muscle rigidity. 2. Symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease include difficulty in learning and worsening of judgment. 3. Treatments are available to lessen some of the symptoms. 4. What triggers this disease is unknown. 5. We don’t know what causes the symptoms to arise. 6. Scientists have not yet been able to identify the cause. 7. Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition in which the median nerve is compressed. 8. During the last phase of migraine the person often feels drained. 9. The bad feeling disappears within 24 hours. 2. Match the words so that they form phrases. experience sheath lapse into disease lose unconsciousness myelin consciousness pass on pain progressive to a person recurrent convulsion throbbing seizures 3. a) Listening: watch the video and answer the questions below. Why did the first polio epidemics occur only at the beginning of the 20th century? What purposes did the March of Dimes have? When was the first polio vaccine created? Why Ms Duffy was not allowed to go to the cinema when she was a child? What was the situation like in 1953? b) Read the text and complete the gaps, then listen once more to check your answers. Polio is a ____________ disease caused by a virus that mainly ____________ children. Before people knew the importance of sanitation babies often ____________ polio at a young age when their mothers’ ____________ system still protected them so the disease passed with no symptoms and the babies would not get polio again. As the importance of sanitation was recognised, children were not ____________ to the polio virus until protection from mothers’ immune system had long worn ____________. As a ____________, older kids become infected ____________ polio and many experienced symptoms before the disease passed. 10 to 15% of them became ____________ or killed when the virus attacked the nerves of the spine and brain. 4. Conditionals continued. Read the sentences and complete the correct form of verbs in brackets. a) If Katie _________ (not be) in the car accident, she _______ (not need) assistance for hygiene care. (she was in the car accident, now she needs the assistance every day) b) If my grandpa _________ (go) to the doctor earlier, he _________ (need) dialysis 3times a week. (he did not go to the doctor soon enough, therefore he needs dialysis now) c) If I _________ (take) an aspirin, I _________ (have) a headache now. (I did not take aspirin, my head is throbbing with pain right now) d) You _________ (be) so tired if you _________ (go) to bed earlier. (you are tired now, you went to bed late yesterday) e) She _________ (take) the train yesterday if she _________ (can drive. (she cannot drive so she had to take the train)