Presentations Workshop I 1 Preparing your presentation Planning: What do you have to take into consideration before giving a presentation? Practising: What do you think are some ways of practising? Dealing with nerves: How do you keep calm? 2 Structuring your presentation A Talking Point: What can make a presentation difficult to understand? Do presentations normally have a typical structure? What do you think the KISS principle stands for? B The Core Structure That is the end of my presentation… Now today I’d like to talk about… This brings me to my second point… I’m going to go through three points. That more or less covers… Let’s move on to the last point… Let’s leave that there for now, shall we? So let’s start with… First of all, I’ll talk about… Secondly, I’ll cover… And finally, I want to discuss… 1____________ 2____________ 3____________ C Announcing the beginning and end of a message Moving on (from) to… Now let’s look at… Now I’d like to consider… That was my first point. Next, I’d like to… That covers all I wanted to say about… Turning now to… I’d like to begin by (examining)… That’s enough about… D Signposting. What is it? 1 Last of all a To begin with/To start with 2 Firstly/First of all b To recap 3 In conclusion c Secondly/thirdly 4 Next d To conclude 5 To sum up e Finally/Lastly 3 Introducing your presentation A Talking Point Think about an audience at a presentation. Why is it important to think about your audience? What do they want to know at the start of the presentation? What can a presenter do to get their attention at the start? B The ABCD Model C Language Focus Below, you will find a number of ways to state the purpose of your presentation. Complete them using the words given. OK, let’s get started. Good morning, everyone. Thanks for coming. I’m (your name). This morning, I’m going to be: showing talking taking reporting telling 1 ……… to you about the videophone project. 2 ……… you about the collapse of the housing market in the early 1990s 3 ……… you how to deal with late payers. 4 ……… a look at the recent boom in virtual reality software companies. 5 ……… on the results of the market study we carried out in Austria. … so, I’ll begin by: making outlining bringing giving filling 1 ……… you in on the background to the project. 2 ……… a few observations about the events leading up to that collapse. 3 ……… company policy on bad debt. 4 ……… you an overview of the history of VR. 5 ……… you up-to-date on the latest findings of the study. … and then I’ll go on to: put discuss make highlight talk 1 ……… what I see as the main advantages of the new system. 2 ……… the situation into some kind of perspective. 3 ……… you through our basic debt management procedure. 4 ……… detailed recommendations regarding our own R&D. 5 ……… in more depth the implications of the data in the files in front of you. D Directing your audience about questions Towards the end of the introduction, we normally give direction by telling the audience if there will be opportunity to ask questions during or after the presentation. Look at the sentences below. Can question be asked during, after or not at all? 1 Feel free to stop me as we go along to ask questions. ________ 2 There’ll be time after I’ve finished for questions. ________ 3 Please hold up your hand at any time if you have questions. ________ 4 As we’re short on time today, I’m afraid I won’t be taking any questions. _________ 5 There’ll be the opportunity to ask questions at the end. ________ 4 Delivering your message A Talking point : What techniques can you use to get your message across? How can you make sure that the audience remembers your key messages? What are cue cards? What is the role of silence? B the PEEP Principle 1 What I mean is 2 What I’m arguing for is 3 Let me give you an example a Introducing your point 4 In other words b Explaining 5 Let’s start with c Giving examples 6 I’d like to outline/examine 7 For example/instance 8 This means that C Visual aids 1 How much time should you spend on a slide? 2 What is the recommended minimum size of letters in the slide? 3 What kind of background should be avoided on slides? 5 Concluding A Read these expressions. Number them in the order you think they might follow each other. a If you’d like to ask me any questions, then I’d be happy to try and answer them. ___ b Well, I’ve come to the end of my presentation. ___ c My aim was to give you a good overview of the background, the approach and the results of the survey. ___ d As I said before, you can study this in further detail in your handouts. ___ e We have seen how far-reaching the research is in terms of numbers. ___ f Thank you very much for listening. ___ g We have also looked at the more general and global feedback. ___ B Underline any expressions in A that 1 announce the end of the talk 2 recap the key messages and refer back to previous parts of the presentation 3 ask the audience to take action 4 thank the audience 5 invite questions 6 Handling questions The LEVER model (Listen-Echo-Value-Empathize-Respond) 1 check the understanding of the question 2 show you value the question 3 show empathy and understanding 4 check the questioner is satisfied with your answer Re-order these words to make expressions. Then add them to the four categories above. a have you correctly I understood? b understand your I concern can. c let be sure you I’ve followed me correctly. d answer that query your does? e that would be problem I can a see. f important that’s point an – raising thanks for it. 7 Bringing it alive! A Talking point. What makes a presentation interesting or memorable? How can a presenter make the audience feel more involved in a presentation? B Video. Interaction – get the audience to participate by asking them to…___________________________,_____________________________, ______________________________ Imagination – There are many ways to stimulate the audience’s imagination including… ________________________, __________________________, ______________________, _________________ Attitude – Interesting presenters make the audience feel that he or she wants to speak to them. The techniques they use include: __________________, __________________________, _____________________________