GREEK AND LATIN SUFFIXES 1. SUBSTANTIVE SUFFIXES A) LATIN suffix meaning example -io act of, result of, process of inflammat-io inflammation -or agent flex-or a muscle the action of which is to flex a joint -ura act or result of action flex-ura flexion, result of bending -itas quality, state obes-itas obesity -mentum instrument, tool liga-mentum ligament -culus, a, um -ulus, a, um -olus, a, um -illus, a, um -ellus, a, um diminutive canali-culus small canal capit-ulum small head alve-olus small cavity or pit pupilla pupil (the dark circular aperture at the centre of the iris of the eye) cereb-ellum posterior brain mass B) GREEK suffix meaning example -ia disease allerg-ia allergy -iasis disease, pathological state psor-iasis a chronic skin disease characterized by circumscribed red patches covered with white scales -ismus 1. state 2. addiction nan-ismus dwarfism (a genetic abnormality resulting in short stature) alcohol-ismus alcoholism -itis inflammatory disease gastr-itis inflammation of the stomach -osis 1. non-inflammatory disease 2. degenerative disease nephr-osis a non-inflammatory disease of a kidney arthr-osis a degenerative disease of a joint -oma tumor carcin-oma a malignant tumor of epithelial origin 2. ADJECTIVE SUFFIXES A) Latin suffix meaning example -alis, e relation vertebr-alis -aris, e relation muscul-aris -inus, a, um relation uter-inus -eus, a, um relation cartilagin-eus -osus, a, um full of ven-osus -atus, a, um equipped with caud-atus -bilis, e possibility mo-bilis -ilis, e having the quality frag-ilis B) Greek suffix meaning example -icus, a, um relation thorac-icus -ideus, a, um similar to xipho-ideus EXERCISE 1 Form adjectives from the given nouns: 1. cranium, ii, n. 1a. facies, ei, f. 2. vertebra, ae, f. 3.corpus, oris, n. 4. os (sacrum), ossis, n. 5. coccyx, gis, f. 6. sternum, i, n. 7. costa, ae, f. 8. pelvis, is, f. 9.-16. manus, us, f. 9. clavicula, ae, f. 10. scapula, ae, f. 11. humerus, i, m. 12. radius, ii, m. 13. ulna, ae, f. 14. carpus, i, m. 15. metacarpus, i, m. 16. digitus, i, m. 17. pelvis, is, f. 18. cervix, icis, f. 19. femur, oris, n. 20. patella, ae, f. 21. tibia, ae, f. 22. fibula, ae. f. 23. phalanx, gis, f. EXERCISE 2 Give the nouns which the following adjectives come from: Note: The adjectives contain the suffix -icus, -a, -um, which is usually combined with nouns of Greek origin. gastricus, a, um thoracicus, a, um diabeticus, a, um hepaticus, a, um traumaticus, a, um caroticus, a, um allergicus, a, um diphthericus, a, um EXERCISE 3 Use the suffixes to derive adjectives with the meaning of words in brackets: -osus: arteria > .................................... (arterious, arterial) gangrena > .................................... (gangrenous) nervus > .................................... (nervous) ligamentum > .................................... (limagentous, ligamental) -icus allergia > .................................... (allergic) anatomia > .................................... (anatomic, anatomical) diphtheria > .................................... (diphtherial) haemorrhagia > .................................... (haemorrhagic) lympha > .................................... (lymphatic) ovarium > .................................... (ovarian) -inus palatum > .................................... (palatal, palatine) uterus > ................................ (uterine) EXERCISE 4 Derive names of inflammatory diseases from the given nouns: Example: gaster → genitive gastr-is → gastr-itis (gastritis, inflammatory disease of stomach) bronchus hepar meninx periosteum larynx myocardium colon pharynx EXERCISE 5 Derive names of inflammatory diseases from the given nouns, and match them with the adjectives in the correct form: Example: duodenum + acutus, a, um → duodenitis acuta appendix + gangraenosus, a, um pharynx + chronicus, a, um meninx + tuberculosus, a, um myocardium + purulentus, a, um colon + mucosus, a, um pericardium + siccus, a, um pancreas + acutus, a, um EXERCISE 6 Fill in missing diminutives/nouns which the diminutives were derived from: __________________ventriculus ___________________ septulum tuber _____________________ os (bone) __________________ ____________________cuticula ___________________ musculus canalis____________________ vena _______________________ ____________________ nodulus ____________________ auricula dens ______________________ valva _______________________