Clinical pharmacology GIT Lenka Součková Agenda  Stress ulceration  Clostridium difficile infection STRESS ULCERATION Stress Ulcers Definition  Gastrointestinal ulcerations of the upper alimentary tract  Stomach  Duodenum  Ileum  Jejunum  Range depends on depth of ulcer  Superficial: Asymptomatic  Deep: Haemorrhage (Haematemesis /Melena) 5 What do you think causes ulcers? A: Stress. B: Excessive stomach acids. C: Bacteria. D: A bad diet and alcohol use. E: Being overweight. Epidemiology  Up through the 1970 stress ulcers were much more common (>30% of ICU patients)  Today, less than 5% of ICU patients have stress ulcers with macroscopic bleeding 1. ASHP Therapeutic Guidelines on Stress Ulcer Prophylaxis, AJHP 1999;56(4) 347-379 2. Del Valle, J. Chapter 287 - Peptic Ulcer Disease and Related Disorders , Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine - 17th Ed. (2008). Epidemiology  acute bleeding from mucosal defects in upper GIT in critically ill patient is frequent  1.5 to 8.5% GI bleeding for all patients in ICU  15% -25% ICU patients had no prophylaxis  75% of ICU patients - mucosal abnormalities <72hod (multiple burns / head trauma) Pathophysiology of Stress Ulcers  Dysbalance of protective and agressive factors  Multi-factorial: Pathophysiology of Stress Ulcers  Etiology is complex  Decreased Gastric pH  Ischemia  Decreased mucous production  Usually occur within 24-48 hours of trauma/stress  Gastric pH is a factor and a surrogate marker, not the root cause of stress ulcers Del Valle, J. Chapter 287 - Peptic Ulcer Disease and Related Disorders , Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine - 17th Ed. (2008). Morbidity/Mortality  Cook and collegues conducted a large (n=2252) multicenter prospective trial evaluating the risk factors of significant bleeding  Mortality for patients with a significant bleed  48.5% with significant bleeding  9.1% without significant bleeding Cook DJ, et al. Risk factors for gastrointestinal bleeding in critically ill patients. NEJM 1994;330(6):377-81 Morbidity/Mortality - Continued  Two independent factors for a clinically significant bleed:  Respiratory failure (OR=15.6)  Coagulopathy (OR=4.3)  Incidence of significant bleeds  With one or both risk factors 3.7%  Without either risk factor 0.1%  Number need to treat for significant bleeding  Without risk factors = 900  With risk factors = 30 Cook DJ, et al. Risk factors for gastrointestinal bleeding in critically ill patients. NEJM 1994;330(6):377-81 Who is at risk?  Intubated patients> 48hrs (Cook. DJ et al '94)  Patients with coagulopathy  Other risk factors:  SHOCK - any!  Sepsis  Liver and kidney failure  Multiple trauma  Burns> 35% will cast body  Glucocorticoids  Intolerance of enteral nutrition Guidelines  ASHP Therapeutic Guidelines on Stress Ulcer Prophylaxis Key Guideline Points – The Big 3 1. Coagulopathy  platelet count of <50,000mm3  INR>1.5  PTT of >2 times the control 2. Mechanical Ventilation  Longer than 24 hours 3. Recent GI ulcers/bleeding  Within 12 months of admission ASHP Therapeutic Guidelines on Stress Ulcer Prophylaxis, AJHP 1999;56(4) 347-379 Key Guideline Points – The Little  2 or more of the following: 1. Sepsis 2. ICU>1 week 3. Occult Bleeding within 6 days 4. High dose corticosteroids  250mg Hydrocortisone  50mg Methylprednisone  These factors are not consistently found to be contributing factors, but they are significant in some studies ASHP Therapeutic Guidelines on Stress Ulcer Prophylaxis, AJHP 1999;56(4) 347-379 Guideline Summary  Big 3 1. Coagulopathy 2. Mechanical Ventilation 3. GI Bleeding within 12 months  Little 4 (2 or more) 1. Sepsis 2. ICU>1 week 3. Occult Bleeding within 6 days 4. High dose corticosteroids Prophylaxis and treatment 1) Protecting stomach mucosa – nil buffering Sucraflate - polysaccharide + Aluminium hydroxide 2) Prostaglandin analogues Misoprostol – inhibit parietal cells to generate cAMP, thus reduce stomach acid secretion 3) Neutralise stomach acid contents Antacids (Gaviscon) – Bicarbonate neutralises pH 3) Block acid secretion  Competitive H2 antagonists (Ranitidine)  Proton pump inhibitors (Omeprazole) Agents and Dosing – How much of a good thing?  