Integumentary system - skin and adnexa skin Skin and adnexa ►Skin ►Adnexa (derivatives): – hair – nail – sebaceous glands – sweat glands – mammary glands ► ► 2215170869_96346b5d30 Skin (cutis): structure ►epidermis – stratified squamous keratinized epithelium ►dermis (corium) –connective tissue + adnexa ►hypodermis (tela subcutanea) – dense c.t. + adipocytes (panniculus adiposus) ► ►area 1.5 – 2.5 m2 ►weight 16 % of b.w. ►Thickness 1 – 5 mm img_3lyr_skin vskindraw Epidermis (stratif. squamous keratinized ep.) 1.Stratum corneum proprium thick layer, keratin, desmosome disjunction 2.(Stratum lucidum) cells – no nucleus; tonofilaments, eleidin 3.Stratum granulosum picnotic cell nuclei , granules with glykolipids and keratohyalin 4.Stratum spinosum „prickle-cell“ or spiny layer, tonofilaments 5.Stratum basale cuboida-columnar cells, mitosis + melanocytes ► ► epidermis basement membrane epi1 Epidermis Histo_14_01_Epidermis%20and%20sweat%20gland_2 Epidermis Dermis Skin_tws_16_02 image002 skin7 004 Epidermis (cells = keratinocytes) stratum corneum stratum granulosum stratum spinosum stratum basale Another cells in epidermis ► ►A = melanocytes ► ► ►B = Langerhans‘ cells (antigen presenting) ►C = Merkel‘s cells (receptors) skin3 solut1 Šachovnice Šachovnice Šachovnice „supranuklear cap“ - granules of pigment melanin Šachovnice skin Types of skin ►Thin 0.5-5.0 mm epidermis 70 – 100 mm 4 layers, + all adnexa ► ►Occurrence: all over body, except in glans penis and labia minora + vestibulum vaginae ► ►Thick 0.8-1.5 mm 400 – 800 mm, 5 layers of epidermis, without hair follicles . ►Occurrence: - palma manus - planta pedis ► ► thinSkin Skin with hair Preview 161_lowpower Skin from finger tip Preview Skin types skthick0021he skthin010he Různé typy kůže (řez) Skin with hair Skin from axilla Skin from tip of finger Skin type: thin thick hand hand hand REGIONAL DIFFERENCES apocrine sweat glands ONLY ecrine sweat glands NO! YES! hair follicles, sebaceous gll. NO! Fingerprint%20ANIMALS%20large Epidermis of thick skin Cristae et sulci cutis: papilary lines (dermatoglyphic patterns = fingeprints) thickskin2 Sweat glands vessels of subpapilar plexus nerv fibers Dermal%20Papilla%20x100 crista intermedia = epidermal peg dermal papillae Dermis ►Stratum papillare dermal papillae – loose connective tissue + capillary loops and nerve endings ►Stratum reticulare irregular dense c.t. (dermatansulphate) with solitary smooth muscle cells, + SKIN ADNEXA ► Melanoma_anatomy Skin derivatives (adnexa) ►Keratinized type: - hair - nail ►Non-keratinized type: - sweat gland - sebaceous gland - mammary gland ► Hair (pilus) ► ►Scapus ►Radix ►Bulbus ► ► ►M. arrector pili ►Gl. sebacecea ► ks1 hair_root epidermis dermis gl. sebacea m. arrector pili Radix pili: kutikula kůra dřeň Zevní kořenová pochva Vnitřní kořenová pochva Vazivová pochva Vazivová papila (papilla pili) Bulbus pili Hair and hair follicle: Scapus pili dermal sheath (3) outer epithel. sheath (2) inner epithel. sheath (1): Henle Huxley sheath cuticule hair cuticule cortex (dřeň) papilla blood vessels (medulla) melanocytes hair Hair / pilus Kůže - 37 Preview Skin with hair (HES) Kůže - 38 Preview Skin with hair (HEŠ) Dermal sheath Hair follicle Hair: cortex Bulbus pili Papilla pili Melanocytes a perfect hair as seen under an electron microscope FL004349 C1-6 Arrow_comes_by squirrel-cone Hair cuticle spruce-cone hair Nail (unguis) ► anatomy_nail Radix unguis Epithelial bed (str. germinativum) Nail plate (str. corneum) Kůže bříška prstu Periost kost nailbed 006 Nail (HE, longitudinal section) 24-Nail%20(%20TS%20)%20-%20A Nail (HE, cross section) Vallum unguis Sulcus unguis Bone of distal phalanga Dermal bed (lectulus unguis) Epithelial bed Nail plate Skin glands ► small – tubular eccrine ►sweat gland ► large – tuboalveolar apocrine ► ►sebaceous gland – alveolar holocrine ► ►mammary gland – tuboalveolar Sweat glands gll. sudoriferae ►Eccrine (eccrinae) – small, ►Apocrine (apocrinae) – large, aromatic follicle1 Tubular glands: - secretory portion - duct - epidermal canal Special%20Skin%203 Special%20Skin%204 eccrine apocrine Sweat glands ►duct: in epidermis – intraepidermal canal ► in dermis – 2layered squamous epithelium ►Secretory portion: „glomerulus“ ► - dark cells - mucopolyssacharides ► - light cells – H2O and ions ► - myoepithelial cells ► ► - glandular cells ► - myoepithelial cells ► animero aniapo Apocrine glands - occurrence: axilla, cirkumanal region, labia pudendi minores, areola mammae, glands of Moll In palpebra, gll. ceruminosae Secretion: H20, proteins, steroids Secretion: H20, proteins, Nacl, NH3, urea, uric acid Epidermal canal of sweat gland: 5603508f2 Sweat+Gland+Duct 008 009 sweat020he animero Eccrine sweat glands 007 nsj3mp2 aniapo Apocrine sweat glands sebaceous011he IN043b aniholo Sebaceous glands alveolar, holocrine duct: stratified squamous ep. Secretory portion – filled with cells Secretion: triacylglycerol, cholesterol, squalene 16-Sebaceous%20Gland Pyknotic nucleus Basal cells – proliferating („germinal“) cells Gl. sebaceae (HE) Mammary gland gl. mammae ► Picture%20706 Tuboalveolar gland image002 1F Age and functinal differences of mammary gland structure mammary_gland1 mammary_gland2 Mamma non lactans Mamma non lactans lmammary%20gland1 fig09 mag20he animero aniapo Mamma lactans a a b. b. 1 3 4 2 Mamma non lactans (1, 2) and mamma lactans (3,4) Intergumentary system ► Slides: ►69. Skin from tip of finger (HE) ►70. Skin from axilla (HE) ►71. Skin with hair (HE) ►72. Nail (HE, longitudinal or cross section) ►73. Mamma non lactans (HE) ►74. Mamma lactans (HE) ► ► ► Preview