Reproductive system worksheet 1. Read the text on STD’s up to breast cancer and find the words which are described in the definitions below: 1. A substance that is excreted from an organ. ______________ 2. To acquire or catch an infection/disease _________________ 3. Any physical contact between two individuals involving stimulation of the genital organs of at least one _____________ 4. The occurrence of infection with a particular disease/ a sudden start of a disease __________ 5. Perceptible to the eye, can be seen _______________ 6. Synonym for “clap” ________________ 7. The part of an organ in your body that opens and closes to keep liquid flowing in the right direction _________ 8. The primary sore of syphilis, occurring at the site of entry of the infection __________ 9. The part of the body where the lower abdomen and the inner thigh meet ___________ 10. Any unicellular, usually oval, nucleated fungus; often used for baking and making beer ________ 11. A synonym for “myomas” ____________ 2. Prostate cancer Prostate cancer is found mainly ______(1) men over the age of fifty-five. As men ______(2) older, the chance of developing the disease increases. Although the cause of this type of cancer is unknown, evidence suggests ________(3) age, race, a high-fat diet, and increased blood levels of testosterone may play a _________ (4) in the development of the disease. ______(5) prostate cancer is detected (either through a rectal _____________ (6) or blood test), surgery to remove the prostate __________ (7) completely is the most common treatment. The seminal ________(8) are also removed during the procedure. If the prostate cancer is detected at an early _______ (9), radiation therapy may be used ________ (10) of surgery. Chemotherapy ________ (11) sometimes used to treat prostate cancer that has recurred after initial treatments. 3. Read the text and then type the correct form of the word in CAPITALS. 1 If a kidney stone is too large to pass and causes a serious obstruction, surgical _______ (REMOVE) may be necessary. 2 Men with BPH have other bladder symptoms including an increase in ___________ (FREQUENT) of bladder emptying both during the day and at night. 3 Many ________ (ORDER) can also affect the male and female reproductive system. 4 STDs can cause birth defects, _________ (BLIND), brain damage, cancer, heart disease, ____________ (FERTILE), mental _________ (RETARD), and ________ (DIE). 5 Genital herpes is an _________ (CURE) disease, after you contract the virus you won’t get rid of it. 6 The bacteria that cause gonorrhea are developing and increased _________ (RESIST) to routine medication therefore a variety of antibiotics is needed. 7 __________ (UTERUS) fibroids are benign growths, which means that they are not ___________ (CANCER) tumors. 8 Frequently, prostate cancer has no symptoms. When the tumour is ________ (LARGE) or the cancer has spread, the following symptoms may appear: weak or interrupted urine flow, frequent _________ (URINE) (especially at night), _________ (ABLE) to urinate, pain or burning _________ (SENSE) when urinating, blood in the urine, persistent pain in the lower back, and painful ejaculation.