IV Agents  Pantoprazole 40 mg (Q12-24h)  Ranitidine 50mg (Q8h)  Oral Agents  Omeprazole 40mg (Q24h)  Powder for suspension is FDA Approved!  Ranitidine 150mg (Q12h)  Sucralfate 1-2 grams 4 times per day  Hey this one has an FDA indication! Proton Pump Inhibitors, High-dose, Criteria for Use, VHA Pharmacy Benefits Management Strategic Healthcare Group and the Medical Advisory Panel Duration of Therapy  ASHP guidelines note that durations vary widely by study  Cook’s seminal prospective trial defined SUP as 2 or more doses of a H2RA, PPI, or antacid.  The pathophysiology suggests that duration of therapy as short as 2-3 days may be sufficient  Clinical prudence might be to continue therapy as long as risk factors are present Cook DJ, et al. Risk factors for gastrointestinal bleeding in critically ill patients. NEJM 1994;330(6):377-81 Over-used PPI Retrospective, chart review of non-ICU admits1  22% received stress ulcer prophylaxis  54% of those were discharged home on it Retrospective chart review of nursing home admits2  50% did NOT have an appropriate diagnosis for PPI Retrospective chart review of C.diff positive patients3  63% of did NOT have valid indication for PPI Retrospective chart review of cirrhotics + SBP4  47% did NOT have valid reason for PPI What are the common S/Es of pharmacological agents?  Hospital Acquired Pneumonia (HAP)1  C Difficile2  Osteoporosis & Hip Fractures3,4 1. Herzig HJ et al, JAMA 2009;301(20):2120-2128 2. Dial, S, Delaney, AC, Barkun AN, et al. JAMA 2005;294(3):2989-2995 3. Yang et al. JAMA 2006:296(24):2947-2953 4. Targownik, LE et al. CMAJ 2008:179(4):319-326 HAP  Prospective (n=63,878) pharmacoepidemiologic cohort study  Excluding ICU Patients  PPIs associated with a significant 30% increase in HAP  H2RA association was not significant after multivariate analysis Shoshana J. Herzig; Michael D. Howell; Long H. Ngo; et al, Acid-Suppressive Medication Use and the Risk for Hospital-Acquired Pneumonia JAMA 2009;301(20):2120-2128 C Difficile  Case-Control study in the UK showing an increased risk associated with acid suppressive therapy Dial, S, Delaney, AC, Barkun AN, et al. Use of gastric Acid-Suppressive Agents and the Risk of Community-Acquired Clostridium Difficile-Associated Disease. JAMA 2005;294(3):2989-2995 Osteoporosis & Hip Fractures  Significant increase in the risk of hip fracture in high dose PPI (>1.75 average dose)  Yang et al. JAMA 2006:296(24):2947-2953  Significant increase in risk of hip fractures with use of PPI over 5 years  Case (n=15,792)-Control(n=47,289) study  Targownik, LE et. al CMAJ 2008:179(4):319-326  One year mortality in men with a hip fracture may be as low as 50%  Diamond, TH, et al. The Medical Journal of Australia1997; 167: 412-415 Applications for Pharmacy  Document the indication for ongoing therapy  Big 3  Little 4  Discontinue therapy if not indicated  Reduce the risk to patients  Reduce costs  Discuss the indications with the patient/provider  Appropriate indications and duration of therapy Summary  Give Stress Ulcer Prophylaxis therapy when indicated  Stress Ulcer have a high mortality (nearly ½)  Big 3, Little 4  Discontinue Stress Ulcer Prophylaxis when no longer indicated  Stress Ulcer Prophylaxis has risks (HAP, C diff, Osteoporosis), in and outside the facility  Document, Discontinue, Discuss COMPARISON OF PPI AND H2- ANTIHISTAMINES EFFECTIVNESS  Aim: Determine efficacy and safety of proton pump inhibitors verses H2 receptor antagonists for the prevention of upper GI bleeding in ICU  Methodology: Search strategy – MEDLINE (1948-March 2012) EMBASE (1980-March 2012) Two researchers independently ACPJC (1991-March 2012) extracted data Cochrane (central) database CINHAL.  