Embryology /organogenesis/ Week 4 Development and teratology of reproductive system. Embsmall gonads and ducts female_internal male_internal Male or female sex is determined by spermatozoon Y in the moment of fertilization ♂ ♀ SRY gene, on the short arm of the Y chromosome, initiates male sexual differentiation. • •The SRY initiates transformation of indifferent gonads to form testes, which produce hormones supporting development of male reproductive organs. • •Developed testes produce: • -testosterone (T) - stimulates the Wolffian ducts development (epididymis and deferent ducts) •and -anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) - suppresses the Mullerian ducts development (fallopian tubes, uterus, and upper vagina). •Indifferent stage – until the 7th week •Differentiated stage • •1) Development of gonads •2) Development of reproductive passages •3) Development of external genitalia male---female-symbol-thumb565583 1,2,3 - is studied independently, although everything releates to everything Development of gonads Vývoj urogenitálního systému - 33 mesonephric ridge (laterally) Dorsal wall of body: urogenital ridge genital ridge (medially), consisting of mesenchyme and coelomic epithelium (Wolffian duct) gonad Vývoj urogenitálního systému - 35 Three sources of gonad development: 1 – mesenchyme of gonadal ridges (plica genitalis) 2 – coelomic epithelium (mesodermal origin) 3 – gonocytes (primordial cells) gonocytes Vývoj urogenitálního systému - 34 Primordial germ cells – gonocytes – in endoderm of dorsal wall of yolk sac. Gonocytes migrate along dorsal mesentery of hindgut into the gonadal ridges and induce (!) gonad development. Indifferent gonad development •Gonocytes induce coelomic epithelium to proliferate Together with gonocytes, cells of coelomic epithelium in mesenchyme form - - primary sex cords in indifferent gonad TESTIS OVARY INDIFFERENT GONAD primary sex cords = medullary cords secondary sex cords ONLY = cortical cords in ovary Primary proliferation Secondary proliferation ♂ ♀ Tunica albuginea TESTIS: Primary sex cords ð tubuli semuniferi contorti Gonocytes ð spermatogonia Coelomic cells ð Sertoli cells Mesenchyme ð Leydig cells, interstitial connective tissue OVARY: Primary sex cords ð degenerate in ovarian medulla Secondary sex cords ð disintegrate into the follicles: Gonocytes ð oogonia Coelomic cells ð follicular cells Mesenchyme ð ovarian stroma ♂ ♀ Tunica albuginea Vývoj urogenitálního systému - 3 Development of reproductive passages (indifferent – differentiated stage) •In mesonephric ridge) – 2 ducts: •Ductus mesonephricus (Wolffi) •Ductus paramesonephricus (Mülleri) genital009-1 Vývoj urogenitálního systému - 37 repro1small Wolffian duct ♂ Müllerian duct ♀ Vývoj urogenitálního systému - 35 genital ridge mesonephric ridge gubernaculum Differentiated stage of development: persisting_ducts Müllerian duct: Oviduct Uterus Cranial part of vagina Wolffian duct: Ductus epididymidis Ductus deferens Ductus ejaculatorius Ductuli efferentes in epididymis and rete testis originate from mesonephric tubules (see mesonephros) Vývoj urogenitálního systému - 38 EPOOPHORON PAROOPHORON GARTNER‘S DUCT + RUDIMENTARY STRUCTURES APPENDIX EPIDIDYMIDIS ANd9GcT0oR90tRMfKSh9flIs7Y9k_Z7uZVHgZ6hwTPwA3_3ohqcms79m Male symbol Illustration of male symbol symbol,vector,illustration,modifier,male gubernaculum Vývoj urogenitálního systému - 40 ANd9GcT0oR90tRMfKSh9flIs7Y9k_Z7uZVHgZ6hwTPwA3_3ohqcms79m Utero-vaginal canal Oviduct Vývoj urogenitálního systému - 42 UTEROVAGINAL CANAL Vývoj urogenitálního systému - 43 Development of