LANGUAGE PRACTICE FOR PRESENTATIONS TRANSITIONS / „SIGNALLING WHERE WE ARE GOING“ PRESENTATIONS - EXERCISES Task 1 INTRODUCTION: Complete the following introduction with words from the list. questions act as talk about look at points of view go along hear brief finally Good afternoon and thank you for making the effort to be here with us today. My name’s Rachel Rawlins and I’m responsible for teaching methodology. What I’d like to do today is _________ teaching methods at Czech universities. This ___________ talk will hopefully _____________ a springboard for discussion. I’m going to ____________ the methods from three _________ : firstly, the students; secondly, the teachers; and ___________, the materials. If you have any ___________, just interrupt me as I ___________. Your point of view may well be different, and we’d like to ___________ from you. Task 2: As introductions can become repetitive, it is important to have a choice of words and expressions ready. Use one of the following expressions to replace the synonyms in bold. don’t hesitate a chance I take care I’m delighted sections go through in more depth my purpose is finally divide Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. It’s a pleasure to be with you today. My name is Gordon Mathews and I’m in charge of the University Research Programme at the Rector’s Office. We are here today to review some key figures and to outline our strategy over the next five years. So what I intend to do is to break down this presentation into three parts: first, the current situation; second, the options facing us, and third, the strategy I propose. If you have any questions, please, feel free to interrupt me, but I should also say that there’ll be an opportunity to discuss issues at greater length after my talk. Task 3 ENDING: Complete the following ending with words from the list. questions that’s all second discussion formed by conclude issues briefly finally begin So, ____________I have planned to say about the topic. Let me summarize the main ____________. Very ____________, they are four. First, nation states, ___________, confederations, then, multinational empires, and ____________ multinational democracies. I’d like to ____________ by emphasizing the fact that the majority of today’s countries are ____________ multicultural societies. Well, I suggest we start the ____________ now. But before we ____________, let me thank you for your attention. OK, I’d be glad to answer any ____________ now. Task 4 Endings can become repetitive, so it is important to have a choice of words and expressions ready. Use one of the following expressions to replace the synonyms in bold. Presence I’d be glad talk As you can see then lastly reliable now idea covers everything in It seems to me that listening sum up is based main That brings me to the end of my presentation. Let me just run over the key points again. Very briefly, there are three. First, socio-biology in contrast to ecology, second to economy, and third to political science. From what you have heard, there are some very good reasons to see socio-biology as any treatment of social phenomena that basically draws on neo-Darwinist theory. At this point, I’d like to leave you with the following thought: remember that politics, ecology, as well as economy are part of life, and biology is the study of life. In my opinion, the only possibility is to accept the existence of socio-biology as an equal to other social sciences. Thank you for your attention and now, if you have any questions, I’d be pleased to answer them.