Acid base and blood gas analyser Vocabulary warm-up 1 Match the words in English with their translations: unknown ponořit inner side tenká vrstva coated dosáhnout immerse neznámý plastic jacket nylonová síťka basically vnitřní strana nylon net plastikový obal uncharged molecules nenabité molekuly, molekuly bez náboje pass through v zásadě thin layer projít skrz reach tím thereby potažený Reading 1 Read the text and complete the gaps with the words from the box: Electrode uncharged partial analysers diffuse electrolyte solution Most acid base and blood gas ___________(1) measure pH, pCO[2], pO[2] by means of selective electrodes. pH electrode A pH electrode is a glass ________(2) with a pH-sensitive glass membrane to seal its tip. On the inner side of the membrane is a buffer solution with constant pH. A silver wire coated with AgCl is immersed in this solution and, via a plug, connected to the measuring instrument. On the other side of the glass membrane is a ___________(3) of unknown pH (the sample). pCO[2] electrode pCO[2] is defined as the _________ (4) pressure of CO[2] in a gas phase in equilibrium with the blood, and is measured by a pCO[2] electrode. A pCO[2] electrode is a combined glass and silver/silver chloride (Ag/AgCl) reference electrode mounted in a plastic jacket, which is filled with a bicarbonate_________ (5). The jacket is covered with a 20 μm silicon membrane moulded on a 50 μm nylon net. The pCO[2] electrode is basically a pH electrode with a silicon membrane added. This membrane allows only ___________(6) molecules (i.e. CO[2], O[2], N[2]) to pass through it. Charged ions, such as H^+, will not pass. Consequently, dissolved CO[2] from the sample will __________(7) into the thin layer of bicarbonate electrolyte until equilibrium is reached. 2 Now answer these questions: 1 How do the analysers find out about pH, pCO[2 ]and pO[2]? 2 What is the connection between the buffer solution and the measuring instrument? 3 Where is the sample situated? 4 Where can you find the silicon membrane? 5 Which molecules pass through the membrane? Listening A Pre-listening warm-up. Put the words in the correct order. 1 blood do a gas 2 sure gloves you have your make on 3 in password put your 4 machine put syringe into the the 5 hit “analyse” button the 6 the for patient ask ID 7 scanner use a 8 it manually put in 9 syringe the remove 10 the sharps syringe in container a discard B Watch and answer these questions: 1 What is the first thing you should do before running the test? 2 Does the machine require a password? 3 Which type of blood is being tested? 4 How can you read the patients ID? 5 How long does the testing take? 6 How do you know the test is over? 7 How do you get your results? 8 What do you have to do with the syringe? 9 What is the last thing you do?