external genatalia (indifferent – differentiated stage) •Genital tubercle [tuberculum genitale] •Urethral (cloacal) folds • [plicae genitales] •Labio-scrotal swellings • [tori genitales] genital024-2 Vývoj urogenitálního systému - 45 Labioscrotal folds Development_external_genita Vývoj urogenitálního systému - 22 Vývoj urogenitálního systému - 20 u3ye_glandes u3yd_prostate Accessory glands development Seminal vesicles – develop as diverticles of ductus deferens (from Wolffian duct) Prostate – develops around urethra as numerous diverticles (from pelvic part of sinus urogenitalis) Position of gonads during development •Gonad develops in only short, lumbal part of genital (gonadal) ridge (Th6 – S2) •Cranial part - disappeares •Caudal part transforms into gubernaculum • •Testes – descensus into the scrotum •Ovaries – change also their position due to fusion of Müllerian ducts and formation of broad ligament (lig. latum uteri) testesdrop Testis – descens into the scrotum gubernaculum slika1 Ovaries – change their position due to fusion of Müllerian ducts and formation of broad ligament Vývoj urogenitálního systému - 41 Congenital malformations - 1 •Genetic anomalies: •Gonad(s) agenesis •Hermafroditism (ovotestes, ovary+testis) + chromosomal aberations (45X/46XX, 45X/46XY, 47XXY/46X, etc.) •Pseudohermafroditism – karyotype and gonads do not correspond to external genitalia •Gonadal hypolasia – Turner sy. (45X0), Klinefelter sy. (47XXY) Congenital malformations - 2 •Kryptorchism •Hydrocele testis •Hypospadias, epispadias •__________________________________ •Developmental defect of uterus (and vagina) uterus et vagina separatus, uterus bicornis, uterus septus or subseptus, uterus unicornis etc. Vývoj urogenitálního systému - 48 Vývoj urogenitálního systému - 49 uterus Vagin Malf%20uterus end 19. Indifferent stage in development of reproductive system. 20. Development of male and female gonad. 21. An overview of development of male and female genital duct. 22. Development of external genital organs. 23. Developmental malformations of urogenital system. Vývoj urogenitálního systému - 17 Vývoj urogenitálního systému - 21 Repetition of blood •Composition of the blood •Hematocrit •Hemoglobin •Erythrocytes – shape, size, density per 1 ml •Reticulocytes •Anisocytosis •Poikilocytosis •Polycythemia (= polyglobulia) • •Granulocytes •Agranulocytes •Number of leukocytes per 1ml •Anemia •Leukocytopenia •Thrombocyte •Number of thrombocytes per 1ml •Hyalomere, granulomere •Bone marrow structure •Erythropoiesis •Granulocytopoiesis •Megakaryocyte •Endomitosis • •Differential white cell count (DWCC) !!! •Shift to the left or to the right • red_white_blood_cells Neutrophilic granulocytes: 10-12 mm in Æ „band“ 4 % in DWCC „segment“ 67 % in DWCC 1_basophil Basophilic granulocyte: 8 mm in Æ, only 1 % in DWCC eosinophil1a eosinophil4 Eosinophilic granulocyte: up to 14 mm in Æ, 3 % in DWCC Normal-peripheral-blood-lymphocyte-100x-website-arrow nh%20monocyte%20x100b Lymfocyte Monocyte 5 % in DWCC 20 % in DWCC end Vývoj urogenitálního systému - 36 u2b_ligam u2d_ligam u2c_ligam male-female+symbol Vývoj urogenitálního systému - 39 genital009-1 genital010-1 genital016-2 genital016-4 genital012-1 genital013-1 genital014-2 genital015-1 genital014-4 Vývoj urogenitálního systému - 4 CLoison%20cloaque masculin f%E9minin Vývoj urogenitálního systému - 18 Vývoj urogenitálního systému - 26 Vývoj urogenitálního systému - 27 Vývoj urogenitálního systému - 28 Vývoj urogenitálního systému - 29 Vývoj urogenitálního systému - 31 repro2small Vývoj urogenitálního systému - 37