PHARYNX Fornix pharyngis Recessus pharyngeus Cavitas pharyngis Fascia pharyngobasilaris Pars nasalis pharyngis (nasopharynx) Choanae Ostium pharyngeum tubae auditivae - torus tubarius - plica salpingopharyngea, plica salpingopalatina, torus levatorius Tonsilla pharyngealis - fornix pharyngis Tonsilla tubaria Waldeyer’s lympfoepithelial ring Pars oralis pharyngis (oropharynx) - Isthmus faucium Pars laryngea pharyngis (laryngopharynx) – Aditus laryngis - epiglottis, aryepiglottic folds – Recessus piriformis – Plica n. laryngei superioris Muscles of the pharynx Constrictors - raphe pharyngis M. constrictor pharyngis superior: 1. Pars pterygopharyngea –lamina medialis proc. pterygoidei 2. Pars buccopharyngea –raphe pterygomandibularis 3. Pars mylopharyngea –linea mylohyoidea mandibulae 4. Pars glossopharyngea – transverse muscle of the tongue M. constrictor pharyngis medius: 1. Pars chondropharyngea –cornu minus ossis hyoidei 2. Pars ceratopharyngea - cornu majus ossis hyoidei M. constrictor pharyngis inferior: 1. Pars thyropharyngea –linea obliqua of the thyroid cartilage 2. Pars cricopharyngea – cricoid cartilage Levators: M. stylopharyngeus – from the processus styloideus caudally and medially - the fissure between the superior and middle constrictors. M. palatopharyngeus M. salpingopharyngeus – from the cartilaginous part of the auditory tube The pharynx actively participates in swallowing, respiration and phonation. During swallowing the muscles of the soft palate open the auditory tube to ventilate the tympanic cavity. Mechanism of the deglutition The first stage of the swallowing is voluntary: the anterior part of the tonge is raised and pressed against the hard palate. A bolus is pushed dorsaly. The hyoid bone is is moved up and forwards by the suprahyoid muscles. The root of the tonge is drawn up and back and palatoglossal arches are approximated, pushing the bolus through the isthmus of the fauces into the oropharynx. The second stage is involuntary. The soft palate is elevated, tightened and firmly approximated to the posterior pharyngeal wall (by the upper pharyngeal constrictor). Then the larynx and pharynx is drawn up (stylopharyngeus, palatopharyngeus, thyrohyoid muscles). Simultaneously, the aryepiglottic folds are approximated and epiglottis bends back onto the laryngeal inlet excluding the bolus from the larynx. The bolus slips into the lowest part of the pharynx. The last stage is the expulsion of the bolus into the oesophagus, by the inferior constrictors. OESOPHAGUS 1) Pars cervicalis 2) Pars thoracica pars retrotrachealis pars retropericardiaca 3) Pars abdominalis - cardia - gastrooesophageal junction 3 physiological constrictions Hiatus oesophageus adventitia, serosa oesophagoscopy, oesophagography STOMACH (GASTER, VENTRICULUS) Regio hypochondriaca sinistra J-shaped stomach, steer horn (transverse type) Cardia Pars cardiaca Fundus (fornix) gastricus - stomach bubble Incisura cardialis Corpus gastricum - canalis gastricus Pars pylorica - antrum pyloricum, canalis pyloricus Pylorus - ostium pyloricum Paries anterior Paries posterior Curvatura minor - incisura angularis Curvatura major Functionally: Pars digestoria (digestive segment) - fundus and canalis gastricus. Pars egestoria (evacuating segment) - gastric sinus (antrum) and canalis pyloricus Plicae gastricae– sulcus salivarius Mucinous glands – mucus Tubulous glands - succus gastricus Areae gastricae - foveolae gastricae Musculature – fibrae obliquae - stratum circulare - m. sphincter pylori - stratum longitudinale After the stomach is filled the musculature contracts and is in the rest (peristole), the mucosa adheres to the content (20 min). Then rhythmical contractions (peristalsis) begin. Peristaltic waves start in the cardia each 15 -30 seconds and get to the pylorus in 60 seconds. Four waves may be seen together at the X-ray picture. Peristalsis serves for the mixing of the content to the pulpy chyme that in small portions is emptied to the duodenum. Omentum minus – lig. phrenicogastricum, hepatogastricum, hepatoduodenale Omentum majus - lig. gastrocolicum, lig. gastrolienale INTESTINUM Intestinum tenue Ansae intestinales Duodenum Pars superior - bulbus duodeni Flexura duodeni sup. Pars descendens duodeni Flexura duodeni inf. Pars horizontalis Pars ascendens Flexura duodenojejunalis Plicae circulares Kerkringi Villi intestinales Crypts of Lieberkühn – glandulae intestinales Glandulae duodenales Brunneri Plica longitudinalis duodeni - papilla duodeni major Vateri - papilla duodeni minor Jejunum and ileum - jejunoileum JEJUNUM ILEUM upper left part of the inframesocolic space lower right part of the inframesocolic space wider (3-4 cm) narrower (2-3 cm) more plicae circulares fewer plicae circulares 1-2 arcades 2-3 arcades noduli lymph. solitarii noduli lymph. aggregati Mesenterium Ostium ileale - papilla ilealis LARGE INTESTINE (INTESTINUM CRASSUM) - 1.5 m long, absorption of water and salts, conversion of the indigestible residues of the chyme to the stool (feces). Parts: caecum, vermiform appendix, ascending colon, right colic (hepatic) flexure, transverse colon, left colic (splenic) flexure, descending colon, sigmoid colon, rectum Structure: mucosa - unilayered columnar epithelium, intestinal glands, lymphatic follicles submucosa - vascular and nerve plexuses circular musculature – plicae semilunares, sacculations (haustra coli) longitudinal musculature - mesocolic taenia (taenia mesocolica) omental taenia (taenia omentalis) free taenia (taenia libera) visceral peritoneum - appendices epiploicae, adventitia Caecum (Intestinum caecum) - right iliac fossa, cul-de-sac, 7 cm long, 6-7 cm wide, parietal peritoneum anteriorly, lower end – free – recess (recessus retrocaecalis) frequently containing the vermiform appendix. Variably - caecum liberum – mesocaecum. Inside: Ileal orifice – posteromedial aspect, ileocaecal valve (papilla ilealis; Bauhini) with two flaps projecting into the lumen - labrum superius et inferius. Ostium appendicis vermiformis – 2 cm below the ileal orifice. Vermiform appendix (Appendix vermiformis) (tonsilla abdominalis) Mesoappendix Positio pelvina (32%) - ligamentum appendiculoovaricum Positio retrocaecalis (64%) Positio ileocaecalis Positio laterocaecalis Positio subcaecalis Positio praecaecalis Projection of the appendix: McBurney`s point - linea spinoumbilicalis dextra - Monro’s line Lanz’s point Rectum Crena ani- anus Ampulla recti - flexura sacralis - plicae transversae recti - Kohlrausch`s fold - flexura perinealis/anorectalis Junctio/linea anorectalis Canalis analis – zona hemorrhoidalis - columnae anales - sinus anales - valvulae anales - pecten analis Linea anocutanea Plexus venosus rectalis M. sphincter ani internus M. sphincter ani externus – voluntary control of defecation.