Type of study: - Randomised Control Trials (RCTs)  Population: - ICU Adults (Medical and Surgical included)  Intervention: - Control=H2antihistamines=PPIs - para-enteral/enteral - irrespective of the dose, frequency and duration Primary objectives: 1) Clinically important bleeding (12 Trials n=1614) Significantly lower RR with PPIs vs H2RA: (RR 0.36 95% CI 0.19-0.68 p=0.002) 2) Overt Bleeding ( 14 Trials n= 1720) Significantly lower RR with PPIs vs H2RA: (RR 0.35; 95%CI 0.21-0.59 p<0.0001)  1) Nosocomial Pneumonia ( 8 Trials, n= 1100) No significant difference: RR 1.06 95% CI (0.73-1.52) p=0.76 2) Mortality ( 8 Trials n= 1196) No significant difference: RR 1.01 95% CI (0.83-1.24) p=0.91 3) ICU Length of stay ( 5 Trials n=555) No significant difference :CI (-2.20-1.13) p=53 4) Clostridium difficile infection No trials reported on C. Difficile infection ‘Significantly ↓ risk of both 10 outcomes with PPIs - Clinically important GI bleeding – RR 0.36 (0.19- 0.68) - Overt UGI bleeding – RR 0.35 (0.21-0.59) ‘No significant ↓ risk of 20 outcomes with PPIs vs H2RA’ Nosocomial pneumonia – RR 1.06 (0.73-1.52) ICU mortality – RR 1.01 (0.83-1.24) ICU length of stay – RR 0.54 (-2.20-1.13) CLOSTRIDIUM DIFFICILE INFECTION  Gram positive spore forming bacillus (rods)  Obligate anaerobe  Part of the GI Flora in ◦ 1-3% of healthy adult ◦ 70% of children < 12 months  Some strains produce toxins A & B  Toxins-producing strains cause C. diff Infection (CDI)  CDI ranges from mild, moderate, to severe and even fatal illness 38 C. difficile : Microbiology Clostridium Difficile colitis - more virulent than ever  incidence, deaths, and excess health care costs are at historic highs  +/- 1 billion dollars/year  3x increase in decade - now 500,000 infections and 29,000 deaths per year.  More deaths than even MRSA infections. C. difficile: Background  #1 cause of increase - over use of antibiotics  A common cause of nosocomial antibiotic-associated diarrhea (AAD)  #2 cause – appearance of a more virulent C.diff strain associated with risk of greater mortality  #3 cause- increased relapse rate – 20% of cases have at least one relapse- difficult to treat  #4 cause- overdiagnosis???  Most common infectious cause of acute diarrheal illness in LTCFs  The only nosocomial organism that is anaerobic and forms spores  survive> 5 months and hard to destroy  Pathogenesis is mainly due to toxins production  Infective dose is < 10 spores 41 C. difficile: Background 42 CDI: Impact  Fecal – oral route  Contaminated hands of healthcare workers  Contaminated environmental surfaces.  Person to person in hospitals and LTCFs  Reservoir:  Human: colonized or infected persons  Contaminated environment  C. diff spores can survive for up 5 months on environmental surfaces. 43 C. difficile : Transmission Importance of Spores  Resistant to heat, drying, pressure, and many disinfectants  Resistant to all antibiotics because antibiotics only kill or inhibit actively growing bacteria  Spores survive well in hospital environment  Spores are not a reproductive form, they represent a survival strategy 45 CDI: Pathogenesis Step 1- Ingestion of spores transmitted from other patients Step 2- Germination into growing (vegetative) form Step 3 - Altered lower intestine flora (due to antimicrobial use) allows proliferation of C. difficile in colon Step 4 . Toxin B & A production leads to colon damage +/- pseudomembrane 46 CDI Pathogenesis Admitted to healthcare facility Antimicrobials C Diff exposure & acquisition Colonized no symptoms Infected Symptomatic  Exposure to antimicrobials (prior 2-3 months)  Exposure to healthcare (prior 2-3 months)  Infection with toxogenic strains of C. difficile  Old age > 64 years  Underlying illness  Immunosuppression & HIV  Chemotherapy (immunosuppression & antibiotic-like activities)  Tube feeds and GI surgery  Exposure to gastric acid suppression meds ?? 