For every lesson you have been absent do the homework.
Kdo? |
Koho? Co? |
Doktor, uklízečka, pediatr, chirurg, zdravotní sestra, manažer, ředitel, student, kuchařka, profesor, učitel |
vařit, studovat, učit, uklízet, operovat, řídit učit, vyšetřovat, ošetřovat, pít, organizovat |
Pacient, oběd, student, dítě, muž, žena, studentka, doktorka, řidič, farmář, klaun, kadeřnice |
Make sentences using all the verbs. Do not forget to change the object to the accusative (if necessary).
Complete the sentences (10 body parts for each area, 40 together). Make full sentences (to be sure about the preposition and accusative forms).
Fill in correct forms of personal pronouns in accusative. Transform the sentence also to past tense.
Example: Petr má problém. Bolí ho hlava. Bolela ho hlava.
Pick up 15 hospital departments and create sentences according to the example.
Example: Psychiatrie. Na psychiatrii pracuje psychiatr. Psychiatr léčí hlavu.
Goal: Practise locative (1st sentence) and accusative forms (2nd sentence).
Use the lesson exercice and fill it (download here).
Make 20 sentence with such structure: When I have [any disease/injury], mám problém s [anything in instrumental grammar).
Example: Když mám migrénu, mám problém s hlavou.
Pick up 3 injuries and describe how it happened. Every one of them for 75 words.
Make 12 sentences according to the example. Use dativ forms with 12 different medical specialisation and specify the reason why to go there.
Jdu k oční lékařce, protože potřebuju brýle.
Fill in prepositions
Lesson canceled, no homework.
Create 15 structures according to the example with different injuries
Example: Máte zlomenou nohu, teď půjdete na rentgen, potom budete ležet v posteli a za tři týdny budet v pořádku a budete zase běhat.
Make 12 sentences according to the example. Use genitive forms. The first structure is obligatory, change just the nouns and second part (in italics).
Example: Zeptám se maminky, proč dnes vařila zeleninovou polévku.
Fill the lesson exercices (here).