Pregnancy certificate 1. Name and surname: Birth Number Mother: When were you born? Birth Number Father: When was your husband born? Address: Insurance: Do you have insurance in the Czech Republic? What´s your insurance number? Outpatient care: Who is your gynecologist? What is his/her address? What is his/her name? Number of pregnancies: What´s the number of your pregnancy? Have you been pregnant before? Are you pregnant for the first time? How many times did you give birth? PREGNANCY vs. NUMBER OF BIRHTS Date of delivery: What is your delivery date? LMP: last menstrual period: When did you have your last period? US: ultrasound Maternity leave from: When did your maternity leave start? Date of next appointment: When will you have Examination Dates: When was your last examination? / What is your last examination´s date? Gynecologist´s signature: 2. Anamnesis/Medical History Family history: Are there/Have there been any diseases in your family? Personal history: Have you had/suffered any diseases in your life? Operations: Have you had any operations? Medications: Do you take any pills / medication regularly? Allergies: Are you allergic to anything? Blood transfusion: Have you ever had blood transfusion? Gynecological history: Have you had any gynecological diseases/problems Menstruation: How is you cycle? How is your period? Regular? Strong/Weak? Etc. Menstrual cycle from: When did you get your period for the first time? years Cycle: Is the cycle regular? Abortion: Have you ever had an abortion? spontaneous Have you ever suffered miscarriage? Gynecological diseases: Other diseases: Previous pregnancies: Did you have any problems during your previous pregnancies? Can you describe your previous pregnancies? CAVEAT: Is there anything we must be careful about? Do you take any medication? Allergies? Year Birth, Miscarriage, Abortion week of pregnancy weight /length Spontaneous birth Operation complications 3. Laboratory examination Blood group and Rh mother: What is your blood group?/blood type? Blood group and Rh father: Blood count + “trombo”: Date: Value: Antibodies: O´Sullivan O GTT Urine: OGTT: Microbiology: GBS - Group B Streptococcus - SAG - Streptococcus agalactiae Serology: Syphylis, Hepatitis B – C, HIV Fenylketonuria Others: Obstetric examination: Height: cm, Weight before pregnancy: kg, Dimensions of pelvis: Date Week Weight Edema KBG (?) Urine Fetal heart sounds Blood pressure High fundus fetal position Cervix score - CS Vaginal examination (cervix, colpo, cyto) Ultrasound examination: Date Week (12 -14) I screening Date Week (18 -20) II screening Date Week (30 – 32) III screening Cytology Date Finding Colposcopy Date Finding Triple test Date Finding Amniocentesis Other: Examination of family doctor: Stomatology: Genetic examination: 5. Other examinations: Hospitalization: Have you ever been hospitalized? For what reason/why?