47 CDI: Risk Factors  Illness caused by toxin-producing strains of C. difficile ranges from  Asymptomatic carriers = Colonized  Mild or moderate diarrhea  Pseudo membranous colitis that can be fatal  A median time between exposure to onset of CDI symptoms is of 2–3 days  Risk of developing CDI after exposure ranges between 5-10 days to 10 weeks 48 Clinical Manifestations 49 CDI: Pathogenesis Case Study 1  60 years old male admitted to hospital for community acquired pneumonia, treated with levofloxacin and discharged  7 days later, seen at another hospital because of 5 kg weight gain over last few days (“my abdomen has never been so big”) and hypertension (213/106)  Afebrile, WBC of 8.5, albumin 3.1, creatinine 0.9, no diarrhea noted  Admitted, treated for hypertension and ciprofloxacin given to complete treatment for CAP; discharged 3 days later Case Study 1 (cont’d) Day 1 Presents to ER 3 days after discharge • Fever (37,9), diarrhea, generally feeling ill, no abdominal pain • WBC 27.8K, albumin 2.9, creatinine 1.2 • Admitted with C. difficile colitis listed as a possible dx, but not treated (except for levofloxacin) Day 2 10 stools/day, altered mental status • C. difficile EIA positive; put on metronidazole 500 mg TID Case Study 1 (cont’d) Day 3 Transferred to SICU, anuric, abdominal pain, distension, developed cardiac complications, ventilated, renal failure. Poor prognosis and colectomy ruled out following surgical consult • Oral and rectal vancomycin added • WBC > 30K, albumin 2.3, creatinine 3.1 Day 4 WBC 59.6K, toxic megacolon Day 5 WBC 88K, made DNI/DNR, died Historical Perspective  In the 1960s it was noted that patients on antibiotics developed diarrhea1  “staphylococcal colitis”  Originally thought to be caused by S. aureus and treated with oral bacitracin  Stool cultures routinely ordered for S. aureus  Early 1970s, a new explanation  “clindamycin colitis”  Severe diarrhea, pseudomembranous colitis, and occasional deaths documented in patients on clindamycin 1. Gorbach SL. NEJM. 1999;341:1689-1691. “Antibiotic Associated Pseudomembranous Colitis Due to Toxin-Producing Bacteria”  Bartlett and co-workers demonstrated cytotoxicity in tissue culture and enterocolitis in hamsters from stool isolates from patients with pseudomembranous colitis  Isolate was C. difficile  Bacillus difficilis (now confirmed as C. difficile) was cultured from healthy neonates (with difficulty, hence the name) in 19352 1. Bartlett JG, et al. NEJM. 1978;298: 531-534. 2. Hall JC and O’Toole E. Am J Dis Child. 1935;49:390-402. Quiz Time Q. Why did it take so long to associate the organism C. difficile with the disease? A. Organism was (is) found in healthy infants Q. Why do antibiotics sometimes cause diarrhea (unrelated to C. difficile)? A. Disrupt the intestinal flora which plays a major role in digestion of food Role of Antibiotics  All antibiotics (including metronidazole and vancomycin) are associated with CDI  High-risk group  Clindamycin  Cephalosporins/penicillins/beta-lactams  Fluoroquinolones  Alteration of normal colonic flora thought to favor growth of C. difficile  Antibiotics do not know they are suppose to kill/inhibit only the “bad guys” Very commonly related Less commonly related Uncommonly related Clindamycin Ampicillin Amoxicillin Cephalosporins Fluoroquinolons Sulfa Macrolides Carbapenems Other penicillins Aminoglycosides Rifampin Tetracycline Chloramphincol 57 Antimicrobials Predisposing to CDI  Among symptomatic patients with CDI: • 96% received antimicrobials within the 14 days before onset •100% received an antimicrobial