Spring Semester 2015 English for Midwives BKAJ0222 Angličtina 1 II Mgr. Radomíra Bednářová office hours: Wednesday 9-10, Thursday 10-11, building A15, ground floor; best entrance ring the bell on the 2^nd floor corridor) rbednar@med.muni.cz 549 49 81 70 Class takes place: Wed 12.20 A9/324 Study materials to be entered under: https://is.muni.cz/auth/el/1411/jaro2014/BKAJ0222/index.qwarp Presentation requirements – see a separate copy Teacher’s Folder Evaluation criteria: Midsemester test, oral presentation, written exam test + oral exam Content – Midwifery topics + terminology: being a midwife – my studies, my future job, anatomy of reproductive system, delivery, birth certificate, emergency situations, exercise, healthy lifestyle, useful phrases for midwives, communication midwife to mother/future mother Homework for lesson week 6: 1. download / print / study the READING material on presentations in TEACHER´S FOLDER 2. watch video on academic presentations + answer questions 3. FINALIZE the choice of topic