PRONUNCIATION: linking 1. STRAIGHTEN: straighten your arm for me, please 2. COUGH: take a cough mixture for a dry cough 3. ANTIBIOTICS: the inappropriate use of antibiotics 4. PSYCHIATRIST: your GP may refer you to a psychiatrist 5. PEDIATRICIAN: she took her baby to a pediatrician 6. ACUPUNCTURE: have you tried acupuncture 7. JAW: the victim suffered a dislocated jaw 8. SACRUM: the fused bones forming the sacrum 9. COCCYGEAL: the coccygeal region of the spine 10. FEMUR: femur is the largest, longest, and the heaviest bone in the body 11. HUMERUS: humerus is the bone of the upper arm 12. THIGH: the femur is the thigh bone 13. GIRDLE: pectoral girdle 14. THORACIC: thoracic region of the spine 15. KYPHOSIS: people who suffer from kyphosis 16. CURVATURE: abnormal curvature of the spine 17. ARTHRITIS: arthritis is an autoimmune disease 18. PROSTHESIS: a prosthesis is an artificial substitute for a missing body part 19. OSTEOMYELITIS: osteomyelitis is an infection of a bone 20. FRACTURE: he suffered a fracture of both the tibia and the fibula