within the previous 3 months  20% of hospitalized patients are colonized with C. diff Pathogenesis Historical Perspective  Most CDI were mild  Diarrhea was main symptom  Pseudomembranous colitis and toxic megacolon were rare  Discontinuing antibiotics worked in many cases  High response rate to metronidazole and vancomycin  Asymptomatic colonization  Diarrhea mild  moderate  severe  Abdominal pain and distension  Fever  Pseudomembranous colitis  Toxic megacolon  Perforated colon  sepsis  death 59 CDI: Symptoms Markers of Severe Disease  Leukocytosis  Prominent feature of severe disease  Rapidly elevating WBC  Up to >100 K  >10 BM/day  Albumin < 2.5  Creatinine 2x baseline  Hypertension  Pseudomembranous colitis  Toxic megacolon  Severe distension and abdominal pain TESTING AND PREVENTION OF CDAD Test Advantage Disadvantage Testing Toxins Enzyme immuno-assay (EIA) • Detects toxin A or both A & B • Rapid (same day) Less sensitive 63-94% Tissue culture cytotoxicity assay Provides specific and sensitive results for C. diff 67-100% -Detect toxin B -Technical expertise -Expensive -24-48 hours Organism ID Glutamate Dehydrogenase Rapid, sensitive, may prove useful as a triage or screening tool Not specific, toxin testing required to verify diagnosis PCR Rapid, sensitive, detects presence of toxin gene Expensive Special equipment Stool culture Most sensitive test available when performed appropriately False-positive results if isolate is not tested for toxin labor-intensive; requires 48–96 hours CDI: Testing  Testing should be performed only on diarrheal stool  Testing asymptomatic patients is not indicated  Testing for cure is not recommended 63 Best Strategy for C. difficile Testing  For clinical use: two-step testing uses initially EIA detection of GDH for screening followed by cytotoxicity assay or toxigenic culture for confirmation  Gold standard is stool culture followed by toxigenic culture assay  Toxin is very unstable, degrades at room temperature, and undetectable within 2 hours (false negative results) 64 Best Strategy for C. difficile Testing 65 CDI Pathogenesis Antimicrobial stewardship Admitted to healthcare facility Antimicrobials C Diff exposure & acquisition Colonized no symptoms Infected Symptomatic Optimizing Environmental cleaning and Hand Hygiene  Regardless of setting, ~ 50% antibiotic use is “inappropriate”  The best CDI preventative measure  Decrease in number of patients at risk (susceptible)  Decrease in number of patients with CDI (reservoirs) 66 Antimicrobial stewardship  Recommendations:  Minimize the frequency and duration of antimicrobial therapy  Decrease the number of antimicrobial agents prescribed,  Targeted antimicrobials should be based on the local epidemiology and the C. difficile strains  Restrict the use of cephalosporin and clindamycin  Audit and feedback targeting broad-spectrum antibiotics 67 Antimicrobial stewardship  Contact Precautions for duration of diarrhea  Hand hygiene (HH) in compliance with CDC/WHO  Cleaning and disinfection of equipment and environment  Laboratory-based alert system for immediate notification of positive test results  Educate HCP, housekeeping, admin staff, patients, families, visitors, about CDI 68 Prevention Strategies TREATMENT OF CDAD Treatment of Mild to Moderate Disease  Stop antibiotic(s) if medically reasonable  Metronidazole  Oral or IV, 500 mg TID for 10-14 days is standard therapy  5–20% failure rate  20% relapse rate  Can use a full 2nd course for failure/relapse but beyond 2 courses, switch to vancomycin  Failures not due to metronidazole resistance Initial Treatment Options for CDI  Historical response (96%) and relapse rates (20%) similar between metronidazole and vancomycin1  More recently, efficacy of metronidazole for severe disease called into question2-4  Recent prospective trials report vancomycin to be superior to metronidazole in severe CDI5-7 1. Aslam S, et al. Lancet Infect Dis. 2005;5:549-557. 