· Adjustment of the curvature of the lens to allow for vision at various distances. accommodation (akomodace oka) · The clear, transparent fluid within the eyeball between the cornea and the lens. aqueous humor (komorová voda) · One of the corners of the eye where the upper and lower eyelids meet. canthus (oční koutek, koutek oka) · The mucous membrane that lines the eyelids and covers the anterior portion of the eyeball. conjunctiva (spojivka oční, konjunktiva) · The dark, vascular, middle layer of the eye; part of the uvea. choroid (cévnatka) · The muscular portion of the uvea that surrounds the lens and adjusts its shape for near and far vision. ciliary body (řasnaté tělísko) · Specialized cells in the retina of the eye that respond to light; they have high visual acuity, function in bright light, and can discriminate colors. cones (čípky sítnice) · Coordinated movement of the eyes toward fixation on the same point. convergence (konvergence, souhyb očí) · The transparent front part of the eye that covers the iris, pupil, and anterior chamber. cornea (rohovka) · A unit of measurement for the refractive power of a lens. dioptre/diopter (dioptrie) · The normal refractive condition of the eye in which there is clear focus of light on the retina. emmetropia (emetropie) · The organ of vision. eye (oko) · The entire round part of the eye. eyeball (oční bulva) · A protective fold (upper and lower) that closes over the anterior surface of the eye. eyelid, blepharon, palpebra (oční víčko) · The tiny depression in the retina that is the point of sharpest vision. fovea, fovea centralis, central fovea (fovea centralis, jamka ve žluté skvrně v sítnici) · The back portion of the inside of the eyeball as seen with an ophthalmoscope. fundus, optic fundus (oční pozadí) · The muscular colored ring between the lens and the cornea; it regulates the amount of light that enters the eye by altering the size of the pupil at its center. iris (oční duhovka, iris) · Glands in the eyes that secrete tears. lacrimal glands (slzné žlázy) · The transparent, biconvex structure in the anterior portion of the eye that refracts light and functions in accommodation. lens (čočka) · The small yellowish spot in the retina that contains the fovea. macula, macula lutea, yellow spot (makula, žlutá skvrna) · A sebaceous gland in the eyelid. meibomian gland (Meibomova/meibomská žláza) · The physician who specializes in diagnosing and treating diseases and disorders of the eyes and vision ophthalmologist (oční lékař, oftalmolog) · The point where the optic nerve joins the retina; at this point there are no rods or cones; also called the blind spot or optic papilla optic disk (slepá skvrna) · In US and Great Britain, this specialist holds a Doctor of Optometry degree and specializes in measuring the accuracy of vision to determine whether corrective lenses are needed optometrist (optometrista) · The bony cavity that contains the eyeball, also called the eye socket or eyehole. orbit, orbital cavity (oční jamka/důlek, očnice, orbita) · The opening at the center of the iris. pupil (zornice, pupila, zornička, panenka, zřítelnice) · The bending of light rays as they pass through the eye to focus on a specific point on the retina. refraction (refrakce, lámání, lom) · The innermost, light-sensitive layer of the eye; contains the rods and cones, the specialized receptor cells for vision. retina (retina, sítnice) · Specialized cells in the retina of the eye that respond to light; they have low visual acuity, function in dim light, and do not discriminate color. rods (oční tyčinky) · The tough, white, fibrous outermost layer of the eye; the white of the eye. sclera (skléra, bělima, bělmo) · The framework of dense connective tissue that gives shape to the eyelid; also called tarsal plate. tarsus (tarzus, tarzální ploténka očního víčka) · The middle, vascular layer of the eye; consists of the choroid, ciliary body, and iris. uvea (uvea, živnatka) · Sharpness of vision; commonly measured with the Snellen eye chart. visual acuity (ostrost vidění, rozlišovací schopnost oka) · The transparent jellylike mass that fills the main cavity of the eyeball; also called vitreous humor. vitreous body (sklivec) · A system of fibers that holds the lens in place; also called suspensory ligaments zonule (závěsný aparát)