2. Fernandez A, et al. J Clin Gastroenterol. 2004;38:414-418. 3. Gerding DN. Clin Infect Dis. 2005;40:1598-1600. 4. Musher DM, et al. Clin Infect Dis. 2005;40:1586-1590. 5. Lahue BJ, Davidson DM. The 17th ECCMID Meeting, March 31 to April 4, 2007; Munich, Germany. Abstract 1732_215. 6. Zar FA, et al. Clin Infect Dis 2007;45:302-307. 7. Louie T, et al. The 47th Annual ICAAC Meeting, Sept. 17-20, 2007; Chicago, IL. Abstract k-425-a. Initial Treatment Options for CDI Metronidazole 250 mg QID or 500 mg TID • May be administered PO or IV • Development of resistance rare • Historical first-line agent Vancomycin 125 mg QID • Effective in enteral (oral or rectal) form only • Typically reserved for severe disease, those failing to respond to metronidazole, or cases in which metronidazole is contraindicated IV=intravenously; PO=orally. Fekety R. Am J Gastroenterol. 1997;92:739-750. Gerding DN, et al. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 1995;16:459-477. American Society of Health-System Pharmacists. Am J Health-Syst Pharm. 1998;55:1407-1411. Metronidazole vs Vancomycin  Zar et al1 classified patients as mild or severe CDI  In mild disease, vancomycin was slightly better than metronidazole (98% vs 90%)  Not statistically significant  In severe disease, vancomycin was significantly better than metronidazole (97% cure vs 76% cure) 1. Zar FA, et al. CID. 2007;45: 302-307. Clinical Success by Disease Severity: Tolevamer Phase III Results Mild CDI 3–5 BM/day WBC ≤15,000/mm3 Mild abdominal pain due to CDI Moderate CDI 6–9 BM/day WBC 15,001 to 20,000/mm3 Moderate abdominal pain due to CDI Severe CDI ≥ 10 BM/day WBC ≥20,001/mm3; Severe abdominal pain due to CDI Defining CDI Disease Severity Louie T, et al. The 47th Annual ICAAC Meeting, Sept. 17-20, 2007; Chicago, IL. Abstract k-425-a. Any one of the 3 defining characteristics assigns a patient to the more severe category. Metronidazole vs Vancomycin vs Tolevamer  Patients stratified as mild, moderate, or severe  Original goal of study was to evaluate tolevamer as a treatment for CDI Drug Mild Moderate Severe Tolevamer 59 46 37 Metronidazole 79 76 65 Vancomycin 85 80 85 Louie et al. ICAAC AbstractK-425-9 2007 Recurrent Clostridium difficile infection  Rates of recurrence  20% after 1st episode  45% after 1st recurrence  65% after two or more recurrences  No reports of Metronidazole or Vancomycin resistance following treatment Original Article Duodenal Infusion of Donor Feces for Recurrent Clostridium difficile Els van Nood, M.D., Anne Vrieze, M.D., Max Nieuwdorp, M.D., Ph.D., Susana Fuentes, Ph.D., Erwin G. Zoetendal, Ph.D., Willem M. de Vos, Ph.D., Caroline E. Visser, M.D., Ph.D., Ed J. Kuijper, M.D., Ph.D., Joep F.W.M. Bartelsman, M.D., Jan G.P. Tijssen, Ph.D., Peter Speelman, M.D., Ph.D., Marcel G.W. Dijkgraaf, Ph.D., and Josbert J. Keller, M.D., Ph.D. N Engl J Med Volume 368(5):407-415 January 31, 2013 Rates of Cure without Relapse for Recurrent Clostridium difficile Infection. van Nood E et al. N Engl J Med 2013;368:407-415. Case Report  79-year-old woman with multiple medical problems admitted to hospital for treatment of community-acquired pneumonia  Responds slowly to levofloxacin 750 mg daily  After 6 days  Develops diarrhea (9 loose BMs)  WBC count: 11,500/mm3  Day 7–14 loose BMs, WBC count rises to 19,500/mm3  Stool testing for C. difficile toxins A and B is requested  Continued antibiotic therapy for pneumonia is deemed necessary  How would you manage her care? A. Await stool test results and monitor her progress B. Empirically start metronidazole PO C. Empirically start metronidazole IV D. Empirically start vancomycin PO Case Report  79-year-old woman with multiple medical problems admitted to hospital for treatment of community-acquired pneumonia  Responds slowly to levofloxacin 750 mg daily  After 6 days  Develops diarrhea (9 loose BMs)  WBC count: 11,500/mm3  Day 7–14 loose BMs, WBC count rises to 19,500/mm3  Stool testing for C. difficile toxins A&B is requested  Continued antibiotic therapy for pneumonia is deemed necessary  How would you manage her care? A. Await stool test results and monitor her progress B. Empirically start metronidazole PO C. Empirically start metronidazole IV D. Empirically start vancomycin PO Treatment of Severe Disease  Follow definition of severe disease  >10 BM/day, high WBC, low albumin  This is a life-threatening infection  Surgical consultation recommended as patient may require a colectomy  Oral vancomycin drug of choice  Dose varies based on severity  Can add metronidazole (oral or IV) Management of Severe CDI  Early recognition is critical  Initiate therapy as soon as diagnosis is suspected  Manage as for mild CDI plus:  Oral vancomycin (125 mg QID for 10 to 14 days) as initial treatment  If patient is unable to tolerate oral medication, consider intracolonic vancomycin instillation (by enema)  0.5–1 g vancomycin (IV formulation) in 0.1 to 0.5 L of normal saline via rectal (or Foley) catheter  Clamp for 60 minutes  Repeat every 4–12 hours Gerding DN, et al. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 1995;16:459-477. Zar FA, et al. Clin Infect Dis. 2007;45:302-307. Louie T, et al. The 47th Annual ICAAC Meeting, Sept. 17-20, 2007; Chicago, IL. Abstract k-425-a. Apisarnthanarak A, et al. Clin Infect Dis. 2002;35:690-696.  Potential role of intravenous immunoglobulin G (IVIG)1-6  Antitoxin A IgG predicts clinical outcome of CDI  Serum antibodies to toxins A and B are prevalent in healthy populations  Recent studies in severe disease5,6  Well tolerated in small numbers of patients  Conflicting data regarding outcome improvement (mortality and need for colectomy)  Often administered when surgery is considered imminent 1. Salcedo J, et al. Gut 1997;41:366-370. 2. Beales ILP. Gut. 2002;51:456. 3. Kyne L, et al. N Engl J Med. 2000;342:390-397. 4. Kyne L, et al. Lancet. 2001;357:189-193. 5. McPherson S, et al. Dis Colon Rectum. 2006;49:640-645. 6. Juang P, et al. Am J Infect Control 2007;35:131-137. Management of Severe, Complicated CDI Treatment for Clostridium difficile - Summary  Discontinue preciptitatingantibiotics  Oral Vancomycin125/250 mg qid for 10-14 d  Oral Metronidazole 500 mg tid or qit for 10-14 d  Recent reports of resistance to metronidazole  IV give both antibiotics together 200 mg bid for 10 d  Fidaxomicin  Experimental fecal transplant (enemas) TEST TIME I. Which fact is incorrect about C. diff? a. Causes 500,000 cases per year b. Severity of illness has increased last few years c. Majority of C. diff cases are community acquired d. Relapses are major problem with C. diff and may respond to stool transplant II. Which of the following is incorrect regarding medical management of C. diff? a. Oral metronidazole is recommended for mild C. diff b. Oral vancomycin is preferred for moderate or severe C.diff c. Patients with fulminant C. diff with ileus should receive intravenous vancomycin III. Manifestations of fulminant C. diff include all the following except: a. Severe abd pain and worsening diarrhea b. Hypotension requiring vasopressors c. Dropping WBCs d. Respiratory failure requiring intubation e. Elevated lactate levels f. Renal failure IV. New approaches to C. diff infection include all of the following except:  PCR testing for quicker and more sensitive diagnosis – but may result in over-treatment of a carrier state  Stool transplant for recurrent disease  Less invasive surgical techniques to improve outcome and allow for earlier intervention  Fidaxomicin as an inexpensive and effective oral therapy for NAP-1 strain infections